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New Parent - Bringing Kids to first game - seeking advice


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Hello all,


I'm a single father of two, 2-year old twins. We live in Maryland and I want to give them a first Bills game experience. I'm planning to bring them up for the Bills/Lions preseason game. I figured a little tailgate, and expect to leave before half-time. Any advice from others that have brought toddlers to a game?

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Honestly, my advise would be to leave them home so you can have fun.

At that age, they will not remember any of the experience.

I love taking my kids to the games and passing on the love for the Bills, but I didn't start until they were old enough to enjoy it (4-5yrs old).


If you're taking them to a preseason game, you probably won't have any issues with drunks or anything like that.

Edited by Maddog69
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I cannot think of a worse idea or experience....they wont remember anything, you will be changing diapers the entire time, they will get beer spilled on them, you will have to carry them both....


I hope this is a joke post the more I think about it...going to respond anyway

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Hello all,


I'm a single father of two, 2-year old twins. We live in Maryland and I want to give them a first Bills game experience. I'm planning to bring them up for the Bills/Lions preseason game. I figured a little tailgate, and expect to leave before half-time. Any advice from others that have brought toddlers to a game?

Are you NUTS?

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I have a grandson soon to be 3 and I love him to the moon but no way I would bring him to a game at his age. unless you were looking to entertain them for a solid 3 hrs and not watch any of the game yourself?



I'm thinking 5-7 would be a time to start thinking about taking a kid to a game?

Edited by DaBillsFanSince1973
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father of two boys, 3 and 5. I wouldn't even consider it for the reasons people have outlined above. My 2 year old last year could barely make it through a college game where he was able to run around in a grass endzone. Don't waste time or money, yet. Give it time, dude. If anything, take them to the Bills pre season game in Baltimore.

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Our house rule was noone goes to a game (preseason or regular season) at the Rich, the Ralph, New Era until they are 6 or older and I look back on that now thinking it was too early to take them. My kids have been puked on, urinated on, beered on, hit by a golf cart (unhurt thankfully) over the years at games. They wear these "occurrences" as badges of honor of their Bills fandom. The first couple years they were totally under foot and being held by the hand...at 10 they gained a bit of independence.


Its just not a great environment for toddlers...

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Took my 3.5 year old, at that time, to last years pre-season. It was an earlier start and we were feeling the heat, he was just pouring sweat. But eventually some clouds rolled through and it was perfect. We stayed for the first half and he loved, still talks about going, but I'm not taking him this the year. If there is an earlier pre-season game next year, I will take him again. Pre-season games are very mild, don't have to worry about most of the shenanigans of a regular season game. There are family bathrooms, just make sure you know where those are located. Other than that, enjoy! I know they are young and wont remember much as they get older, but they will enjoy it while they are there. Take lot's of pictures, great memories!!! GO BILLS!

Edited by ricojes
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I didnt start my son that early, but I did start taking him to the kids game every year starting when he was 3. We didnt tailgate at all. Just drove there parked, got to our seat and watched the game. I thought the atmosphere was fine for him, but I think that had a lot to do with it being kids day. The first two years, when he was 3 and 4 respectively we stayed until halftime and left. I thought that worked out well. Last year he made it through three quarters.


I think its important to remember every kid is different. I took my nephew the second year when he and my son were both 4, and he wanted to leave five minutes into the game. I would suggest having another adult go with you so youre not trying to keep up with the demands of two toddlers. Even if they love the game and sit quitely, they will want food and they will need to go to the bathroom, and that will only be stressful.

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I brought my daughter at 3 to a preseason game (family day at the time) and she loved it. We left around halftime too. This will be her third season of going to one, and she looks forward to it for weeks. We're also bringing a 1 year old.

I've taken newborns to MLB games, and its never been an issue either.

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Im normally all about the kids. That said I agree with most everything above. We went to the Giants preseason game last year with a lot of family. All our kids are grown but the rest are not. The youngest was 5 4 and she loved it but the mom and dad took turns taking them out. The heat is unbearable in the preseason games and if you personally are looing for a game experience you will not get it. Presaeason games are horrible

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We brought our two and six year olds to the kids day game last year. It was fine, but it was during the day. And we only drove an hour for it, not 6+. And there was two of us to handle them, not a single parent.


I'm not going to tell you not to do it, but in the end, just think about if you're making memories for them yet, or not.

Edited by jimmy10
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