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Speaking of lines, Caps and TD

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Ya know, I am so sick of Peter King and his crowd and their never ending mantra of how players make sacricies financially to stay in NE. Did you see where Anduzzi just signed with Cleveland for 9 million over 4 years( iknow this old). Now I know many on this board are killin TD for not resigning Pat and JJ, but god if the Pats can let the "soul" of their OL go for that measly amount, maybe TD does know more than the rest of us.


Also, outside of Brady, has one NE player taken less to stay with the Pats in the last 4 years. Someone needs to start to calling these guys on their Pats love fest and how the guys sacrifce finacially for the team. They may but into a team first philosphy on the field and not freelance and not B word about PT, but they sure do not take a deal for less money, IMHO

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Also, outside of Brady, has one NE player taken less to stay with the Pats in the last 4 years.


When did even Brady "take less" to stay with the Pats? As far as I can recall, he's never been a free agent, and he's in line for a mega-extension sometime this offseason that will put the kibosh on all that "underpaid" talk about him.

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Also, outside of Brady, has one NE player taken less to stay with the Pats in the last 4 years. Someone needs to start to calling these guys on their Pats love fest and how the guys sacrifce finacially for the team. They may but into a team first philosphy on the field and not freelance and not B word about PT, but they sure do not take a deal for less money, IMHO



light and bruschi are two other examples........

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light and bruschi are two other examples........


I don't know about Light but you can't really cite Bruschi as an example. If, instead of signing his extension last year, he had gone on the open market, he probably wouldn't have gotten much more than he did get from the Pats. Now, he had an excellent 2004, but there was no guarantee at the time he signed his deal that that was going to happen.


And now that his career may be over, he's looking awfully smart for taking the money last year instead of waiting to become a FA this offseason.

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I don't know about Light but you can't really cite Bruschi as an example.  If, instead of signing his extension last year, he had gone on the open market, he probably wouldn't have gotten much more than he did get from the Pats.  Now, he had an excellent 2004, but there was no guarantee at the time he signed his deal that that was going to happen.


And now that his career may be over, he's looking awfully smart for taking the money last year instead of waiting to become a FA this offseason.



And he did it with no agent, which saves some beacoup bucks. My point is these guys leave for the cash, and BB lets them, the same as players from any other team.

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And he did it with no agent, which saves some beacoup bucks.


Exactly, that's the other side of the coin. An agent might have gotten Bruschi 10% more, but would have pocketed the whole thing for himself.

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