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Should the NFL do away with the national anthem?


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Absolutely NO ONE would give a rat's ass about how a football player reacts to the National Anthem if the sports writers didn't ensure it was a story, and talk about it over and over and over.


Don't believe me? Try this simple test: force all sportswriters to stop writing about, reporting on or discussing the NFL. Just gives us game highlights, replay, score and stats.


Let's see who is still angry at the end of the season.

Agreed. Jim Nantz was caught on hot mic while players were kneeling during the National Anthem saying, "They're going to keep kneeling as long as they have the cameras in their face."

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Absolutely NO ONE would give a rat's ass about how a football player reacts to the National Anthem if the sports writers didn't ensure it was a story, and talk about it over and over and over.


Don't believe me? Try this simple test: force all sportswriters to stop writing about, reporting on or discussing the NFL. Just gives us game highlights, replay, score and stats.


Let's see who is still angry at the end of the season.

Like duh! No schit Sherlock, is this a new revelation?


Now, who's being fascist/communist by controlling the 5th estate?

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Hey, let's add this wrinkle to the mix:


It's honest-to-god illegal to not stand for the Anthem. 36 USC section 301.


It says "should" stand. Hardly illegal to not stand.

He wasn't released.



He would have a job, now, if not for his refusal to stand. Correct?


I always get a kick out of the "Patriotic Right" always blaming the media for everything and calling those on the left snowflakes, when it's the other team that is always crying foul about everything. Those are the people making it into a big deal, not the media.


"That guy isn't standing!!!!!"


Boo hoo. Suck it up or don't watch the games instead of incessantly whining.

Edited by Kemp
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It says "should" stand. Hardly illegal to not stand.




He would have a job, now, if not for his refusal to stand. Correct?


I always get a kick out of the "Patriotic Right" always blaming the media for everything and calling those on the left snowflakes, when it's the other team that is always crying foul about everything. Those are the people making it into a big deal, not the media.


"That guy isn't standing!!!!!"


Boo hoo. Suck it up or don't watch the games instead of incessantly whining.

The media is what's keeping this whole thing going. The great thing is that there are a bunch of other players protesting that are gainfully employed, so that doesn't help the whoa is me victim stance.

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It says "should" stand. Hardly illegal to not stand.



He would have a job, now, if not for his refusal to stand. Correct?


I always get a kick out of the "Patriotic Right" always blaming the media for everything and calling those on the left snowflakes, when it's the other team that is always crying foul about everything. Those are the people making it into a big deal, not the media.


"That guy isn't standing!!!!!"


Boo hoo. Suck it up or don't watch the games instead of incessantly whining.

He would have a job now with the 49ers if he hadn't opted out. He might have been considered in Miami except for his wearing of Che Guevara t-shirts while he was in Miami. He probably isn't being considered elsewhere because he's a schitty QB.

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Why does anyone care if a player doesn't want to stand during the national anthem? If no one complained, it wouldn't be an issue. Why does Person B have to acquiesce to the desires of Person A?


It's always been my understanding that one of the hallmarks of freedom is the ability to protest without fear of any form of punishment. If we start to prosecute those who protest, we'll be the same as the countries we claim to despise for the lack of their freedoms.


People get more bent out of shape by a player taking a knee during the anthem than a player who beats the piss out of a woman. That is unbelievably strange to me.


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A great piece by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham





So just to be clear, you're in favor of discrimination of labor against people exercising their 1st Amendment privileges, have somehow conflated the national anthem and the support of our military, and suggest that a reasonable person would condone violence against a person of color if deemed necessary. Congrats.

There's a vast gulf between expressing your personal opinions as a representative of yourself and doing it as a representative of your company. And public demonstration on company time while wearing your company logo makes you a de facto representative of your company.

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A great piece by Brent Bozell and Tim Graham






There's a vast gulf between expressing your personal opinions as a representative of yourself and doing it as a representative of your company. And public demonstration on company time while wearing your company logo makes you a de facto representative of your company.

We're not in disagreement. But the NFL's policy on the issue is that standing for the anthem is 'encouraged' but not required. If it was required, you'd have no recourse if you lost your job demonstrating.

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I think not being armed with a weapon?



Is a toy gun a weapon? If someone points a toy gun at an officer that looks exactly like a real gun, according to the cited webpage, that is considered "unarmed". Does the officer need to verify that what appears to be a gun is actually a firearm before he world be justified in protecting himself from reasonable imminent threat of death or great bodily harm? Of course not. My point is that it is absolutely ridiculous to cite 104 "unarmed" black men were killed by police, without looking at the actual facts and getting context as to what actually caused the deaths to occur.

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No. The anthem should stay.


I am about as far away from a nationalist as you can get. Many in fact believe me to be unpatriotic because I am a socialist humanist who doesn't exactly subscribe to the traditional and in my view outdated 19th century version of the nation state.


However, having pride in country is not something anyone should apologise for and flag and anthem are at heart, neutral, inoffensive manifestations of that.


Plus.... your anthem is a million times better than ours. I enjoy standing for it and even singing it (which got some funny looks at the World Atheltics Championships the other week). I'd rather sing about a flag than a song about a concept I don't believe in protecting an institution I don't believe in.

Edited by GunnerBill
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