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[closed]same crapas BBMB


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Being a Bills fan near Pittsburgh I have to deal with the Yinzers claiming Pittsburgh to be the greatest, being a fan of the Bills gets hard at times, but you'd think that coming to a Bills message board that id be able to enjoy being around fans of the same team, but just like at the old Buffalo Bills Message Boards there's to many fair weather cry baby participation trophy fans. Watkins NEVER lived up to his #4 draft slot, Darby did NOT fit the Zone D the Bills now run. Matthews has been the #1 slot WR the past 2 seasons and Gaines is a great Zone DB, plus he is better in run support. McCoy proved how bad Darby is against the run by juking him outa his shoes in the 2nd preseason game. Whaley was a good talent guy, but he wasn't a team builder, we now have a coach/GM that has been a part of TEAM 1st style clubs. I can see in the style of players they have signed and drafted that they see an image of the Bills that we haven't had in 20yrs. I don't think Tyrod is the answer but I'm willing to wait and see how this new O looks, Dennison likes Tyrod, he believes he can win with him, I don't put weight in preseason play, its a bland style and players tend to make plays they wouldn't make in a normal game. This Bills team has a lot of talent, we just didn't have a coach that new how to mold it, McD has molded several different Ds to play as a unit, and play for each other. We should all be willing to give our coach a chance to build this team. I'm 37 ive seen our good and bad years, so I understand the fans that are fed up, but lets all take a step back and let our new team leaders show us who they are, and what they can do

the title should say Crap as not crapas lol

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