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This Thread Is For Obama Administration Misdeeds And Lies

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Big, big difference.

No, no, no. It's indifference. Sorta along these lines:


The catcher DOJ will not attempt to make a play on the runner (throw the ball to the base that the runner is attempting to steal). Sometimes, the official scorer will rule this 'defensive indifference' and not award the runner with a stolen base.

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Bergdahl a traitor? Who'da thunk it?


That's right. I did.


you and anyone else who isn't a Democrat sheep or shill came to that conclusion long ago


And the most of the shills probably knew it too, but shills gotta shill. it's what they do

Edited by /dev/null
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Students of ancient history may recall that in May 2014 the Obama administration traded five high-ranking Taliban terrorists held at Guantanamo for Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl. In 2009 Bergdahl had walked off his base and set off a manhunt that proved costly in blood and resources. Taken into custody by the Taliban, he was turned over to the Haqqani network.


President Obama announced Bergdahl’s return in a Rose Garden press conference featuring Bergdahl’s parents. Obama pretended it was a great triumph when it was at best a pitiful reflection of his obsession with closing our detention facility at Guantanamo.


To add the customary insult to the unusual injury, Obama failed to provide Congress with the mandatory 30 days’ notice about the plans to transfer the Taliban officials from Guantanamo.

Even at the time there was reporting to suggest that Bergdahl was a deserter rather than a prisoner of war. Writing in the Washington Post, Richard Cohen declared the White House scene “frankly sickening,” as indeed it was.

Who better than national security adviser Susan Rice to go out and lie about it on Obama’s behalf? Speaking on one of the Sunday gabfests, she earnestly assured us that Bergdahl had been “captured in combat” and “served with honor and distinction.”

Today Bergdahl pleaded guilty to the charges of desertion and misbehavior lodged against him. Sentencing is to occur on October 23. All in all, a case that in its various facets perfectly represents the character of President Obama and his administration.

Edited by B-Man
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WASHINGTON — President Trump falsely asserted on Monday that his predecessor, Barack Obama, and other presidents did not contact the families of American troops killed in duty, drawing a swift, angry rebuke from several of Mr. Obama’s former aides.

Mr. Trump was responding to a question about why he had not spoken publicly about the killing of four Green Berets in an ambush in Niger two weeks ago when he made the assertion. Rather than answering the question, Mr. Trump said he had written personal letters to their families and planned to call them in the coming week. Then he pivoted to his predecessors.


I'm sure he really wrote those letters. But make sure the players stand for the flag

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