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Oh, so you have Ukrainian relatives like I do? :lol: -You've offered just a small part of the picture, and you're clueless on global politics... You have absolutely no Idea of the prevalence of Russian, and Ukrainian neo-Nazi hate groups...


44 isn't responsibe for their evolution.


I do in fact have Ukrainian relatives and friends who live there now.


I never said he was responsible for their evolution. I said he was responsible for funding the Svoboda and putting that cabinet into place. A cabinet that was rife with not just weekend nazis, but hardened nazis who committed unspeakable violence and pogroms against ethnic minorities.


Where was your outrage then? Or is it only reserved for partisan issues?

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Who's hatefulness? The people protesting the white nationalists (the ones that chanted hate speech the night before as they marched in support of a confederate statue)? Get real.


Newsflash: Only one side is spewing hate. Trump is an idiot for confusing that fact. I'm sorry if you feel too scared to voice your concern about the "leftist anarchists" without sounding like a bigoted fool.


I don't know who you are, but I do hate you.


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A stupid idiot holding a torch and a AR-15 isn't a candidate for merciful psychoanalysis... Documented hate group members should have ALL their firearrms confiscated.


"People who have bad opinions shouldn't have any rights."


Out of curiosity, who do you defer to define hate groups?

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A stupid idiot holding a torch and a AR-15 isn't a candidate for merciful psychoanalysis... Documented hate group members should have ALL their firearrms confiscated.


I don't disagree. I merely suggested that they were too !@#$ing stupid to truly be sympathizers, as "sympathizer" implies some sort of understanding of what they're doing.


Years ago when I worked in a wine shop, a guy commented on the Wagner the owner was playing on the sound system with a snide remark about "Einsatzgruppen HQ." I damn near punched the !@#$. People do stupid **** all the time because they have a superficial understanding of symbols. American neo-Nazis are no different...and again, no less contemptuous for it.

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One of the outstanding issues in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville this weekend is the conduct of the Virginia State Police and how the two sides were able to confront each other, leading to the death of Heather Heyer.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, in response to questions about the state’s response, said on Monday that the State Police actually picked up weapons that they [alt-right/white nationalist/neo-Nazi/white supremacist] had stashed around the city.


I just got comment back from Virginia State Police. They say, contra McAuliffe, no caches of weapons were recovered. https://twitter.com/nycsouthpaw/status/897323013833715714


Wow. That’s basically calling the governor a liar. Earlier the State Police also denied another McAuliffe whopper that they were “outgunned” by the marchers:

democrat McAuliffe lie.............who'd a thunk it ?


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One of the outstanding issues in the wake of the violence in Charlottesville this weekend is the conduct of the Virginia State Police and how the two sides were able to confront each other, leading to the death of Heather Heyer.

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, in response to questions about the state’s response, said on Monday that the State Police actually picked up weapons that they [alt-right/white nationalist/neo-Nazi/white supremacist] had stashed around the city.


Wow. That’s basically calling the governor a liar. Earlier the State Police also denied another McAuliffe whopper that they were “outgunned” by the marchers:




democrat McAuliffe lie.............who'd a thunk it ?




Battering rams? Considering the complete lack of damage to property, that seems like a very obvious red herring.

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Moved post: -I've been reading up on the murderous Ukrainian and Lithuanian Einzatsgruppen death squads... Nazi led, and inspired fascists who killed on a incomprehensible scale... Grown men shooting babies and little


girls in the back...Stripping 14 year-old girls naked, raping, and murdering them en-masse... ANYONE walking down an American street with a red, white and black swastika flag IS a sympathizer to these events...


In my opinion, it's worse than the black flag of Daesh... If I ever see one near me, I'll do my utmost to desecrate, and destroy it.

Those Nazis were/are scum

Edited by Tiberius
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I do in fact have Ukrainian relatives and friends who live there now.


I never said he was responsible for their evolution. I said he was responsible for funding the Svoboda and putting that cabinet into place. A cabinet that was rife with not just weekend nazis, but hardened nazis who committed unspeakable violence and pogroms against ethnic minorities.


Where was your outrage then? Or is it only reserved for partisan issues?


Good. -Then you understand what a clusterf___ the whole region is.... To take on Eastern European foreign policy is to walk blindfolded through a cow pasture with white shoes... You're going to step in something at some point.


Neo-nazis comprise the most powerful of the anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian political factions... There's no good excuse for assisting, or encouraging Neo-nazis, or other terrorists anywhere in the world... If it were a topic on


the board I would have definitely come out against It... Still, casting the Obama Administrators a s a bunch of Nazi sympathizers is dishonest to the history of the region, and the political dynamic at work.

Edited by #34fan
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Good. -Then you understand what a clusterf___ the whole region is.... To take on Eastern European foreign policy is to walk blindfolded through a cow pasture with white shoes... You're going to step in something at some point.


Neo-nazis comprise the most powerful of the anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian political factions... There's no good excuse for assisting, or encouraging Neo-nazis, or other terrorists anywhere in the world... If it were a topic on


the board I would have definitely come out against It... Still, casting the Obama Administrators a s a bunch of Nazi sympathizers is dishonest to the history of the region, and the political dynamic at work.

Well, Obama did love some Jew haters:




Say hi to Linda Sarsour

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As 40 congregants attended services at Charlottesville, Virginia’s Congregation Beth Israel on Saturday, for half an hour, three suspicious men dressed in fatigues and armed with semiautomatic rifles stood across the street.

Although synagogue president Alan Zimmerman had requested police protection for the worshipers, it was denied. With a violent protest predicted for that day, no force could be spared.

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I want people to understand that you are STILL entitled to your freedom of thoughts, and opinions in this land... However, that freedom ENDS when you start mobilizing support under the banner of ethnic cleansing, and genocidal conquest....


Should we just wait until these douchebags have the political presence to stage another beer-hall Putsch?




Fascism is a homicidal ideology. -Period.

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I want people to understand that you are STILL entitled to your freedom of thoughts, and opinions in this land... However, that freedom ENDS when you start mobilizing support under the banner of ethnic cleansing, and genocidal conquest....


Should we just wait until these douchebags have the political presence to stage another beer-hall Putsch?




Fascism is a homicidal ideology. -Period.

So's communism. And yet the MSM is glorifying antifa thugs.

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I want people to understand that you are STILL entitled to your freedom of thoughts, and opinions in this land... However, that freedom ENDS when you start mobilizing support under the banner of ethnic cleansing, and genocidal conquest....


Should we just wait until these douchebags have the political presence to stage another beer-hall Putsch?




Fascism is a homicidal ideology. -Period.

because when you're fighting Hitler there shouldn't be any rules or laws.


Listen, princess. You and your little band can try to play tough with the psychos of the world. But I wouldn't. They're more driven, more violent and thrive on this dividing currently going on. The more you fight them the worse they get. This isn't a middle school bully. This is a demented psychologically disturbed group that has been made to feel as if they have nothing left to do but fight. You in your 2 car garage country club lifestyle won't even come close to making a difference.

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Everyone should read this

Nazis supporting Trump are against Trump for "giving his daughter to a Jew" while ignoring that she converted to Judaism.


Dumbasses can't even Nazi properly.

Tom, there are no rules for being a Nazi, they just want to get power and kill people. They will use Trump for all he is worth and move on to what they hope are bigger and better things.

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