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kinda like Obama never used the words Islamic Terrorism, or having hate groups like BLM at the oval office many times

Hell, the WH was the de facto headquarters for the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA.

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Posted (edited)

Is Charlottesville What's Really Going On in the USA?

by Roger Simon


Being a Jewish fella, I don't hold much brief for white supremacists and neo-Nazis. But until this Saturday, I hadn't seen a lot of them around lately. And I've been going about the country quite a bit for the last couple of years, hitting roughly half the states, including some like Mississippi where the Klan was once riding high.


I'm happy to report that on my visit to the black-owned Two Sister's Kitchen in the capital of that state, Jackson, blacks and whites were both equally, and contentedly in my eyes, braving the criticism of their cardiologists for what is reputed to be the best fried chicken in town. I recommend it wholeheartedly (no pun intended).

Nevertheless, the types who surfaced in Charlottesville on Saturday are certainly human beings of the most repellent and disgusting sort, murderous too -- pretty much violent, evil sociopaths. I wouldn't mind if they were all rounded up, put in a space ship, and sent on a one-way trip to Alpha Centauri.

But how many of them are there really in this land of ours and is this an epidemic?

Well, it's hard to tell because statistics are scant and various organizations have their reasons for inflating or deflating the numbers. But we could start with the History Channel (history.com), which informs us that the KKK, at its height in the 1920s, had four million members. Since the population then was just over one hundred million, that's close to four percent of the country -- in other words, really bad. There were a helluva lot of murderous racists around.

By the 1990s, however, the same source tells us the Klan was down to a paltry 6,000-10,000 people creeps nationwide. Has it gone up since then? Hard to say, but if so, not much.

Well, okay, the Klan, although it's the most famous and features the ever-popular David Duke, is not the only organization of wretched white supremacist nut cases. There are a number of others. So for the sake of argument, let's say there are as many as 100,000 white supremacists in America today. (This is undoubtedly a vast exaggeration, but let's use it, as I said, for the sake of argument.)

Meanwhile, since the 1920s, our population has more than tripled to some 325 million. Using the figure of 100,000 white supremacists (not many of whom made it to Charlottesville fortunately), this puts the percentage of white supremacists in the U.S. at a puny 0.03%. Terrible people, yes, but no epidemic by any stretch of the imagination.

More to the point, are there more of these white supremacists than members of the equally violent and disgusting Antifa movement? Again statistics are hard to come by. (Both sides like to wear masks.) But I tend to doubt it. If anything, Antifahas been far more active, until Saturday.

Obviously, none of this is to exonerate in the slightest the human excrement that descended on Charlottesville. It's just to put them in perspective. For the next week or two -- assuming we're not at war with North Korea -- we will hear non-stop geschreiing from our media about what a racist nation we are, how we have to come together, rend our shirts, investigate this and that and endlessly discuss how bad we are until we're finally forgiven at some undetermined point in an ever vanishing future that seems never to arrive.

Don't play that game. What happened in Charlottesville isn't us. It's just a small group of real bad people. Indict them, convict them, and lock them up for a long as possible. The rest of us should move on. We have a lot better things to do.


Glenn Reynolds: Ordinary Americans lead the way on racial healing







Added: Of course you are not "allowed" to think this way no matter who you are:

That escalated QUICKLY! Lefties RAGE at Lady Gaga for starting #ThisIsNotUs tag after #Charlottesville

Edited by B-Man

People "should be locked up for [having] radical views".


You've lost. Stop digging.

Gatorbait = Tiberius. Just FYI. He admitted its his second troll account because too many people have tibs on ignore.


Just FYI.




Gatorbait = Tiberius. Just FYI. He admitted its his second troll account because too many people have tibs on ignore.


Just FYI.



I was wasted that night. You truly will believe any conspiracy you hear, huh?



Weimer said that he taught Fields during his junior and senior years at Randall K. Cooper High School in Kentucky. During a class called “America’s Modern Wars,” Weimer said that Fields wrote a deeply researched paper about the Nazi military during World War II.


“It was obvious that he had this fascination with Nazism and a big idolatry of Adolf Hitler,” Weimer said. “He had white supremacist views. He really believed in that stuff.”


Weimer said that Fields’s research project into the Nazi military was well written but appeared to be a “big lovefest for the German military and the Waffen SS.”


I was wasted that night. You truly will believe any conspiracy you hear, huh?

He is a funny little guy, though


Weimer said that he taught Fields during his junior and senior years at Randall K. Cooper High School in Kentucky. During a class called “America’s Modern Wars,” Weimer said that Fields wrote a deeply researched paper about the Nazi military during World War II.


“It was obvious that he had this fascination with Nazism and a big idolatry of Adolf Hitler,” Weimer said. “He had white supremacist views. He really believed in that stuff.”


Weimer said that Fields’s research project into the Nazi military was well written but appeared to be a “big lovefest for the German military and the Waffen SS.”



By that standard, I'm a neo-Nazi.


(In other words, that's a ridiculous !@#$ing standard.)


Gatorbait = Tiberius. Just FYI. He admitted its his second troll account because too many people have tibs on ignore.


Just FYI.



Not a chance in hell. As a writer you should be able to discern their separate "tells". Besides, have you ever known gator to tell the truth?

Posted (edited)

I've read through this entire thread and I'm not shocked by the lack of support for these far right Confederate Nazi southern racists led by Richard Spencer.


As de-industrialization and the economic policies of neoliberalism have forced many of us to leave Western NY to pursue a middle class lifestyle, many of us have ended up south of the Mason-Dixon. Anyone with a Buffalo or Western NY accent is quickly greeted with passive aggressive terms such as 'Yankees', 'War of Northern Aggression' or worse 'carpet-bagger'. In the south they see President Lincoln as a great imperialist and conqueror.


As someone who lived many years in the south it never ceased to amaze me when I was asked where I was from. Literally it was a daily part of life. Never did a black person ask me, always the white people. There is an expectation in the south that when you move there you conform to that society, say things like "y'all, fixing to, bless your heart." Many neighbors didn't say the N-word by used more modern disparaging terms like 'the hoods' in referring to black people in our subdivision or 'plantation' as they are all called in the south.


Now I live far from the south. In the years since moving I've never been asked where I'm from or made to feel uncomfortable because my ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War against traitors.

Edited by Dr.Sack

Is it just a coincidence that Tiberius/Gatorbait both have mushroom clouds as their avatar?

If you are two different people, then you are both F'd in the head.


I've read through this entire thread and I'm not shocked by the lack of support for these far right Confederate Nazi southern racists led by Richard Spencer.


As de-industrialization and the economic policies of neoliberalism have forced many of us to leave Western NY to pursue a middle class lifestyle, many of us have ended up south of the Mason-Dixon. Anyone with a Buffalo or Western NY accent is quickly greeted with passive aggressive terms such as 'Yankees', 'War of Northern Aggression' or worse 'carpet-bagger'. In the south they see President Lincoln as a great imperialist and conqueror.


As someone who lived many years in the south it never ceased to amaze me when I was asked where I was from. Literally it was a daily part of life. Never did a black person ask me, always the white people. There is an expectation in the south that when you move there you conform to that society, say things like "y'all, fixing to, bless your heart." Many neighbors didn't say the N-word by used more modern disparaging terms like 'the hoods' in referring to black people in our subdivision or 'plantation' as they are all called in the south.


Now I live far from the south. In the years since moving I've never been asked where I'm from or made to feel uncomfortable because my ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War against traitors.


You are so thoroughly retarded.


Is it just a coincidence that Tiberius/Gatorbait both have mushroom clouds as their avatar?

If you are two different people, then you are both F'd in the head.

Mine is a gator head with an orange and blue filter because I like the Florida gators almost as much as I like the Bills
Posted (edited)

Gatorbait = Tiberius. Just FYI. He admitted its his second troll account because too many people have tibs on ignore.


Just FYI.



I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic in that post. The posting styles are different, and this poster is actually inquisitive, and has been, to date, open to persuasion given a better counter argument.


I'm actually fairly confident that this will be one of those times as soon as he allows himself to dispassionately review the facts, and stops trying to work his way through difficult problems with his feelings.


The fact that he just attempted to dismis an argument built on internal logical consistency as "lawyer language" leads me to believe he's almost there.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

You idolize Hitler?

Hitler was a fascinating character, how he took Germany from the depths of despair to a world power, he could have conquered the world if it wasn't for his immense bigotry

I've read through this entire thread and I'm not shocked by the lack of support for these far right Confederate Nazi southern racists led by Richard Spencer.


As de-industrialization and the economic policies of neoliberalism have forced many of us to leave Western NY to pursue a middle class lifestyle, many of us have ended up south of the Mason-Dixon. Anyone with a Buffalo or Western NY accent is quickly greeted with passive aggressive terms such as 'Yankees', 'War of Northern Aggression' or worse 'carpet-bagger'. In the south they see President Lincoln as a great imperialist and conqueror.


As someone who lived many years in the south it never ceased to amaze me when I was asked where I was from. Literally it was a daily part of life. Never did a black person ask me, always the white people. There is an expectation in the south that when you move there you conform to that society, say things like "y'all, fixing to, bless your heart." Many neighbors didn't say the N-word by used more modern disparaging terms like 'the hoods' in referring to black people in our subdivision or 'plantation' as they are all called in the south.


Now I live far from the south. In the years since moving I've never been asked where I'm from or made to feel uncomfortable because my ancestors fought for the Union in the Civil War against traitors.

Where did you live in the South because I've vacationed there many times and have never experienced any of that? Most are pretty decent people like here and the only trait that annoys me in some areas is how SLOW they move. This is particularly annoying at fast food restaurants.


Hitler was a fascinating character, how he took Germany from the depths of despair to a world power, he could have conquered the world if it wasn't for his immense bigotry


He led Germany to ruin, started a war that killed almost 60million people and tried to exterminate the Jewish people. Pure scum

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