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I did NOT ask your opinion... I asked where your 'Black-lives-matter-kills-cops' bulls#!t went when white extremists were killing cops?


'Nowhere to be found' seems to be the answer....


Wonderful thing about this board...you don't have to ask for an opinion. People can simply opt to give it to you, and are free to do so.



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Wonderful thing about this board...you don't have to ask for an opinion. People can simply opt to give it to you, and are free to do so.




He understands it, he's an avowed fascist who realizes free speech is a tool which can be used against fascists like himself. That's why he's so against it.

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He understands it, he's an avowed fascist who realizes free speech is a tool which can be used against fascists like himself. That's why he's so against it.


He's not a fascist, YOU'RE a fascist, and he'll prove it with the deft application of the "I'm rubber, you're glue..." didactic.

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Wonderful thing about this board...you don't have to ask for an opinion. People can simply opt to give it to you, and are free to do so.




:o I never said the guy couldn't offer his worthless opinion.


He just stated that I "asked" for it. -Which was a lie.


and he'll prove it with the deft application of the "I'm rubber, you're glue..." didactic.


The duma$$ in question offered photos of dead cops to support a baseless, nonsensical, claim dispelled by numerous news outlets, plus the investigative bodies themselves! https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/09/us/dallas-police-shooting.html


Tom, how do you justify your obvious ties to the FILM movement? (Freaking Idiot Lives Matter.)



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53 pages of a "nothingburger". I think at Charlottesville the Deplorables came out of the basement and showed America that a $4 Tiki torch and a Nazi style haircut doesn't make your argument cogent. Chanting "Blood & Soil", "White Lives Matter" & "Jews will not replace us" clearly shows these young kids have no idea the forces that oppress them. They are looking for identity and a sense of belonging and found it in their isolation online. They found out being a troll has much greater consequences in person then it does using a pseudonym on some message board.

So you're saying these guys are dumbass idiots? Gee you're the only one here saying that. You win a prize or something

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I did NOT ask your opinion... I asked where your 'Black-lives-matter-kills-cops' bulls#!t went when white extremists were killing cops?


'Nowhere to be found' seems to be the answer....




Well lets just go back to your list shall we ?




April 4, 2009.


April 25, 2009.


May 20, 2010.


Aug. 16, 2012.


Sept. 4, 2012.



Bottom line: You don't need to be an angry black guy to kill police officers (of course no one has said that or even implied it....you made it up in your fevered mind)



Lets see, "Black Lives Matter formed created and funded in the aftermath of Shaun King shooting (July 13, 2013; to be exact)


So I guess we didn't criticize them, because.............they weren't around yet :lol:

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Well lets just go back to your list shall we ?




Lets see, "Black Lives Matter formed created and funded in the aftermath of Shaun King shooting (July 13, 2013; to be exact)


So I guess we didn't criticize them, because.............they weren't around yet :lol:




You were fine with all manner of carnage until a group of black people got mad....


THEN you HAD to stand up because.... Dammit! -Only white people get to do that s#!t! :lol:

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You were fine with all manner of carnage until a group of black people got mad....


THEN you HAD to stand up because.... Dammit! -Only white people get to do that s#!t! :lol:



Well, you are wrong two posts in a row (good thing I was sitting down)


You continue to leap to conclusions to fit your own bias.


I point out that your other post was foolish because we could not speak out against an organization that wasn't around yet and you somehow extrapolate that into an admission that we think it is okay for whites to kill cops.


pretty childish reasoning.


ANY police killing was condemned here............over and over........no matter the skin pigmentation of the killer or the motive.


but keep spewing the "you were fine with the carnage excrement".................we all realize that is the only way you can justify your own bigotry.







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ANY police killing was condemned here............over and over........no matter the skin pigmentation of the killer or the motive.


but keep spewing the "you were fine with the carnage excrement".................we all realize that is the only way you can justify your own bigotry.






Your lack of vitriol for alt-right, and white supremacists groups affiliated with ACTUAL cop-killings is what's puzzling...


There's reams of posts, (by you, joesixpack, and jboyst), railing against the imminent threat of BLM, -yet nothing against the cop-killing Sovereign citizens, or Neo Nazis...


How is BLM a bigger threat than groups behind attacks like these....






But wait... -We should ignore people like this because they're just dumb, and not really dangerous.


Your pile of bulls#!t is getting REALLY high... :)

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Your lack of vitriol for alt-right, and white supremacists groups affiliated with ACTUAL cop-killings is what's puzzling...


There's reams of posts, (by you, joesixpack, and jboyst), railing against the imminent threat of BLM, -yet nothing against the cop-killing Sovereign citizens, or Neo Nazis...


Hypocritical post of the month. Good job.

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Yet another moron, alt-right, sock puppet with absolutely nothing to offer. -Nice. :thumbsup:


How in the ever-lovin' !@#$ does a blithering idiot like you get through the day without strangling themselves in a freak shoelace-tying accident? Velcro straps on your Keds?

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He's trolling you guys.

Unfortunately almost all people like him are not actually trolling, they are flexing their intellectual might. Sad, init?


The facist anti-fa think that they have you in a corner if you don't say exactly what they want you to say while simultaneously sucking them off.


As far as I'm concerned, if a small tactical nuke had gone off in the middle of this mess, vaporizing both sides, it wouldn't have been a big loss.


BLM, KKK, Nazi, Anti-Fa, their respective supporters, they all have one thing in common. They all shared the same shoreline of the gene pool.

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How in the ever-lovin' !@#$ does a blithering idiot like you get through the day without strangling themselves in a freak shoelace-tying accident? Velcro straps on your Keds?


:o Ouch! -Do you kiss your psychiatric nurse with that same mouth?





The facist anti-fa think that they have you in a corner if you don't say exactly what they want you to say while simultaneously sucking them off.




Sounds like a flashback from your date-night with DC Tom.

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