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How soon til Trump Resigns

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There is talk tonight, this am that the Republican Leadership is turning against the President and word is that he may resign before they go that far. What do you think is the over/under on how long he lasts... and Pence is announced a President? I give it less than a month say before September 11.

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There is talk tonight, this am that the Republican Leadership is turning against the President and word is that he may resign before they go that far. What do you think is the over/under on how long he lasts... and Pence is announced a President? I give it less than a month say before September 11.

You are an idiot.

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I think he's right about the statues being taken down. It's just most politicians don't have the balls to say what a lot of Americans are thinking...


It's getting tiring that the leftist way of thinking is the only legitimate way of thinking, that agenda being pushed by 99% of the news organizations in the world, Hollywood, etc. Liberals are the most intolerant to other viewpoints, which is odd, because they preach progressivism and tolerance.


There really isn't a melting pot anymore, more like a sausage making machine being run my the liberal media.


Having said all that, Trump is definitely arrogant, doesn't put in the effort to gather all the information before making stupid tweets, and is a basically a forum warrior. However, I'd still rather have him over Hillary.


And before someone spouts off how Trump is creating all this racial tension, no, it was already there and will continue to be there no matter who is in office...


I don't see Trump resigning any time soon, the American people and the gov't are just going to have to deal with it I think.


Trump might be enabling white nationalists, but not any more than Obama enabled black lives matter.


Bottom line is don't let politics run your life, just like don't let the Bills games on Sundays run your life, I imagine it's a very sad and bleak existence if you do.

Edited by T-Bomb
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You are an idiot.

Now there is a response... very Trumpesque...

Cute that you said "how soon" instead of "will." This is a provocateur thread and nothing of substance will be discussed so moving on.

Of course it is, only deal is its the Republicans this time talking about him being unfit for offense and rumors abound they may move to remove him. Already Pence is doing Public appearances and Trump is in hiding. So again make a prediction, do the Republican move on him and how soon? Republican are the only one that can decide this. Of course the Democrats will make as much hay about this as possible, plenty disengenous. But I am hearing the GOP may be moving on from Trump.... just not sure how widespread it is or so far only a few? Edited by North Buffalo
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Now there is a response... very Trumpesque...


Of course it is, only deal is its the Republicans this time talking about him being unfit for offense and rumors abound they may move to remove him. Already Pence is doing Public appearances and Trump is in hiding. So again make a prediction, do the Republican move on him and how soon? Republican are the only one that can decide this. Of course the Democrats will make as much hay about this as possible, plenty indigenous. But I am hearing the GOP may be moving on from Trump.... just not sure how widespread it is or so far only a few?

Is that a swipe at Elizabeth Warren? I am having a hard time answering your question because predicting what Trump will do is impossible.

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Reprisals are a mother!@#$er, and be prepared for them if there's any type of move to remove trump from office.


NOTHING has been found to support such a move despite millions of dollars spent on the task. If tit for tat is what the Democrats want, they'll get it, and you'd better believe they'll squeal like stuck pigs when it happens.

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Trump might be enabling white nationalists, but not any more than Obama enabled black lives matter

One of those groups wants to erase people from the Earth, the other wants to stop being killed by cops.


What's with the "whataboutthemism"? Why are you rationalizing Nazis by pointing at someone else?

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One of those groups wants to erase people from the Earth, the other wants to stop being killed by cops.


What's with the "whataboutthemism"? Why are you rationalizing Nazis by pointing at someone else?


Obviously you forgot about the BLM terrorists that killed a bunch of cops in Dallas or that burnt Ferguson to the ground. Convenient memory is convenient.

Edited by joesixpack
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One of those groups wants to erase people from the Earth, the other wants to stop being killed by cops.


What's with the "whataboutthemism"? Why are you rationalizing Nazis by pointing at someone else?

You may want to read about both the history and current state of Antifa and look at the statistics when it comes to the % of black people killed by cops compared to white people.

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Obviously you forgot about the BLM terrorists that killed a bunch of cops in Dallas or that burnt Ferguson to the ground. Convenient memory is convenient.

In every situation, you have to ask why. What do you think the motive was?

You may want to read about both the history and current state of Antifa and look at the statistics when it comes to the % of black people killed by cops compared to white people.

Am I correct in interpreting "antifa" as meaning "anti-fascist"?

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In every situation, you have to ask why. What do you think the motive was?


Am I correct in interpreting "antifa" as meaning "anti-fascist"?


It doesn't matter what the motive is, terrorism is terrorism. You don't try and understand terrorists. You eradicate them like the roaches they are.

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Here's my beef tho: the media upholds antifa terrorists as heroes. Take a look at what happened at Berkeley last summer.

That's the first time I heard about the group and was appalled at what I saw.

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One of those groups wants to erase people from the Earth, the other wants to stop being killed by cops.


What's with the "whataboutthemism"? Why are you rationalizing Nazis by pointing at someone else?


It's not as simple as black lives matter wanting blacks to stop being killed by cops, don't be so naïve. People need to stop painting that movement as some type of "wholesome movement of goodness".


And ofc, white nationalists are obviously in the wrong, that's not even debatable.


The point is, Obama was just as guilty as Trump when it comes to "inciting" racial tensions, something the liberal media is very blind to.


In any event, these issues are not going away in our lifetimes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVVaRJ5pCAw

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It's not as simple as black lives matter wanting blacks to stop being killed by cops, don't be so naïve. People need to stop painting that movement as some type of "wholesome movement of goodness".


And ofc, white nationalists are obviously in the wrong, that's not even debatable.


The point is, Obama was just as guilty as Trump when it comes to "inciting" racial tensions, something the liberal media is very blind to.


In any event, these issues are not going away in our lifetimes:

The treatment of AA's by American police since the 13th amendment speaks for itself. I mean, dude.

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There is talk tonight, this am that the Republican Leadership is turning against the President and word is that he may resign before they go that far. What do you think is the over/under on how long he lasts... and Pence is announced a President? I give it less than a month say before September 11.

he'll need quit by next July...in accordance with the prophecy.

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'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter predicts Trump will resign

"The circle is closing at blinding speed," Schwartz tweeted. "Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice."

In a follow-up tweet, he added: "Trump's presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner."

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