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OJ escaped in a Bronco, so ban Denver from using that name. I'd laugh but the SJW who danced with joy over his murder escape got very angry at his parole hearing.


OJ escaped in a Bronco, so ban Denver from using that name. I'd laugh but the SJW who danced with joy over his murder escape got very angry at his parole hearing.


By federal law in 1971, broncos and mustangs are "are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West."


So not only should the Broncos change their names, but the Ford Mustang should be banned, and all wild horses in the US should be put down as symbols of the genocide of Native Americans.


LoL... Nice choice of words... x2


You know the name of Lee's horse right?




Now, if we can just find a way to trigger the anti-Roy Rogers people. ;-)


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