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He's not helped by a media that wants to turn everything he says around into something else.


But they couldn't do that if he wasn't such a clown...and you have to be a REAL clown to make a blanket denunciation of violence so ineptly that people interpret it as support for Nazism.

Do you really believe it's all due to ineptitude? Do you not grant that the Bannon/Miller/Gorka voice in Trump's ear has some sway in this?


Whether it's because they really believe in the bigotry of it or if it's just that they see the political value in harnessing the support of these groups, I don't know for sure, but something ugly is going on.

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Do you really believe it's all due to ineptitude? Do you not grant that the Bannon/Miller/Gorka voice in Trump's ear has some sway in this?


Whether it's because they really believe in the bigotry of it or if it's just that they see the political value in harnessing the support of these groups, I don't know for sure, but something ugly is going on.


You're just in the grips of modern-day mccarthyism. a "racist" behind every tree.

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You're just in the grips of modern-day mccarthyism. a "racist" behind every tree.

Hot takes! Hot takes! Get your hot takes here!


Sir, chill for a second. I merely asked a question and addressed it to someone whose opinion has a chance of having some value. Note that I didn't address the question to you.

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Hot takes! Hot takes! Get your hot takes here!


Sir, chill for a second. I merely asked a question and addressed it to someone whose opinion has a chance of having some value. Note that I didn't address the question to you.


"something ugly going on" implies a conspiracy.

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Do you really believe it's all due to ineptitude? Do you not grant that the Bannon/Miller/Gorka voice in Trump's ear has some sway in this?


Whether it's because they really believe in the bigotry of it or if it's just that they see the political value in harnessing the support of these groups, I don't know for sure, but something ugly is going on.


In this case, I do believe it's ineptitude. It seems pretty clear to me that he's trying to stay on the point that violence itself is bad, but his cognitive process is too unstructured to focus on that message when people are constantly bombarding him with demands to state the inequivalence of white supremacists and their counter-protesters. He thinks he can wing it, making statements, but he clearly can't. And really never has been able to. The salient feature of his ad hoc statements is incoherence, not any deep-seated philosophical belief.


What really concerns me is that his incoherence, and people's response to it, is creating distinctions in political violence based on cause - "violence by white supremacists" is bad, but "violence against white supremacists" is not as bad - which starts to get close to normalizing violence for the "proper" causes. We've actually been down that road before, as a country...it was one of the main contributors to the Civil War.

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Hot takes! Hot takes! Get your hot takes here!


Sir, chill for a second. I merely asked a question and addressed it to someone whose opinion has a chance of having some value. Note that I didn't address the question to you.

sir, you did not expound upon your question to allow others to understand why you believe this could be true. You stated an opinion on a message board, you're going to get a response. Simply because you didn't like the response doesn't mean it doesn't discredit it. Sir.
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"something ugly going on" implies a conspiracy.


Not to give joe too much credit (who would, if you recall, be in a shallow unmarked grave in California if it wasn't for my calling him an idiot), but he does have you there. I ignored it, because I understood your intent...but it is loaded phrasing.

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Do you really believe it's all due to ineptitude? Do you not grant that the Bannon/Miller/Gorka voice in Trump's ear has some sway in this?


Whether it's because they really believe in the bigotry of it or if it's just that they see the political value in harnessing the support of these groups, I don't know for sure, but something ugly is going on.


Trump has never ever heeded advice from anybody.


This is Trump when he's listening:



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Trump has never ever heeded advice from anybody.


This is Trump when he's listening:




I always suspected that - Trump believes in Trump first, everyone else second. But I never really knew how malleable he was.


And narcissists have a surprising capacity for malleability, if you know how to handle them.

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Not to give joe too much credit (who would, if you recall, be in a shallow unmarked grave in California if it wasn't for my calling him an idiot), but he does have you there. I ignored it, because I understood your intent...but it is loaded phrasing.




so that IS one of your many personalities.

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Not to give joe too much credit (who would, if you recall, be in a shallow unmarked grave in California if it wasn't for my calling him an idiot), but he does have you there. I ignored it, because I understood your intent...but it is loaded phrasing.

Loaded phrasing? Good Christ. It would be interesting if you applied that same hyper-strict standard of semantic precision consistently around here.


I guess when I'm called a modern day McCarthyist, that's not loaded?

Edited by Cugalabanza
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Reading through these posts and on Social Media tells me that more people than at any point in my lifetime are not ready to have grown-up discussions.


The anger and emotion that is out there is out-of-this-world. You just cannot have a reasoned conversation with anything pertaining to Trump or the alt-right.


I dare not even make my views known on my social media accounts because if there is anything that could be seen as not an outright spewing of hate on this topic, I would be lumped in as some sort of supporter of them. It's pathetic.

100% agree.

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You are quite distinctly NOT an idiot, but you can be pretty full of **** on occasion.


Yeah, whatever...it's loaded phrasing, but I didn't have a problem with it, but you seem to.


So it's your problem. Go deal with it.

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