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I really like McD...read this article


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I would consider myself a pretty optimistic Bills fan, and I like what I've seen from McD. But to me this article was just the typical Chris Brown fluff/feel good piece. Like we're somehow doing something revolutionary by practicing situational football? Jesus was it that bad under Rex? (I think it probably was)

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Belicheat's been doing that for the past 15 years!.... Somebody finally caught on!... Wanna impress me McDoomed? -Start the season 7-0... THEN win 5 out of your last nine... That'll get my attention.... Guaranteed.

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Belicheat's been doing that for the past 15 years!.... Somebody finally caught on!... Wanna impress me McDoomed? -Start the season 7-0... THEN win 5 out of your last nine... That'll get my attention.... Guaranteed.

That would get everyone's attention...

I like everything he has done with the exception of his disdain for Sammy which stil confuses me.

This is news to me. What's going on?

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Belicheat's been doing that for the past 15 years!.... Somebody finally caught on!... Wanna impress me McDoomed? -Start the season 7-0... THEN win 5 out of your last nine... That'll get my attention.... Guaranteed.


Why don't you just say, going 12-4 would get your attention? Why do you have to be so specific with the win streaks?

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Why don't you just say, going 12-4 would get your attention? Why do you have to be so specific with the win streaks?


Ah, That comes from my sincere belief that success, in it's purest form, IS the art of putting a streak together... It's good to start-out by conquering a nice-size chunk of your goal...

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Belicheat's been doing that for the past 15 years!.... Somebody finally caught on!... Wanna impress me McDoomed? -Start the season 7-0... THEN win 5 out of your last nine... That'll get my attention.... Guaranteed.


so you see doom with McD (referencing him as McDoomed) before he even coaches a game/season?




seems like a pretty pathetic thought process.



ftr, although unknown at this point, speculation by all, I believe he will have success but I don't have a dark cloud hanging over my head.

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For me, it's about game preparation and management. If this shows itself consistently through the season and we end up 7-9 et al, then we'll know for sure we need better players. The clusterfart that was Rex gave no real clue to the talent level on the team. 17-18 implies talent in the face of a circus, but not definitely.

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Why are we crowning McD already? Like many have said, it's nice to see a change from years past but can we wait until he coaches a full season, or at least a game, to decide if he has what it takes?

crowning him with what? Some fans like what he's doing and his approach so far. Is that ok?
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But seriously, this is common stuff on most NFL teams. you hear this from basically every coach about how they practice situational football.


Judging by McD's comments you are incorrect. Yes, teams practice situations, but not in the way the Bills are doing it. It's a fresh approach, which is why I bothered to post the article in the first place.

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Why are we crowning McD already? Like many have said, it's nice to see a change from years past but can we wait until he coaches a full season, or at least a game, to decide if he has what it takes?



who was/is crowning him? I stated "I believe" he will have success. I don't think that is crowning him.




hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose.



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This is news to me. What's going on?



It is almost universally positive with McD IMO so i don't want to harp on the negative of not picking up Sammy's option. It was clearly an emotional decision which made zero sense financially even if he doesn't like Sammy. He cut off his nose to spite his face there. That said, I REALLY like everything else I see from him a lot. He does not seem like some false persona phony like Greggo or Greggo Marrone, nor does he seem incompetent like Rex.

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It is almost universally positive with McD IMO so i don't want to harp on the negative of not picking up Sammy's option. It was clearly an emotional decision which made zero sense financially even if he doesn't like Sammy. He cut off his nose to spite his face there. That said, I REALLY like everything else I see from him a lot. He does not seem like some false persona phony like Greggo or Greggo Marrone, nor does he seem incompetent like Rex.

Putting some pressure on Watkins isn't a bad thing in my opinion. Put up or shut up. Could come back to bite him in the ass, but only if Watkins has a monster year and they lose him.

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so you see doom with McD (referencing him as McDoomed) before he even coaches a game/season?




Poor McDoomed... Here's a guy that needs so many things to go right to have success, and just a couple of things to go sideways to fail utterly.




makes no sense but whatever floats your boat...i guess


I didn't expect you to get it.


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