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Do you have any tattoos and if so what are they?


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I have a portrait of the Virgin Mary crying on my right shoulder. It goes to about where a short sleeve shirt would cover. It was about 5-6 hours in the chair but it turned out really good. I got it after my mom died. I always say that I am going to get more and or add to this.

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It seems it is rarer to find someone without a tattoo these days than with (particularly under the age of 35).


I and my wife have none. I've thought about putting my dog's name somewhere inconspicuous but probably won't do it.


A co-worker of mine recently got one that I thought was cool. He had a patent approved (his first) and got the patent number inked on the underside of his wrist.


I have no problem with folks doing whatever they want to their bodies, but at least to me some of those choices are very poor, aesthetically.

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I have a portrait of the Virgin Mary crying on my right shoulder. It goes to about where a short sleeve shirt would cover. It was about 5-6 hours in the chair but it turned out really good. I got it after my mom died. I always say that I am going to get more and or add to this.


Are you happy you have it? I thought about getting one when my mom passed, but never pulled the trigger.

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I don't have any. I have a hard time deciding what shirt to wear, not into anything that permanent. With my luck I'd get the bell bottoms of tattoos. Your child or parent-related I could see. Not all marriages last.


My older son has a lot, including a Bills/NFL/Football tattoo. It's much better than some of the other stuff he has.


The best I've seen was on the back of a ladies neck that said:


I Put The FUN in Dysfunctional


I believed her.

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I have none, not that I haven't thought about it. I have a 24 hour rule for purchases above a certain amount (any tattoo worth getting typically falls above that amount). No tattoo idea has passed the 24 hour check for me. Yet.


Can't have any visible tats for my job anyway.

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I have none, not that I haven't thought about it. I have a 24 hour rule for purchases above a certain amount (any tattoo worth getting typically falls above that amount). No tattoo idea has passed the 24 hour check for me. Yet.


Can't have any visible tats for my job anyway.


Really? What kind of upscale club do you dance for??

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I don't get the whole tattoo thing, especially on women. Perfect skin marred by Sharpie doodles.

Same here.


Hell no.


IMO its a form of self mutilation disguised under the idea that getting tatted up is self expression. Whatever. People got a story to tell.


I suppose one is okay. But, like anything else that people do, it turns obsessive and "look at me, I am so different."


Anyway... 60 years later, Ed Gein would have loved all the artwork that would be available to him.


Maybe that was the basis for my father saying when we were young: "Respect your body, don't get tattooed... YOU don't want the Nazis (which no evidence was found) or Ed Gein making a lampshade out of you." Or:"Don't be screwed blue and tattooed." LoL... Don't worry Dad, it looks stupid and dates a person anyway.


I am happy being just my plain, boring self. I might be pretty messed up but why not respect your body, it ain't some high school notebook to doodle all over and eff up for life.

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