Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Yes, normal people stand across from synagogues with assault rifles. Let's do all we can to ensure that freedom? You guys are defending some sick people
row_33 Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 at least today you have no excuse for finding yourself randomly stuck in a mob that will turn violent. with that little plastic thing in your hand it is widely announced well ahead of time
DC Tom Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Yes, normal people stand across from synagogues with assault rifles. Let's do all we can to ensure that freedom? You guys are defending some sick people Don't forget running people over with cars. We're defending them too.
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 That's Trumps doing? they were not "targeted for removal" until he mentioned their names.
DC Tom Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 they were not "targeted for removal" until he mentioned their names. Because no one was targeting the statues of slave owners until Trump came along... ...oh, wait. You're being sarcastic. Never mind. (It's so hard to sarcasm from reality these days.)
TakeYouToTasker Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) Wrong timeline... That, and the fact that you don't get what an ethnic hodepodge the region of the Crimean peninsula is... Let's just say, what you suggest is impossible. Listen to the both of you... You think this is a toy... "Labels".... "Due process".... Nazis aren't pets you morons... Here's a 20 year old who drove a muscle car into a crowd of people FROM BEHIND! -Where was their due process? If history has taught us anything, it's that pacifying Nazis only emboldens them.... I'm not going to sit here pretending that they're ordinary Americans who want their voices heard... They're terrorists... Why not allow the Islamic State to march armed through the streets as well? OK... I'm going to go through this very slowly for your benefit, as you seem to be having problems with understanding how the United States works. I understand your desire to say "!@#$ Nazis", but here in the US we have these things called "laws". "Laws" are not just a good idea, they are the very foundation civilized society is built on. These "laws" are an encoded list of all the things that both individuals and the government are permitted to do. They apply to all individuals uniformly, as our Constitution, the "High Law" (which mean that nothing supersedes it) has something called "the Equal Protection Clause" which dictates that law must be fairly and equally administered. Under these "laws" we have pre-determined processes for nearly all things criminal. We even have a process for "Nazi !@#$ing". It's important to note that these "laws", with their "equal protection", demand that properly we adjudicate things through a process under which we determine several things, such as: - If the Nazi is an actual Nazi and has done something illegal. - If the thing that was illegal requires the Nazi to be !@#$ed. - The proper amount of !@#$ing to administer to the Nazi - The process by which the !@#$ing is to be administered - Determining if the people !@#$ing the Nazi are working within their legal Nazi !@#$ing boundaries See, the rest of us decided some time ago that we didn't want to live in a world where random ****heads rode around !@#$ing whomever they wanted. This was because some people, like Nazis, decided that they would like to do exactly that. So we all got together, and we said "!@#$ that. I don't want to be !@#$ed by Nazis who are arbitrarily deciding that I need to be !@#$ed. What can we do about this problem." So we invented the police, and the courts, and the military; and we vested them the power to actually properly !@#$ Nazis. We set up detailed procedures for the !@#$ing of Nazis both at home an abroad, and we have a long and strong history of !@#$ing Nazis good and proper with these methods. At the same time, we forbade !@#$s like you from engaging in ad hoc Nazi !@#$ing because we don't trust you. We've seen your posting history, and your joyful willingness to label just about anyone a Nazi, and we don't trust your ability to actually !@#$ Nazis should you find one. We do leave open the possibility, however, that you might wish to become a real professional Nazi !@#$er, and so we've even had the foresight to provide you an avenue to do so. All that is required of you, if you wish to Nazi !@#$, is to get up off your fat ass, and join one of our official Nazi !@#$ing organizations. If you want to !@#$ Nazis full time, we have careers in both law enforcement and several branches of the military. We can even accommodate you if you wish to only be a weekend warrior part-time Nazi !@#$er by offering you opportunities in the Reserves and National Guard. The bottom line though, is that we've got the Nazi !@#$ing covered. Thanks for your interest. Edited August 17, 2017 by TakeYouToTasker
Magox Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 If you've been following the discussion, you would have noticed that many here are equating leftist anarchist groups who incite violence with the white nationalists. And that's the message that keeps getting lost. It seems impossible now to call out their hatefulness and disregard for the law without getting lumped in with support for the Nazis. Newsflash, both need to disappear The problem GG is and I hate to keep using a term that has been regurgitated over and over is that there is no moral equivalence between Nazi's and the Ku Klux Klan vs. BLM and Antifa. BLM from my perspective is a grievance based movement that certainly have strong elements of racism within their own ranks and Antifa are essentially a bunch of anarchist quasi political speech fascists that both are groups that seem to escape the ire of the mainstream media, because we know why, they share common values with those from the left. BUT To focus on the issues of Antifa and BLM on this particular issue is a form of equating this movement with Nazi's and the KKK. Focusing on issues of the inactions of the police is a form of equating one with the other. The way Trump handled this was what you'd expect. He initially didn't specifically condemn the Nazi's, KKK which was a nod to his populist nationalist part of his coalition. Then after his advisers told him he screwed up he then came out with a scripted condemnation of them, which wasn't heartfelt. Then the very next day he was soo peeved that he had to backtrack, his true feelings came out and he spoke with passion. And what did he convey? That there are some good guys on both sides and that the other side is equally as wrong. He doesn't get it. Sure, some of those that sympathize with this message get it, but it's completely tone deaf to what the country wants to hear and as president of the country he failed miserably. I've proven to be a lousy political prognosticator, but what I do know is that his political capital with elected officials is plummeting. At this rate, he won't even be able to get tax reform through.
TakeYouToTasker Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) Magox: The alt-Right is a grievance based organization as much as Black Lives Matter is. By saying they aren't moral equivalents all you're saying is that you sympathize with one set of imagined grievances more than the other. As for the neo-Nazis and militant Communist agitators, if you don't see the equivalence there , I don't know what to tell you. Edited August 17, 2017 by TakeYouToTasker
GG Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Magox: The alt-Right is a grievance based organization as much as Black Lives Matter is. By saying they aren't moral equivalents all you're saying is that you sympathize with one set of imagines grievances more than the other. As for the neo-Nazis and militant Communist agitators, if you don't see the equivalence there , I don't know what to tell you. Militant communists have gotten a free pass throughout history, despite much more spilt blood.
Deranged Rhino Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 I think everyone needs to step back and realize these nazi protests have been going on for 150 years. Literally the same thing happened in Pennsylvania 15 years ago where a nazi protester ran over s counter protester but didn't kill him. It would seem the media wants to make it seem like all of s sudden these guys are popping up. They were always there. The important thing is there are less of them then 50 years ago and less than 20. There are probably less, absolutely. The issue is now we have a media who sensationalizes more than informs. Even worse, most of that same sensational media has made it their corporate mission to help undermine the administration (for differing reasons). They're not going to try to assuage the public's concerns by having a rational conversation, they're out for blood. Both on the screen and from the white house.
fridge Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 she died being an idiot in the wrong place You're a terrible person.
B-Man Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 ROBERT SHIBLEY ON CHARLOTTESVILLE: Police must act fast to protect First Amendment rights: The deliberate decision by local and campus leaders to let violence start serves the interests of those who would squelch debate. “State, local, and even college campus leadership appear to be telling police to stand by while some degree of unlawful violence takes place right before their eyes. Yet when that violence predictably spirals out of control, the authorities profess their inability to have done anything to stop it. Meanwhile, those inclined to violence are emboldened, secure in the knowledge that the publicity payoff is high and the odds of punishment low.” I think it’s quite possible that they wanted violence, and to squelch debate. Certainly that’s consistent with their actions. I hope the DOJ investigation will take a very close look at what orders were given when, by whom, and why. A Black Lives Matter protester quoted in the piece: “It’s almost as if they wanted us to fight each other.” Virginia State Police Say They Didn´t Find Caches of Weapons in Charlottesville, by C.J. Ciaramella Original Article Media plead ignorance of the ´alt-left´ by Eddie Scarry Original Article IRONY ALERT: CHARLOTTESVILLE CANDLELIGHT VIGIL FEATURES SONG FROM RACIST SON OF A KLANSMAN. Why Was This ´Crowd Hire´ Company Recruiting $25 An Hour ´ Political Activists´ In Charlotte Last Week? Original Article Something stinks about Charlottesville by Russ Vaughn Original Article WARNING - Conspiracy theory inside
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Don't forget running people over with cars. We're defending them too. Well he was a Nazi terrorist and that is really what all Nazis are, so yes, you are defending him. You can't separate him from his movement
BringBackOrton Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Well he was a Nazi terrorist and that is really what all Nazis are, so yes, you are defending him. You can't separate him from his movement How so?
Magox Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) More than ever, we need a viable third party. Edited August 17, 2017 by Magox
sherpa Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) Something stinks about Charlottesvilleby Russ Vaughn Original ArticleWARNING - Conspiracy theory inside Epic stupidity combined with total ignorance. Edited August 17, 2017 by sherpa
B-Man Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Epic stupidity combined with total ignorance. Picks out the link, I mark as wild............... ignores the ones that can't be written off.
sherpa Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Picks out the link, I mark as wild............... ignores the ones that can't be written off. Didn't ignore them, just didn't read them. When you read the first one, and it's crazy, you respond. I don't have the time to read every link in this forum. Sorry.
B-Man Posted August 17, 2017 Posted August 17, 2017 Didn't ignore them, just didn't read them. When you read the first one, and it's crazy, you respond. I don't have the time to read every link in this forum. Sorry. It was the last one listed, but you are right that there are too many to read. That's why there is a choice. You chose the "conspiracy" one
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