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The bigger they are

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Blitzing Bardy can work. That Monday night game in Rex's first year. It contained him, because it was 10 men showing blitz, then dropping off. You didn't know who was coming

Rex tried the same thing against Brady next year at home, and Brady killed him because he had time to watch the film.

Don't try to beat great players. Just contain them. Spot him two touchdowns, hold WRs at the line and get the 5 yard PI spot foul. Wait for a mistake and that's your chance to win.

The one thing that beats a good QB? A good QB of your own.

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Everytime we have won vs them they have won the superbowl



Holy **** that is depressing.



Like people have said, bringing pressure up the middle and collapsing the pocket disrupts Brady and basically every QB in the league. Between Kyle, Dareus, and McDermott's double A gap pressure, they have a chance. Having Hughes and hopefully Shaq applying pressure from the outside and forcing Brady to step up in the pocket is the ideal scenario, assuming Kyle and Dareus are collapsing said pocket.



Edited by elroy16
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