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Some thoughts, by Prof. William Jacobson


For the past 36 hours I’ve tried to gather my thoughts about the Charlottesville riots and killing of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

Here goes, in no particular order.

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I get that. The peaceable protesters, of which their were plenty, should distance themselves from the thugs. King's message was louder and clearer than anything these people can hope to accomplish.


King put small children and old ladies deliberately in the way of fire hoses and police clubs, knowing they'd get hammered.



King put small children and old ladies deliberately in the way of fire hoses and police clubs, knowing they'd get hammered.

King and his movement made use of people and accomplished something. No cop or firehouse needed to attack a peaceable protestor.




Some thoughts, by Prof. William Jacobson


For the past 36 hours I’ve tried to gather my thoughts about the Charlottesville riots and killing of 32-year-old Heather Heyer.

Here goes, in no particular order.



Free Speech. The sight of neo-Nazis marching with torches was nauseating. But even Nazis are protected by the First Amendment. That’s why a federal judge declined to issue an injunction against their march.


The concept that the Bill of Rights is not just for nice people seems to be beyond much of the social media and political reaction. Nazis and the Klan had a right to protest, just as Antifa had a right to counter protest. Neither side had a right to hit the other over the head with clubs, spray mace in each others’ faces, or drive cars into people. Those are crimes that should be prosecuted


Hideous people and odious ideas are a threat to our Republic, but not nearly so much a threat as discarding the First Amendment. Preserving the right to peaceful protest is paramount.


Numerous credible on-the-ground reports demonstrate that Antifa was as violent, if not more violent, than the Nazi/Klan protesters. Who “started it” may never be known, or may not be clear, but we’ve seen the Antifa breach of peace many times before. That is why President Trump absolutely was correct to condemn the violence “from many sides.”



Just a reminder: Antifa, as a movement, was started by ANSWER.


Yes, we're seeing right-wing nationalists and international socialism brawling in the streets. Welcome to Weimar.



Just a reminder: Antifa, as a movement, was started by ANSWER.


Yes, we're seeing right-wing nationalists and international socialism brawling in the streets. Welcome to Weimar.


Not quite on THAT scale though.


Nothing the left does is ok, and everything the racists do is just a reaction to the evil leftists


King was a very complicated man, to make a comic book character of total holiness and perfection out of him is a gross insult to the man.


Things aren't so easypeasy that they fit into some sarcastic post. is there any time between you thinking up something useless and you typing and sending it in, not even one second of reflection?


We informed The Daily Stormer that they have 24 hours to move the domain to another provider, as they have violated our terms of service.

— GoDaddy (@GoDaddy) August 14, 2017

GoDaddy’s announcement was in response to an appeal from a Twitter user who called attention late Sunday to an online post by Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin. The post disparaged Heather Heyer, the 32-year-old woman killed Saturday in Charlottesville, police say, after a man plowed into a crowd with his vehicle.



Scum bags will have to find another host


Trump finally denounces the haters. Glad to see he left out the false equivilancy and hateful lie that the protesters against racism were somehow equal to the scum Nazis


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump bowed to overwhelming pressure that he personally condemn white supremacists who incited bloody demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend, labeling their racist views “evil” after two days of equivocal statements.

“Racism is evil,” Mr. Trump said. “And those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the K.K.K., neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

Several of the president’s top advisers, including his new Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, pressed Mr. Trump to issue a more forceful rebuke after his comment on Saturday that the violence in Charlottesville was initiated by “many sides,” prompting nearly universal criticism.

That pressure reached boiling point early Monday after the president attacked the head of the pharmaceuticals company Merck, who is black, for quitting an advisory board over his failure to call out white nationalists.

“It took Trump 54 minutes to condemn Merck CEO Ken Frazier, but after several days he still has not condemned murdering white supremacists,” Keith Boykin, a former aide to President Bill Clinton who comments on politics and race for CNN, wrote in a Tweet.




Trump finally denounces the haters. Glad to see he left out the false equivilancy and hateful lie that the protesters against racism were somehow equal to the scum Nazis



If by "protestors against racism" you mean "agitating, instigating antifa thugs" then by all means you're still wrong.


That girl would probably have been alive today if the police had not been given the order to stand down and keep the groups separated.


Also, the alt-left protesters did not have a permit to demonstrate unlike the racists who did have one and even had to get a federal court to allow them to protest. As much as I hate white supremacists/racists they had every right to peacefully assemble and protest. Its the left that shares some blame for escalating this into a violent confrontation.


Looking at that video that was posted, the guy may have a case that he feared for his life when they started beating on his car.


Imagine what will happen if he can convince a jury that was the case!




You are so smart.

It's really unfortunate that the judge who rejected the city plea that the "event" be moved to an area where this could have been done, and which was the exact intent of the plea, didn't consult you.

But, alas, the judge did what he did for the reasons he did.


Instead, it was allowed to occur in an area where such separation was impossible.

Market yourself to district judges as a "riot preventer," because they haven't figured it out yet.


So you live in a city run by !@#$ing idiots and that gives you reason to give me ****. Really?? :rolleyes:



I have a hard time calling the current batch of white supremacists "facist." Only because they aren't well-informed enough to own a philosophy. It seems like they mash up the symbols of the Nazis and Confederacy as the packaging for simple racism.


Guys like Spencer, and to a lesser extent Brietbart, have given the white supremacists a vocabulary ("alt-right") that sounds almost reasonable in print. But you don't have to pull back many layers to find the racial hate.


Simply put ANTIFA are against something they don't understand. For them to better understand what fascism is I suggest a mirror be issued along with their secret decoder ring.

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