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When was the last time you got really mad?

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The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.

My parents had someone stop by their house a few years ago that had lived there back in the 1940s. They even brought pictures of what it looked like then and some of the people that lived there.

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Last time I got really mad was when I was in a comma for 9 months. I woke up and went back to my house and my best friend was living there, He had married my wife. I got really mad.



My parents had someone stop by their house a few years ago that had lived there back in the 1940s. They even brought pictures of what it looked like then and some of the people that lived there.

Did they get really mad?

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My parents had someone stop by their house a few years ago that had lived there back in the 1940s. They even brought pictures of what it looked like then and some of the people that lived there.

We went by my wife's old house she grew up in. Last month when we were in town. Just to see who lived there, show our children. Must have been a family, new baby sign on front lawn. Lot less trees. In Lackawanna. We went around the neighborhood three times. Good thing Johnny "Rambo" Hammersticks didn't live there. Who are am I kidding, he wouldn't be caught dead on the other side of the Orchard Park line in Lackawanna! He would surely have dropped the 10# sledge on us and smashed my phone!



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Are you calling me Glenn Frey?


With the company I'm at now, I might have gotten fired for that but I still doubt it.


This other company was a staffing firm and it's not a "normal" set up. They work you to death to avoid labor costs so you basically work every type of position. We were basically doing the work of 6-7 people with just 2 full time guys and the intern who was part time. 10 hours a day at minimum and on call 24/7.


We were given $500 a month for "team building"....which basically consisted of going to bars and hanging out. When my Regional Manager was in town...it was a straight up party. He loved strip clubs....loved them and we went every time he was in town. He would rack up $1,000+ bills and got them expensed. We were making money to he was able to get that approved by the Controller.


It was kind of like being in the show Workaholics. People were sleeping with each other between offices, lots of drinking, annual Manager meetings were in Vegas for a specific reason, didn't drug test etc.... I asked my Regional Manager, just out of curiosity why we didn't have any pre-employment drug screens because ever company does it. He straight up told me because we all would fail.

This is also not an exaggeration....we were in Vegas and met up in the VP's suite before going out...he tossed a bag of cocaine at one of the Managers and asked him to cut lines. I don't do coke so I don't know values but that was a pretty big bag.

They hiring?

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We went by my wife's old house she grew up in. Last month when we were in town. Just to see who lived there, show our children. Must have been a family, new baby sign on front lawn. Lot less trees. In Lackawanna. We went around the neighborhood three times. Good thing Johnny "Rambo" Hammersticks didn't live there. Who are am I kidding, he wouldn't be caught dead on the other side of the Orchard Park line in Lackawanna! He would surely have dropped the 10# sledge on us and smashed my phone!


You tryna bust my pills, exiled?

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LoL... Yep. But now you got me thinking about pulling a stunt like that again. Good thing we didn't stop to snap a few pics. True story, family in the old house just had a baby. Well I assume w/the "It's a Girl" stork sign on lawn.

: v €


Normally, your ass would be dead as f#%&@$g fried chicken, but you happen to pull this s$&t while I'm in a transitional period so I don't wanna kill you, I wanna help you.


(Jules Winfield)

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This isn't about anger issues it's about a company softball game against the restaurant where I worked (sorry no bouncers on our team) and the big bad corporation (EMI Records). We played Jimi Hendrix's Star Spangled Banner while Timothy Leary threw out the first pitch. We all got stoned after the game. True story.

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HA! I've been that guy......thousands of times! I was a real estate appraiser many years ago and had to take pix of comparables without getting people fired up at me. No people allowed in the photos so you wait until the walk behind a tree, or take the lawn mower into the back yard. Still, Many, MANY times people wanted to know who the creepy guy parked in front of the house is. Confronted more often than I'd like, but hey, are you going to tell I CAN'T do it? Because I can! Usually you give them a business card and they settle down, but some still say "no!" - to which I'd just chuckle. (You go into the bad neighborhoods only in the morning for real safety reasons - anything before noon and must people weren't up yet...)

I used to be an appraiser as well, this brought back a few chuckles, but your right hand them a card and they are your friends wanting to discuss the value of their house.

The gnarliest job I had like that was investigating houses in foreclosure going to auction. Most were vacant most of the time, this one house a young attractive spanish speaking lady answers the door and I'm trying to explain what I'm doing there, when I hear a bunch of motorcycles approaching. I turn around and about 50 motorcycle gang dudes all tatted and patched up come rolling onto the front lawn. I just about crapped myself, so when they asked what I was doing I explained and switched the topic to motorcycles. Could not leave that place fast enough.

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I used to be an appraiser as well, this brought back a few chuckles, but your right hand them a card and they are your friends wanting to discuss the value of their house.

The gnarliest job I had like that was investigating houses in foreclosure going to auction. Most were vacant most of the time, this one house a young attractive spanish speaking lady answers the door and I'm trying to explain what I'm doing there, when I hear a bunch of motorcycles approaching. I turn around and about 50 motorcycle gang dudes all tatted and patched up come rolling onto the front lawn. I just about crapped myself, so when they asked what I was doing I explained and switched the topic to motorcycles. Could not leave that place fast enough.

I had a niche working with estate planning attorneys and trust departments (as a former banker married to a banker - I knew them all already), so I was usually doing very high end properties. A daily tour of homes. Loved it. But we also had a contract with the county and every once in a while you'd get a nightmare. I did a place owned by an attorney who had recently been divorced. He lived out of town but warned me his wife was renting the place out illegally (HE owned the house) to some squatter. The water and power had been turned off so she had no sewer. She had me wait at the front door while she took the tub she'd been crapping in from the bath tub and dumped it in the drainage canal in the back yard. YIKES! That place smelled almost as bad as the house where the old lady died and no one knew for a month!

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I had a niche working with estate planning attorneys and trust departments (as a former banker married to a banker - I knew them all already), so I was usually doing very high end properties. A daily tour of homes. Loved it. But we also had a contract with the county and every once in a while you'd get a nightmare. I did a place owned by an attorney who had recently been divorced. He lived out of town but warned me his wife was renting the place out illegally (HE owned the house) to some squatter. The water and power had been turned off so she had no sewer. She had me wait at the front door while she took the tub she'd been crapping in from the bath tub and dumped it in the drainage canal in the back yard. YIKES! That place smelled almost as bad as the house where the old lady died and no one knew for a month!

Oh I have a got a few stories like that as well. especially in the vacant ones, the horrors that awaited me would stagger the imagination that people could live in such squalor and filth.

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Oh I have a got a few stories like that as well. especially in the vacant ones, the horrors that awaited me would stagger the imagination that people could live in such squalor and filth.

It really only bothered me deeply when there were kids involved. If people want to be slobs, that's their business. But children should never be exposed to some of that stuff!

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Oh I have a got a few stories like that as well. especially in the vacant ones, the horrors that awaited me would stagger the imagination that people could live in such squalor and filth.


A friend of mine in college used to work for Aaron's Rents as a delivery guy while in college.

He not only had to deliver products but also repossess the products that people weren't paying on.

He told me some stories that are just sickening.

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A friend of mine in college used to work for Aaron's Rents as a delivery guy while in college.

He not only had to deliver products but also repossess the products that people weren't paying on.

He told me some stories that are just sickening.


Oh man.


I did some time as a repo guy for a furniture/tv/appliance rentals place. Best job ever.

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