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McCoy Confirms Trade Rumors are False with McBeane

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Sounds good to me. We need to keep Shady, and I'm glad that he got the rumors shot down by McBeane.


I know, I know, anything is still possible until we get to Week 1. But I doubt that anything will happen.


Unless we get a call from a team that is willing to give us what Minnesota gave to Dallas for Herschel Walker.....I'm not interested.

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Sounds good to me. We need to keep Shady, and I'm glad that he got the rumors shot down by McBeane.


I know, I know, anything is still possible until we get to Week 1. But I doubt that anything will happen.


Unless we get a call from a team that is willing to give us what Minnesota gave to Dallas for Herschel Walker.....I'm not interested.

Agreed, I think it would send the wrong message to dump Shady besides it was such a one sided trade we need to keep him here long term to max out the returns

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What was the benefit in trading Watkins other than more picks?

...I don't think I can accept both situations as being analogous and it is just MY opinion.....Shady's injuries have been principally hammy and non-surgical whereas Sammy has had two surgeries......he was thought to have been cured after the first surgery only to find a second surgery was necessary....the human foot contains 26 bones according to anatomy so we take the complexity of the foot for granted....we'll never know if Sammy agreed with the brass who declined his fifth year option which was a hefty sum or if it may have soured him on Buffalo.....the medical prognosis going forward as well as the long term prognosis were probably intertwined with a financial decision....we will never know how the brass reached the decision to decline.....IF he goes on to have a healthy and productive career in LA (hope so), this place will be littered with "I told you so" threads so brace yourself... ....

Edited by OldTimeAFLGuy
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Firing fans? That is the most fantastic concept introduced here in some time.


Fanatically stupid??? You're fired.... Try Cleveland you tool... love it 3&12

That idea is right up there with not selling season tickets to out of town fans.

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Watkins found out in the media (ESPN if memory serves) that he was traded.

I have no idea with the Bills intentions are for Shady. And if I did I wouldn't tell you guys :) But if you believe what a NFL GM said to a star player who asked if trade rumors are true or not, I have some nice swamp land to sell you.

We, including Shady, won't know until the trade deadline is over. And that's true of any player.

I am pretty sure that McDermott and Beane pulled Sammy into their office and told him he was traded (at least that's what I read anyway).


IIRC, From what I read they also told the team leaders and then the rest of the team before the news was announced publicly.



Maybe you're thinking of Boldin retiring? I know most of the team found out about him retiring thru the media.

Edited by BillsFan4
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Of course anything can happen but I really can't see a team out there willing to take on Shady's contract at this stage in his career. He's 29 and he looks like he's in excellent shape but we all know the wall for running backs seems to be 30. Desperate teams do desperate things but again, I really don't see any team out there that'd be willing to pick up his contract right now. And I agree with the notion that trading out your best player overall would send a poor message to the team. Watkins and Darby were different situations. Bills weren't confident enough to pick up Watkins' 5th-year option and I believe he did say he was interested in seeing what was out there in free agency. So, knowing the chances of re-signing him were low and being less than 100% confident about his health, they decided to trade him. Darby is on his rookie deal and apparently wasn't buying in or adjusting well to the scheme changes, so those trades, as tough as they were, are probably a little easier to sell to the team. When you look at Shady you don't see the same circumstances so if he does get traded it'd send a pretty clear message to the current roster that the organization is much more focused on the future than the present.

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I'll gladly eat crow if Sammy isn't a stud in LA(assuming he gets the targets.)


He was going to have a BIG year here if they didn't trade him. They didn't want to pay him after that big year, IMO.


.....if he can stay healthy, Sammy and Woods could be a formidable duo in LA......why wish these kids otherwise as far as being successful?.....they could have picked up his 5th year, but must have felt the health risk was too great....keeping him the following year either would have meant a long term deal or tag......everything was predicated on health IMO..........

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The only people that believed and called for this are the fans that were wearing skirts after the Watkins/Darby trades

Are they trying out to be the new Jills?


Does McCoy need to verify latest fanboy rumor about trade to Green Bay?

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Yes. A realistic proposal worthy of major discussion.


Still on the team. :rolleyes:










Game day

What's the worst offer they would decline? Think they turn down an ok RB2 and day two pick, for instance?


Really I think the biggest hurdle would be that we have nothing viable behind him and I don't think we are full tank even if we aren't pushing for 2017

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