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Yeah, whatever...it's loaded phrasing, but I didn't have a problem with it, but you seem to.


So it's your problem. Go deal with it.



Earlier you were trying to play it off like Trump was just poorly conveying his opinion that violence is evil. As if that's really even a position to be had here.


There's a lot of debate about to be had about the press conference, but it's wrong to tell me that he doesn't believe what he said. Trump equated those against white nationalists to white nationalists. That press conference made me sick.

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Earlier you were trying to play it off like Trump was just poorly conveying his opinion that violence is evil. As if that's really even a position to be had here.


There's a lot of debate about to be had about the press conference, but it's wrong to tell me that he doesn't believe what he said. Trump equated those against white nationalists to white nationalists. That press conference made me sick.


If you've been following the discussion, you would have noticed that many here are equating leftist anarchist groups who incite violence with the white nationalists. And that's the message that keeps getting lost. It seems impossible now to call out their hatefulness and disregard for the law without getting lumped in with support for the Nazis.


Newsflash, both need to disappear

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If you've been following the discussion, you would have noticed that many here are equating leftist anarchist groups who incite violence with the white nationalists. And that's the message that keeps getting lost. It seems impossible now to call out their hatefulness and disregard for the law without getting lumped in with support for the Nazis.


Which is where this is headed: Normalizing violence in support of appropriate beilefs.


And no one's yet realized that the white nationalists are driven by a ridiculous but very real belief that they're being oppressed and discriminated against in their own country...which will only be reinforced if you confront them. Frankly, even the denunciation of them is counter-productive - to them, it just reinforces their point.

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If you've been following the discussion, you would have noticed that many here are equating leftist anarchist groups who incite violence with the white nationalists. And that's the message that keeps getting lost. It seems impossible now to call out their hatefulness and disregard for the law without getting lumped in with support for the Nazis.


Newsflash, both need to disappear


Who's hatefulness? The people protesting the white nationalists (the ones that chanted hate speech the night before as they marched in support of a confederate statue)? Get real.


Newsflash: Only one side is spewing hate. Trump is an idiot for confusing that fact. I'm sorry if you feel too scared to voice your concern about the "leftist anarchists" without sounding like a bigoted fool.

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The more they scream and roll on the ground and wail, the more TRUMP LOVES IT.

I think he hates it already. He so desperately wants back in w/the coastal elites but sold his soul to Billy Bob in W.Virginny... He can't back down now.


He painted himself into a hell of corner. An historical laughingstock.

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Who's hatefulness? The people protesting the white nationalists (the ones that chanted hate speech the night before as they marched in support of a confederate statue)? Get real.


Newsflash: Only one side is spewing hate. Trump is an idiot for confusing that fact. I'm sorry if you feel too scared to voice your concern about the "leftist anarchists" without sounding like a bigoted fool.


My dude they brought weapons to what they claimed would be a peaceful counter-protest. I'm all about peacefully assembling and **** but you're looking for a fight when you show up with a baseball bat and mace.

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Who's hatefulness? The people protesting the white nationalists (the ones that chanted hate speech the night before as they marched in support of a confederate statue)? Get real.


Newsflash: Only one side is spewing hate. Trump is an idiot for confusing that fact. I'm sorry if you feel too scared to voice your concern about the "leftist anarchists" without sounding like a bigoted fool.


I suggest you do some research into some of the flyers and stickers ANTIFA has put out there. Hateful to both whites and jews (or as they say "heebs").

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My dude they brought weapons to what they claimed would be a peaceful counter-protest. I'm all about peacefully assembling and **** but you're looking for a fight when you show up with a baseball bat and mace.


What were they counter-protesting again? Did you say...Nazis and White Supremacists? Oh...that's right. Your post almost made me forget which side stood, quite literally, for hate.


Also, I'm not your dude. You're unable to look at this situation without blatantly condemning hate groups. If you're all for peacefully assembling, then I'm curious your thoughts on the Neo-Nazis that committed murder at the protest.



I suggest you do some research into some of the flyers and stickers ANTIFA has put out there. Hateful to both whites and jews (or as they say "heebs").


Find me a credible source. I saw you posted a screen cap of one and either deleted it or got it deleted. The flyer you posted was fake by the way. I also want to point out how disgusting it is the lengths you're going to in order to try and make those counter-protesters sound like evil scum...when they're up against Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.


Edit: Deleted part that was double posted.

Edited by fridge
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My dude they brought weapons to what they claimed would be a peaceful counter-protest. I'm all about peacefully assembling and **** but you're looking for a fight when you show up with a baseball bat and mace.

What do you make of the people that showed up with rifles and camouflage gear? If you were showing up to protest literal neo-Nazis that had actual guns, would you have showed up with nothing?

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Everyone is condemning hate groups. I just think most reasonable people recognize that protestors on the left are getting out of control. Don't tell me you're a peaceful counter protester and then show up with riot gear. It's as disingenuous as telling me Watkins isn't on the Bills over signability.


Not even to mention the best way of dealing with the neo-nazis is to ignore them completely. Let them scare away all the mosquitoes with their citronella torches, scream at each other, and then go back to whatever holes they crawled out of. Boom...neutralized.

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What were they counter-protesting again? Did you say...Nazis and White Supremacists? Oh...that's right. Your post almost made me forget which side stood, quite literally, for hate.


Also, I'm not your dude. You're unable to look at this situation without blatantly condemning hate groups. If you're all for peacefully assembling, then I'm curious your thoughts on the Neo-Nazis that committed murder at the protest.



Find me a credible source. I saw you posted a screen cap of one and either deleted it or got it deleted. The flyer you posted was fake by the way. I also want to point out how disgusting it is the lengths you're going to in order to try and make those counter-protesters sound like evil scum...when they're up against Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.


Edit: Deleted part that was double posted.


Look up Linda Sarsour.

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What were they counter-protesting again? Did you say...Nazis and White Supremacists? Oh...that's right. Your post almost made me forget which side stood, quite literally, for hate.


Also, I'm not your dude. You're unable to look at this situation without blatantly condemning hate groups. If you're all for peacefully assembling, then I'm curious your thoughts on the Neo-Nazis that committed murder at the protest.



Find me a credible source. I saw you posted a screen cap of one and either deleted it or got it deleted. The flyer you posted was fake by the way. I also want to point out how disgusting it is the lengths you're going to in order to try and make those counter-protesters sound like evil scum...when they're up against Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists.


Edit: Deleted part that was double posted.

Make no mistake: Antifa is evil. So is BLM. Never forget it was a BLM member that killed those cops in Dallas.


Are the inbred neo-nazis evil? Yes. But you excusing people LOOKING to start a riot is despicable.

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Everyone is condemning hate groups. I just think most reasonable people recognize that protestors on the left are getting out of control. Don't tell me you're a peaceful counter protester and then show up with riot gear. It's as disingenuous as telling me Watkins isn't on the Bills over signability.


Not even to mention the best way of dealing with the neo-nazis is to ignore them completely. Let them scare away all the mosquitoes with their citronella torches, scream at each other, and then go back to whatever holes they crawled out of. Boom...neutralized.


Exactly. You cannot get a positive from a negative, and saying you have the right to attack nazis because they're nazis is doing the work of the nazis for them.


You really want to stop a neo nazi protest? The best way to do it is to hold your own protest rally on the other side of the city. Make it large enough that the media has to cover that and ignores the neo nazis.

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Make no mistake: Antifa is evil. So is BLM. Never forget it was a BLM member that killed those cops in Dallas.


Are the inbred neo-nazis evil? Yes. But you excusing people LOOKING to start a riot is despicable.


Probably the most insane "yes, but" I've ever read.

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Probably the most insane "yes, but" I've ever read.




Yes, insane to point out that people who assault with bats, murder cops, burn property, throw urine bombs and seek to shut down speakers are evil.


Do me a favor, you sanctimonious !@#$, put me on ignore.

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Yes, insane to point out that people who assault with bats, murder cops, burn property, throw urine bombs and seek to shut down speakers are evil.


Do me a favor, you sanctimonious !@#$, put me on ignore.


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You really want to stop a neo nazi protest? The best way to do it is to hold your own protest rally on the other side of the city. Make it large enough that the media has to cover that and ignores the neo nazis.


Not only that, but make the protest a positive, inclusive one where reasonable, rational people can express themselves without confrontation, destruction, or violence. Do like the hippies did and bust out some bongos, acoustic guitars, smoke a few joints, and sing some harmless, insipid songs about peace and loving your fellow man/woman/trans/wombat/or however you/they/we choose to identify.


What does anyone think is going to happen when you try to confront or assault a bunch of Klansmen, neo-Nazis, or the like?

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Not only that, but make the protest a positive, inclusive one where reasonable, rational people can express themselves without confrontation, destruction, or violence. Do like the hippies did and bust out some bongos, acoustic guitars, smoke a few joints, and sing some harmless, insipid songs about peace and loving your fellow man/woman/trans/wombat/or however you/they/we choose to identify.


What does anyone think is going to happen when you try to confront or assault a bunch of Klansmen, neo-Nazis, or the like?


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