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people's press conference of minneapolis

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The cop who had to defend his life against the violent felon who was attempting to take his gun?


Wow, how brave of you!

Philandro also started a bad chain chain of events with easily startled cops by carrying a weapon.




Seems cops are too easily startled. It was only a dark alley and a slap on the police car:




Why were they so jumpy?




Oh... And where did I say the Minny cop is innocent?


Why aren't you guys siding with the cop? How stupid can this Aussie Chick be? Slapping the back of a police car in a dark alley. Boy they sure are jumpy?


I wonder if the cop's skin was a different color, you'd sympathize with him?


I am the only that is being objective and consistent here. It's usually the people that set off these bad chain of events when interacting with the police. Mike Brown was strolling right down the middle of the road, Philandro Castro packing heat, and Justine Ruszczyk slapped the car, and the list goes on with the dumbazzes.


Maybe, cops need to chill a little?

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Hard to chill in this enviro... Everybody who an officer comes into contact w/may be armed to the gills.


Ambushed responding to a crash:




"A Southport police officer died Thursday after being shot while responding to a crash."


And you wonder why there's trigger happy policing.

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Murdering a tourist and not addressing it for 3 days is not decent policing that had an unfortunate thing happen.

The police chief was thrown to the woves without an investigation, so that's bad local politics on top of it.

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