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Curious to hear about the remaining 5%. I don't fit into any of the categories you list (closest would be the alcoholic group I guess)


  On 7/29/2017 at 6:40 PM, Bill from NYC said:

John, I hope you read the following, even though you probably will not believe it. Still, I'll give it a shot:


Let's put all men in your age group and above in a pie chart. I would do it here if I knew how but check it out....And anyone can feel free to discuss/adjust my estimates.

Married - 50%

Alcoholic - 10% (I am being kind here)

Gay - 5%

Drugs - 5%

Criminals - 5% (going low once again)

Still in love with ex - 5%

Completely broke - 10%

Pervert - 5%


In addition to the above, many cannot perform and some fit into multiple (and other) categories. It is easier at your age to meet a woman than it was when you were in your twenties.

My point: There is little competition.


Look, I am not suggesting that you go after 25 year old models. Just women around your age. Having 3 daughters the situation doesn't thrill me but it is 100% true.


If you are a nice guy, can hold a conversation, and are not hideous the ball is in your court..


You probably do not believe me but it's true. I wish someone else would weigh in on what I am saying.

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  On 7/29/2017 at 11:57 PM, Buffaloed in Pa said:

I call B.S. on Boyst. Hang in their John. I`ve been married almost 37 yrs. At 58 I still get younger woman hitting on me. Start working out again. You will feel and look younger. 48 is not that old.Just be yourself. If they don`t like who you are. Move on.

I wouldn't call bs on me. today was two friends, only friends. a former big time soccer player who sailed the oceans for 3 years on a million dollar yacht after retiring. and a chemist who is just a joy to be around. my life is full of amazing people.


58 years old and still working out regularly is impressive. i have a hard time keeping it up regularly in my 30's! that is a huge improvement and he definitely needs to do this and not use it as a place to meet women or anyone. if necessary get a trainer. after time start running and maybe even crossfit. but keep the phones on your ears and don't talk to folks.


  On 7/30/2017 at 12:10 AM, Johnny Hammersticks said:

A few of us have seen "evidence" lol.

i'll update you tomorrow

  On 7/30/2017 at 4:17 AM, John from Hemet said:

That is a given

well you're blocking PM's from me... so... now putting it here


not going to ask this in the open but i want to make sure you have taken the time to find yourself.


one of the keys i had a girlfriend tell me is that i was impossible to date. her perspective was that i was looking to date but i was picky and had all of these grand ideas. the grand ideas presenting me with expectations of who would make me happy and how they would when in reality i knew nothing what i could offer or even if i was what i was looking for myself. i took time to discover myself and see that i am the biggest part of finding great women.


sure, i can't settle down and ahve many personal issues which keep me from getting serious with women and them from getting serious with me. some women flat out run. fast.


but, i know me. and i know my worth. i really, really hope you know yours and have in essence, dated yourself


i had to work my brother through dating a year ago. he hadn't dated in over 14 years, and even then he was not successful or finding it easy.

  On 7/30/2017 at 4:03 AM, The Poojer said:

Curious to hear about the remaining 5%. I don't fit into any of the categories you list (closest would be the alcoholic group I guess)


I'm assuming "normal,good guys"....surely you would fit that. JMO

  On 7/29/2017 at 8:45 PM, John from Hemet said:

OK so a bit of a update


I left it alone like I said I would...low and behold this morning I get a call and she was apologizing profusely and had a medical emergency with the daughter.....


Rescheduled for next week.


I of course played it cool and realize fam first always.

:thumbsup: remember the magic word from Aaron Rogers...R E L A X. :thumbsup:

  On 7/30/2017 at 10:40 AM, Nervous Guy said:

remember the magic word from Aaron Rogers...R E L A X. :thumbsup:

Didn't Frankie say that too? On his way to Hollywood?

  On 7/30/2017 at 4:03 AM, The Poojer said:

Curious to hear about the remaining 5%. I don't fit into any of the categories you list (closest would be the alcoholic group I guess)


You probably ARE the remaining 5%.


And check it out Pooj, I am not saying the women out there are all normal. Far from it but there is so little competition for men that we can afford to sort out the crazies, the ones with crazy exes, the ones with insane kids or the ones with a beat up Pontiac and 50K in credit card debt.


If you have women that you are friends with, ask them about who they are meeting on match and all these other sites. If I had the money I would launch a sitcom about the stories I have heard.

  On 7/29/2017 at 6:40 PM, Bill from NYC said:

John, I hope you read the following, even though you probably will not believe it. Still, I'll give it a shot:


Let's put all men in your age group and above in a pie chart. I would do it here if I knew how but check it out....And anyone can feel free to discuss/adjust my estimates.

Married - 50%

Alcoholic - 10% (I am being kind here)

Gay - 5%

Drugs - 5%

Criminals - 5% (going low once again)

Still in love with ex - 5%

Completely broke - 10%

Pervert - 5%


In addition to the above, many cannot perform and some fit into multiple (and other) categories. It is easier at your age to meet a woman than it was when you were in your twenties.

My point: There is little competition.


Look, I am not suggesting that you go after 25 year old models. Just women around your age. Having 3 daughters the situation doesn't thrill me but it is 100% true.


If you are a nice guy, can hold a conversation, and are not hideous the ball is in your court..


You probably do not believe me but it's true. I wish someone else would weigh in on what I am saying.

Hehe....on any given day I could probably check off 3 or 4 categories.

  On 7/29/2017 at 5:56 PM, NoSaint said:

Maybe y'all could get coffee together


Every group on the planet has a support group and political group advocating for them except middle age white guys! We gotta stick together. Everybody has it in for the white guy! Who supports us?

  On 7/29/2017 at 8:45 PM, John from Hemet said:

OK so a bit of a update


I left it alone like I said I would...low and behold this morning I get a call and she was apologizing profusely and had a medical emergency with the daughter.....


Rescheduled for next week.


I of course played it cool and realize fam first always.

Make sure to remind her that nothing says I'm sorry like a BJ.

  On 7/27/2017 at 3:44 AM, John from Hemet said:

Yes its me


Just turned 48 2 days ago so im no spring chicken


OK so I am going through a divorce.....I mean it really is over we dont talk and havent for what seems like years all that is left is the paperwork to be finalized....I wont get into the details of that except to say I hung on for too long and ended up being married for over 20 years to a woman that didnt love me for several of them.


So here I sit.....2 kids are now of age (daughter has 2 kids so I am a grandfather...I help them a LOT and we live in the same house)


Did the on line dating thing for like a month (let me say....I am so friggen out of touch with this crap it feels so awkward) the first person I talked to wanted to have this chat sex thing and I just couldnt do it....felt so wierd and made me feel even older.


So I ended up meeting someone on line......nothing kinky just talk and getting to know one another....after a few days she wanted to talk on the phone......still feels ok.....now I ask her if she would like to meet for coffee on my lunch......and that is happening FRIDAY


The woman is close to my age (slightly younger) and a professional women......by that i mean she is a Dr. A surgeon at the hospital in the town where I work (I am a student advisor at a university) while we both have "professional" jobs I have no doubt our pay scales are not even close to similar but this person doest bring up how much money we make.....doenst even mention it.


So ok....my first date in over 20 years (I was totally faithful to my wife)


Why do I feel so guilty? Im actually scared as much as I hate to say it.


(told my kids and they are thrilled...they wanted to know what took me so long)


Thoughts? No im not posting picks.... :)



Just chill, relax and have fun...and FYI online chicks are looking for that D, so escalate in date properly if you want a second one.

  On 7/27/2017 at 4:09 AM, KD in CA said:

Single women in their late 40s are long past the stage of needing a guy who makes a lot of money. She has her own money so your bank account is far down on her list of priorities, so don't sweat who earns more or has a fancier job title.


Your job on a first date is to get to know the person enough to judge if you want a second date. That's it. Don't get wrapped up in 'could this be long term' or 'will I get laid'



Really???? I have been married for 16 years so I have been out of the dating scene for awhile but it would seem that there are a ton of women that age that would be looking to hookup with a guy with money. Now obviously this particular case where she is a Dr. would not apply but imo women are always money hungry no matter what age they are.

  On 7/27/2017 at 8:37 AM, LeGOATski said:

Why date again?


Serious question and I'm curious to know how others here think.


You've already been through married life and parenthood. What's the point of a girlfriend or second wife?


Wouldn't you much rather forget all that drama? Sure, have a short fling here and there for the fun of it.


My father-in-law is in the same situation and playing the same dating game. I don't get the point.


Online dating makes it so easy now to just hook up now and then.



I totally agree with this opinion..

  On 7/31/2017 at 12:43 PM, Gordio said:



Really???? I have been married for 16 years so I have been out of the dating scene for awhile but it would seem that there are a ton of women that age that would be looking to hookup with a guy with money. Now obviously this particular case where she is a Dr. would not apply but imo women are always money hungry no matter what age they are.




I totally agree with this opinion..

they want to find a stable 40- 50 to date. But they go after the 26-40 for the fun. These women chase me down and talk about only wanting men under 40 all the time. Run through them
  On 7/31/2017 at 2:50 PM, Boyst62 said:

they want to find a stable 40- 50 to date. But they go after the 26-40 for the fun. These women chase me down and talk about only wanting men under 40 all the time. Run through them

How many grandmas frequent the farm ?

  On 7/29/2017 at 4:27 AM, John from Hemet said:

Oh yeah something is definately up.


I wrote something nice on line just saying sorry we didnt meet up...understand your busy and no pressure just looking to talk to you later.


Got totally ignored when she came on line.


The funny thing is we probably have a lot in common.....seems so from our talks on the phone....who knows what happened.


Moving on

Expect that a lot but will tell you, don't bother writing them back even though it feels like the nice thing to do. As I'm 40 and online dated for quite a few years and a lot of times it feels like things are going good and for whatever reason the woman just stops responding (it's called ghosting). It happened to me quite a bit but that all said a little more than 16 months ago a girl liked my profile on one the sites I was on. I wasn't really looking for anyone but I thought I didn't have anything to lose so called her out on it for not writing me anything just the like. We ended up meeting for coffee a few weeks later and been together ever since. A female friend who did some online dating gave me some good advice, remember that women are getting tons and tons of responses to their profiles and really have the right to choose of the lot who they want etc. Also if the woman is past the age of 30 she probably has some sort of list/expectation of what she'll settle on etc. The good/bad thing about online profiles is you get to learn a lot about the person but at the same time may not give the complete picture of what they are so people can be far more pickier than in the past.

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