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Unfortunately, as the parties drift further apart and the divisions within each party grows leading to even more gridlock, EO's are going to only increase with each president will feel it's the only way to get anything done. If Trump gets reelected and the Democrats retake the House and Senate by 2022 which could very well happen, I think Trump will make Obama look like a choir boy when it comes to executive overreach by the time his 2nd term is through.

How many of Trump's EO's were meant to nullify Obama's EO's?

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This post is the embodiment of all that is wrong with the far-right.


Displaying slain officer's photos like they were mug shots seems tasteless enough, but the suggestion that


every murderous, suicidal, black guy is somehow a member of "Black Lives Matter" is just proof of how deranged a few participants in this discussion have gotten.


Thanks for the extra helping of stupid, fellas! -As if we needed it.






2nd paragraph after the subtitle "Coming home" -You'll find it in many other places too.


CNN? Fake news. Also, the dallas shooter was a self-identified member of BLM

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This post is the embodiment of all that is wrong with the far-right.


Displaying slain officer's photos like they were mug shots seems tasteless enough, but the suggestion that


every murderous, suicidal, black guy is somehow a member of "Black Lives Matter" is just proof of how deranged a few participants in this discussion have gotten.


Thanks for the extra helping of stupid, fellas! -As if we needed it.


So displaying the evidence that contradicts your baseless argument is tasteless


Got it

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This post is the embodiment of all that is wrong with the far-right.


Displaying slain officer's photos like they were mug shots seems tasteless enough, but the suggestion that


every murderous, suicidal, black guy is somehow a member of "Black Lives Matter" is just proof of how deranged a few participants in this discussion have gotten.


Thanks for the extra helping of stupid, fellas! -As if we needed it.






2nd paragraph after the subtitle "Coming home" -You'll find it in many other places too.

I really wish you'd consider being an hero
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How many of Trump's EO's were meant to nullify Obama's EO's?

Most of them. Some I agree with. Some I don't. In the hypothetical scenario that Democrats take either the House or Senate with Trump in office, it's my personal opinion that Trump will be even worse than Obama when it comes to executive overreach based on Trump's rhetoric and actions before and after taking office.

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Also, the dallas shooter was a self-identified member of BLM


More bullschitt from a seemingly infinite reserve of falsehoods.


So displaying the evidence that contradicts your baseless argument is tasteless


Got it


:lol: Those photos provide evidence your dumb a$$ can cut and paste. -Barely!

Edited by #34fan
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CNN? Fake news. Also, the dallas shooter was a self-identified member of BLM

That doesn't matter you nazi. It also doesn't matter that he brought a gun and perched himself atop buildings to get good shots. That shows no prior intent. He acted emotionally. Now the Nazi loon brought his CAR to the rally. What else was he going to do with his car other than run people over? TONS of prior intent displayed. Also take into account that ISIS dudes preemptively copycatted this tactic on multiple occasions.

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:lol: Those photos provide evidence your dumb a$$ can cut and paste. -Barely!


It also proves that I can also make proper use of the IMG tag


And that you, as many other Leftists, result to character attacks when faced with evidence contradicting your insular world view

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I just think the whole size of government thing means you are closer to totalitarians is silly. The slaves lived is a system of totalitarisim but that was a small government system. Racism is what connects Nazis to the far right and seeps into some mainstream Republicanism too I would argue. Trump's pardon of an obvious racist probably won't cost him many votes. But we shall see



Complete crap. Because commies want to say all people on the right are racist and have racist intent, they connect them to Nazis. There is no connection. It is false. In fact, Nazis are leftists.


There are people on the right who are racist. There are also people on the left who are racist. Neither the right itself, nor the left itself is racist. The left has certainly enacted of lot of legislation which presupposes minorities are incapable of self determination as individuals though, so you can call that racism if you'd like.

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It also proves that I can also make proper use of the IMG tag


And that you, as many other Leftists, result to character attacks when faced with evidence contradicting your insular world view


Where was your bullschitt when these cops died at the hands of white extremists ??? :blink:


April 4, 2009. Richard Andrew Poplawski, a frequent poster on the white supremacist Stormfront website who apparently believes a national "gun ban" is imminent, kills three Pittsburgh police officers.


April 25, 2009. Joshua Cartwright kills two Okaloosa County, Florida sheriff's deputies. Per a police report, Cartwright's wife says he was paranoid about the U.S. government and "extremely disturbed" by Barack Obama's election.


May 20, 2010. A father-son pair named Jerry and Joseph Kane (who conduct "seminars" about how "sovereign citizens" can evade debt) kill two West Memphis, Arkansas police officers.


Aug. 16, 2012. "Sovereign citizen"-movement adherents Brian Smith and Kyle Joekel, who are now awaiting trial, allegedly kill two Louisiana sheriff's deputies in a trailer-park ambush.


Sept. 4, 2012. Christopher Lacy, a software engineer who lives in a rural trailer and apparently sympathizes with the "sovereign citizen" movement, shoots a California Highway Patrol officer who dies the next day.


Bottom line: You don't need to be an angry black guy to kill police officers

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Where was your bullschitt when these cops died at the hands of white extremists ??? :blink:


April 4, 2009. Richard Andrew Poplawski, a frequent poster on the white supremacist Stormfront website who apparently believes a national "gun ban" is imminent, kills three Pittsburgh police officers.


April 25, 2009. Joshua Cartwright kills two Okaloosa County, Florida sheriff's deputies. Per a police report, Cartwright's wife says he was paranoid about the U.S. government and "extremely disturbed" by Barack Obama's election.


May 20, 2010. A father-son pair named Jerry and Joseph Kane (who conduct "seminars" about how "sovereign citizens" can evade debt) kill two West Memphis, Arkansas police officers.


Aug. 16, 2012. "Sovereign citizen"-movement adherents Brian Smith and Kyle Joekel, who are now awaiting trial, allegedly kill two Louisiana sheriff's deputies in a trailer-park ambush.


Sept. 4, 2012. Christopher Lacy, a software engineer who lives in a rural trailer and apparently sympathizes with the "sovereign citizen" movement, shoots a California Highway Patrol officer who dies the next day.


Bottom line: You don't need to be an angry black guy to kill police officers

My Dad is a retired cop


I'll just leave you with that and let you jump to your own conclusion. You seem to enjoy it

Edited by /dev/null
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53 pages of a "nothingburger". I think at Charlottesville the Deplorables came out of the basement and showed America that a $4 Tiki torch and a Nazi style haircut doesn't make your argument cogent. Chanting "Blood & Soil", "White Lives Matter" & "Jews will not replace us" clearly shows these young kids have no idea the forces that oppress them. They are looking for identity and a sense of belonging and found it in their isolation online. They found out being a troll has much greater consequences in person then it does using a pseudonym on some message board.

Edited by Dr.Sack
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53 pages of a "nothingburger". I think at Charlottesville the Deplorables came out of the basement and showed America that a $4 Tiki torch and a Nazi style haircut doesn't make your argument cogent. Chanting "Blood & Soil", "White Lives Matter" & "Jews will not replace us" clearly shows these young kids have no idea the forces that oppress them. They are looking for identity and a sense of belonging and found it in their isolation online. They found out being a troll has much greater consequences in person then it does using a pseudonym on some message board.


Pretty much this.

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You asked my opinion on cop killers

I provided you with a factoid and left you to ponder how that relates to my opinion of cop killers


I did NOT ask your opinion... I asked where your 'Black-lives-matter-kills-cops' bulls#!t went when white extremists were killing cops?


'Nowhere to be found' seems to be the answer....

Edited by #34fan
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