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Rape is something you can never forget

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Note to professional athletes.....there ARE people out there that would like nothing better then extort your money......so use some damn common sense.



And keep your pee-pee out of cha-chas unless it's desired there by someone who is at least the age of majority.

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Or, just have sex with only your own wife.  Novel concept, that.



Or, don't get married until after you retire and there aren't 17 girls ar every corner that want to <because this is the kinder, gentler TBD, i choose to replace what I was going to say here with "do naughty things to you">.


Like David Carr. That dumbass got married at 19! Now, I know, there's more to life than T&A, but seriously, he coulda lived the sweetest lifestyle imaginable for at least a couple years, couldn't he? Man, I hate him.. :(

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Guest ForeverBillsNutty


Sorry if its a repost. I'll delete if so.



I sypathise with Kobe. I had a girl once who went to the police and said I raped her. After I talked to the police and told them it was consensual and named some other guys she was with all the time they didnt even arrest me and they said they were sorry for wasting my time. No hard feelings I told them

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Man, what a mess this turned out to be for him. It wrecked his image, his career (to some extent), cost millions and made a mockery of his marriage. He probably would have been a good guy for a studio/commentator job. That probably won't happen now. He's always going to be Kobe Bryant- the guy that was accused of rape. You reap what you sew.

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This guy either raped her, or he did not.


There is no question he a low life loser and always will be no matter how much money he makes. That is documented.


For people to type about a possible rape victim in this manner astounds me. She might have been lying, and she might not have been. If she's lying, then you're right (whoop de friggin do). If she's not, then you are slandering her after she was raped. What would be a good reason for this? To prove that you are a loyal Lakers fan? Congrats.

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This guy either raped her, or he did not.


There is no question he a low life loser and always will be no matter how much money he makes.  That is documented.


For people to type about a possible rape victim in this manner astounds me.  She might have been lying, and she might not have been.  If she's lying, then you're right (whoop de friggin do).  If she's not, then you are slandering her after she was raped.  What would be a good reason for this?  To prove that you are a loyal Lakers fan?  Congrats.



I hate the lakers and I hate Kobe. But the truth is, when she went in to be examined, they found another man's semen in/on her. That means after she was "raped", she had sex with someone else and THEN went and reported the rape. Sounds pretty traumatized. Then, after lawyers told her she needed to testify, she said she woudn't. Funny how she doesn't care if he goes to jail, but she'll happily go and cash that check. Man, must be nice to be set for life for making an accusation.

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I hate the lakers and I hate Kobe. But the truth is, when she went in to be examined, they found another man's semen in/on her. That means after she was "raped", she had sex with someone else and THEN went and reported the rape.  Sounds pretty traumatized. Then, after lawyers told her she needed to testify, she said she woudn't. Funny how she doesn't care if he goes to jail, but she'll happily go and cash that check. Man, must be nice to be set for life for making an accusation.



Kobe's an ass regardless. He set himself up for that accusation so he deserves everything he gets. When are these idiot athletes or famous people in general realize that not everyone just wants to sleep with them because they're famous. Most have ulterior motives.

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I hate the lakers and I hate Kobe. But the truth is, when she went in to be examined, they found another man's semen in/on her. That means after she was "raped", she had sex with someone else and THEN went and reported the rape.  Sounds pretty traumatized. Then, after lawyers told her she needed to testify, she said she woudn't. Funny how she doesn't care if he goes to jail, but she'll happily go and cash that check. Man, must be nice to be set for life for making an accusation.


I'm not going to get into this, but for every piece of "evidence" that you cite, there is also one that refutes Kobe's story. Of couse his 3' 10" lawyer brow beat the judge into not admitting them in the trial.


One question Quincy, how do you know the (reported) semen was deposited in her underwear after she was with Kobe?


P.S. The Laker fan thingy wasn't directed at you.

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This guy either raped her, or he did not.


There is no question he a low life loser and always will be no matter how much money he makes.  That is documented.


For people to type about a possible rape victim in this manner astounds me.  She might have been lying, and she might not have been.  If she's lying, then you're right (whoop de friggin do).  If she's not, then you are slandering her after she was raped.  What would be a good reason for this?  To prove that you are a loyal Lakers fan?  Congrats.



Do you realize that you are creating a big double standard in that post? (not arguing with you I just wanted to make sure you saw it)


- Kobe Bryant....low life loser....no matter what

- Alleged Victim...how dare she be trashed


I think that fans live in a fake world when it comes to the athletes that play on their teams....do you realize just how many pro athletes cheat on their families? One of the most beloved athletes of all time....Michael Jordan....was NOTORIOUS for it....it happens a lot more then you think. Do I find it morally wrong? You bet....but it happens so lets call out ALL of the athletes that do this sort of thing and not make Kobe Bryant sound like an exception.


Alleged Victim.....had her chance to truly seek justice in a CRIMINAL trial and bailed out on the prosecution at the last minute....who basically didn't have a shred of evidence but was going to go forward anyway. She refused to testify in a criminal trial but had absolutely no problem going after the money.


Kobe just didn't want to put his family or himself through this anymore....and wrote her a check to make her go away....she is a EXTORTIONIST...now it is his fault for allowing himself to be caught in the situation to begin with....and that is what he is paying for....


To me this has very little to do with being a laker fan (which I am) and more to do with a crackhead, suicidal, ex mental patient found a way to make some easy money.....and athletes better beware because this scenario is going to be repeated because it worked......

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