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Are you denying he possesses any of those ten, even orangutanning?




None of us deserve to have had Trump elected prez, but there is no doubt that the Republican and Democratic parties got EXACTLY what they deserved when he got elected.

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I was here before you were born, junior. If you believe that I was serious when I said that "orangutanning" was a verifiable fact then you are more ignorant and deplorable than I once feared. Please get a vasectomy.

So, you weren't serious about any of the things you called Trump? I just love arguing with someone who says both Those are verifiable facts to anyone with a working human brain" and that those facts are not verifiable. You're a !@#$ing idiot and not worth my time.


The putrid, disingenuous, arrogant, delusional Hillary is Mother Theresa compared to the alt-human Trump.


And the putrid, disingenuous, arrogant, delusional Hillary would have had free rein to rule as a disingenuous, arrogant, delusional bucket of putrescence. Whereas the candied yam is such a !@#$up he's going to end up weakening the executive with respect to the other branches of government (hell..."is going to?" He already is) and force Congress to return to a more proper system of checks and balances.


So...a choice between Marie Antoinette enabled to exercise a full scope of authoritarian powers...or a reprehensible but impotent Cheetoh dust golem? Golem, please...


What Tom said.


Besides the SCOTUS nominees, the best thing about a Trump presidency is that is awakened everybody in DC to remember what their jobs should be. I could care less about the personality and decorum of the thin skinned narcissistic snake oil salesman, and have tuned him out months ago.


BTW, Kelly's been on the job for two weekends and there hasn't been a single weird early morning tweet since.


What Tom said.


Besides the SCOTUS nominees, the best thing about a Trump presidency is that is awakened everybody in DC to remember what their jobs should be. I could care less about the personality and decorum of the thin skinned narcissistic snake oil salesman, and have tuned him out months ago.


BTW, Kelly's been on the job for two weekends and there hasn't been a single weird early morning tweet since.

One weekend, but it's a step in the right direction. I wish Trump would just stay on vacation and let Pence run things.


Oh goodie, a LAMP thread. Just what we need on PPP. These are always such worthwhile reads.


Thank the Lord the thread was buoyed in quality with that brilliant offering.


I'm somewhat surprised this thread hasn't triggered the Tom-Bot


Thank the Lord the thread was buoyed in quality with that brilliant offering.


That is a high-quality PPP post these days. Wait 'til gatorman adds his two kopecks.



And the putrid, disingenuous, arrogant, delusional Hillary would have had free rein to rule as a disingenuous, arrogant, delusional bucket of putrescence. Whereas the candied yam is such a !@#$up he's going to end up weakening the executive with respect to the other branches of government (hell..."is going to?" He already is) and force Congress to return to a more proper system of checks and balances.


So...a choice between Marie Antoinette enabled to exercise a full scope of authoritarian powers...or a reprehensible but impotent Cheetoh dust golem? Golem, please...

The funny thing about that reasoning, besides being almost believable, is that Trump is SO bad and so ill-prepared, that he really won't hurt much around the world because all world leaders just laugh at him now as a one off mistake. And the next prez can just reset the relationship. It's so very embarrassing though

And the world is a safer place. ;)



before the bbmb we were heading in to a slump - it began with the kaepernick nonsense and has been downhill since. i expect us to rebound much better this year and expect moderators to be much tougher once we kick off the season.


the bbmb'ers, lamp's and snowflakes meeting their bull **** with my own has been entertaining, though.




before the bbmb we were heading in to a slump - it began with the kaepernick nonsense and has been downhill since. i expect us to rebound much better this year and expect moderators to be much tougher once we kick off the season.


the bbmb'ers, lamp's and snowflakes meeting their bull **** with my own has been entertaining, though.

Make PPP Great Again




The funny thing about that reasoning, besides being almost believable, is that Trump is SO bad and so ill-prepared, that he really won't hurt much around the world because all world leaders just laugh at him now as a one off mistake. And the next prez can just reset the relationship. It's so very embarrassing though


And the best part is, we didn't end up with that shreiking harpy as president.




The funny thing about that reasoning, besides being almost believable, is that Trump is SO bad and so ill-prepared, that he really won't hurt much around the world because all world leaders just laugh at him now as a one off mistake. And the next prez can just reset the relationship. It's so very embarrassing though


Even you admit that he can't do much harm.


Just put some headphones on.


Hey, he did save Obamacare. Heck, he has gotten the GOP to start working making it even better. Love that!

White people think he is doing a good job. He still has a majority of white support

Those evil whiteys !! Do you give away half of your laundromat checks for reparations in exchange for all that privilege ?


The funny thing about that reasoning, besides being almost believable, is that Trump is SO bad and so ill-prepared, that he really won't hurt much around the world because all world leaders just laugh at him now as a one off mistake. And the next prez can just reset the relationship. It's so very embarrassing though



How are the other world "leaders" so qualified? Because they have been politicians their whole life? One look at Angela Merkel tells you she should have her picture on the box of Germany's #3 strudel brand, and should not be leading the country. The douche bag commie in Canada is there why? France has to come together as one every three months after a terrorist atrocity. Belgium's are so bored and boring they didn't even notice a takeover and terror nest in their midst. World economies are propped up my slave labor in China and weirdo monetary policy. The US subsidizes the world's healthcare because everyone else went commie first and now our solution is to go commie too? The US republican party is basically trying to prop up a relative few businesses at the expense of others while the dems want to pillage them all.


Next prez can get things back to normal? Terrific. Trump is the wrong guy for the job.....and it needs way more than one guy anyway....but "normal" on the world stage has been broken for a while. The R's and D's did themselves in putting up candidates like Clinton, Bush, Lazio, Kasich and other losers like that. The R's were happy to have Trump try to beat down Cruz because they knew once Cruz was gone they could get their guy in. At that point it was Kasich or Lazio because Bush was laughed out of town. The D's would have nominated Sanders, a commie, if the primaries were a fair fight. Other than delusional old bats, a few guys in their 50s and 60s still not very good at getting laid, and world "leaders", everyone can see the real Hillary.


The old monarchs became in bred morons after a few generations. How is this current group all that different? Granted Trump is a REALLY bad choice to shake these things up, but they do need shaking. The guys in England who forced the signature on the Magnet Carter were likely not geniuses either even if history paints them that way. There were also plenty of morons in the American Revolution. Even in Star Wars the rebels wouldn't have won without a bunch of teddy bears throwing spears.


So Trump is an oompa loompa impulsive idiot. Got it. But to be embarrassed in front of "the rest of the world" is the wrong play because "the rest of the world" is run by inbred self centered tools who don't give crap one about anything but maintaining their power. They look down upon all of us. What in their actions over the past 30 years or so would have you believe they acknowledge the phrase "All Men are created equal"?

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