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When was the last time you got really mad?

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Oh, ok.


Well the last time I got really mad was when I was walking with my girlfriend and these street punks started hassling us. At first it wasn't that bad, just them whistling and making crude comments about her so we decided to ignore them and just kept walking. But they followed us and got increasingly aggressive. Eventually their leader got in front of me and was blocking my path. He said he wasn't going to let us go unless he got a kiss. I planted a big wet one on him but I guess he wanted one from her. They formed a circle around us and the taunting escalated. I could feel my blood boiling and warned them that I was livid and they wouldn't like what was coming next. That's when he pulled a knife. One of his lackeys grabbed my girls ass and then I f@#$ing lost it. I turned bright green and grew three times my normal size and proceeded to totally wreck shop. Beat the hell out of all of them. It was like a I was a different person. I eventually returned to my normal form and vowed to never lose my temper again. She and I eventually broke up and I just walked off into the sunset.


:lol: I wish i could turn this into a signature.

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It did happen and it wasn't embellished. I worked for this company out of Scottsdale, AZ.

The game was forfeited.


I didn't fight another employee, I went after someone who sexually harassed our intern who was one of ours.

The Area VP at the game was with another business line and worked out of a different office. He didn't say a word after it was done and just went back to his hotel room.


I have other interesting stories of my time there but not worth telling because I guess I would be lying.



Okay take it easy, it just sounds a bit made up. I have known people that have worked various companies where one of their employees have gotten fired for drinking too much at the office Christmas party so when you say you inches away from snapping a guy's arm off at a Company event I would think that would be grounds for termination. But what the hell do I know. I guess every company is different.

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Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over.


I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.

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Past Sunday. At work... A bassboat came out of the "woodwork" along the upper guidewall at the lock... There is an alcove 1,000' feet up wall. Of course he was chasing smallmouth. An 800'x70' towboat loaded with 10,000 tons of coal was leaving lock and the pleasure boat (PC) was in the channel (deep water) between wall and just in front of approaching tow. He froze... Then cut right in front of tow.


Loaded barges, project depth draft is 9' deep. A bassboat, drafts just a few inches... They would have been smashed like a pancake between wall and the 10,000 tons. If he just went to other side where the other PC were waiting lock turn, if something happened, the barges would have ran aground and PC could scoot around. You know, the "queuing area" where "everybody else" was waiting.


Most boaters simply do not get it. He was hiding in my blind spot when I realeased the tow. Tow blowing his horns, etc... Dude just froze... Then at last second cut in front. If his motor died, he would have been under the rakes (sweeping bow of a barge) of the first two barges in the 6-pack of the tow.


Anyway... I was a screaming muthaph**ka on the PA, I think I dropped the EffBomb on Marine VHF Channel 16 trying to get a hold of the towboat pilot to warn them!


I wasn't a happy camper when I locked down the group of PC after giving them the green light to lock. I am like: "Take off the blinders people!"


And he had a child on board... At least the child was wearing a personal floation device (PFD). Could have popped and floated to top. Easy peezy for the USCG. Adult, PFD-less would have been dragged under the tow for God knows how long, divers called in.


I was a bit miffed to say the least.


And that is not the best part. Just before I realeased the tow north... Another plastic PC stalled in channel. Got their prop caught on the tube they were towing. It cuts the towing line... They get to other side and leave tube to get run over. I have to speed on golf cart, grab pike pole and snag said humongous torpedo tube. I should have gaffed the thing w/the pole. I left it on chamber wall for them when they came in to lock through. And when I get the tube, they are on the fantail with an open flame grill... Effing grilling! Not gonna profile, but by all accounts they may have been patrons of the south side of the wall somebody, who shall remain nameless, wants to build. Tejano music blasting away, not a care in the world. The smell of grilled tacos did smell nice, I do admit. :-/ Cilantro has a nice aroma. Boat was over crowded too... Women, children the whole 9 yards. :-/


Besides that. I don't get mad, except when three grown people in house walk past a litter box and can't clean it. :-/


Please merge this w/Peeved thread. ;-)


From now on can you tell your stories in laymen terms so everybody can understand them. Not this high level boating language that no one understands.

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Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over.


I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.


Pics or it never happened.

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Okay take it easy, it just sounds a bit made up. I have known people that have worked various companies where one of their employees have gotten fired for drinking too much at the office Christmas party so when you say you inches away from snapping a guy's arm off at a Company event I would think that would be grounds for termination. But what the hell do I know. I guess every company is different.


Are you calling me Glenn Frey?


With the company I'm at now, I might have gotten fired for that but I still doubt it.


This other company was a staffing firm and it's not a "normal" set up. They work you to death to avoid labor costs so you basically work every type of position. We were basically doing the work of 6-7 people with just 2 full time guys and the intern who was part time. 10 hours a day at minimum and on call 24/7.


We were given $500 a month for "team building"....which basically consisted of going to bars and hanging out. When my Regional Manager was in town...it was a straight up party. He loved strip clubs....loved them and we went every time he was in town. He would rack up $1,000+ bills and got them expensed. We were making money to he was able to get that approved by the Controller.


It was kind of like being in the show Workaholics. People were sleeping with each other between offices, lots of drinking, annual Manager meetings were in Vegas for a specific reason, didn't drug test etc.... I asked my Regional Manager, just out of curiosity why we didn't have any pre-employment drug screens because ever company does it. He straight up told me because we all would fail.

This is also not an exaggeration....we were in Vegas and met up in the VP's suite before going out...he tossed a bag of cocaine at one of the Managers and asked him to cut lines. I don't do coke so I don't know values but that was a pretty big bag.

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Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over.

I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.

HA! I've been that guy......thousands of times! I was a real estate appraiser many years ago and had to take pix of comparables without getting people fired up at me. No people allowed in the photos so you wait until the walk behind a tree, or take the lawn mower into the back yard. Still, Many, MANY times people wanted to know who the creepy guy parked in front of the house is. Confronted more often than I'd like, but hey, are you going to tell I CAN'T do it? Because I can! Usually you give them a business card and they settle down, but some still say "no!" - to which I'd just chuckle. (You go into the bad neighborhoods only in the morning for real safety reasons - anything before noon and must people weren't up yet...)

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Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over.


I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.


Were you wearing pants when you stormed out of the house?

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Seriously...I want to see how big the cedar trees are now.

I've done that too on trips back to WNY going by all our old houses....and met the people who bought it from us decades ago. My sister has even been invited in to see some of these places!

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Are you calling me Glenn Frey?


With the company I'm at now, I might have gotten fired for that but I still doubt it.


This other company was a staffing firm and it's not a "normal" set up. They work you to death to avoid labor costs so you basically work every type of position. We were basically doing the work of 6-7 people with just 2 full time guys and the intern who was part time. 10 hours a day at minimum and on call 24/7.


We were given $500 a month for "team building"....which basically consisted of going to bars and hanging out. When my Regional Manager was in town...it was a straight up party. He loved strip clubs....loved them and we went every time he was in town. He would rack up $1,000+ bills and got them expensed. We were making money to he was able to get that approved by the Controller.


It was kind of like being in the show Workaholics. People were sleeping with each other between offices, lots of drinking, annual Manager meetings were in Vegas for a specific reason, didn't drug test etc.... I asked my Regional Manager, just out of curiosity why we didn't have any pre-employment drug screens because ever company does it. He straight up told me because we all would fail.

This is also not an exaggeration....we were in Vegas and met up in the VP's suite before going out...he tossed a bag of cocaine at one of the Managers and asked him to cut lines. I don't do coke so I don't know values but that was a pretty big bag.



Are they hiring?

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Earlier this week I was making lunch for my kids while they were playing in the driveway. I'm making grilled cheese and looking out my kitchen window, and I see this creepy looking dude parked at the end of the driveway taking pictures of (what I thought was) my kids. I walked out the front door, down the steps, and calmly approached the car. He sped off as I got within 10 yards of his car. I yelled to him to stop, but he just kept going. I was flippin raging pissed and ready to throw punches. I ran inside and grabbed my keys and jumped in my car which was parked out front. I finally caught up with the dumb s$&t about half a mile down the street, laid on my horn and rode his bumper until he pulled over.


I got out of the car with my fists balled up ready to throw. The guy gets out of his car and I say "care to explain to me why you were just parked in front of my house taking pictures, and took off when I came out of the house?" The dude was shaking. He quickly explained that his grandmother used to live in my house years ago (he mentioned her name and his story checked out). He was taking pictures to send to his sister to show her how the cedar trees had grown so tall...yada yada. He showed me all the pics he took, and again, his story checked out. I still don't understand why he took off like that.

Rolling my eyes...


Hopefully your car was in the "ready position" and backed in before you sped off! You did say your children were playing in the driveway. :-/

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Are you calling me Glenn Frey?


With the company I'm at now, I might have gotten fired for that but I still doubt it.


This other company was a staffing firm and it's not a "normal" set up. They work you to death to avoid labor costs so you basically work every type of position. We were basically doing the work of 6-7 people with just 2 full time guys and the intern who was part time. 10 hours a day at minimum and on call 24/7.


We were given $500 a month for "team building"....which basically consisted of going to bars and hanging out. When my Regional Manager was in town...it was a straight up party. He loved strip clubs....loved them and we went every time he was in town. He would rack up $1,000+ bills and got them expensed. We were making money to he was able to get that approved by the Controller.


It was kind of like being in the show Workaholics. People were sleeping with each other between offices, lots of drinking, annual Manager meetings were in Vegas for a specific reason, didn't drug test etc.... I asked my Regional Manager, just out of curiosity why we didn't have any pre-employment drug screens because ever company does it. He straight up told me because we all would fail.

This is also not an exaggeration....we were in Vegas and met up in the VP's suite before going out...he tossed a bag of cocaine at one of the Managers and asked him to cut lines. I don't do coke so I don't know values but that was a pretty big bag.

That reminds me of when I was partying with buddy in South Beach who is a big shot real estate developer. We're at his mansion on Star Island and hitting the slopes pretty hard. When I say slopes, I'm not talking about Holiday Valley or Bristol while you and your buddy give each other ZJ's on the bunny hill. I'm talking about rocketing down K2 or Everest. There is a mountain of bolivian marching powder on the table. Our faces are covered. Turns out my friend owes a bit cash to some unsavory dudes. This I find out as a bunch of men armed with automatic weapons storm the mansion. I watch my friend go down in a hail of bullets. I catch a grazing shot to the arm. I dive for cover behind his desk and take a hot slug to the leg. And that's when I get mad. I grab his fully auto M-16 with grenade launcher and yell "say hello to my midget friend!" and start firing grenades in all directions. Took out a whole Colombian hit squad and wound up boss of the Medellin cartel. But that's another story.

Edited by Jauronimo
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Okay take it easy, it just sounds a bit made up. I have known people that have worked various companies where one of their employees have gotten fired for drinking too much at the office Christmas party so when you say you inches away from snapping a guy's arm off at a Company event I would think that would be grounds for termination. But what the hell do I know. I guess every company is different.

Our company has a strict "No arm snapping policy" clearly spelled out in the employee handbook. Definately rules for termination.

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Are they hiring?


Trust me...you don't want it.

It's mostly commission based. My first salary with them was $32,100. I started off in a start up office in Los Angeles and I had to work a catering job on the weekends just to live. Transferred to Scottsdale after that. They paid me $10,000 more to help turn around that office. I started making commission there but it wasn't worth the time I was putting in.

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That reminds me of when I was partying with buddy in South Beach who is a big shot real estate developer. We're at his mansion on Star Island and hitting the slopes pretty hard. When I say slopes, I'm not talking about Holiday Valley or Bristol while you and your buddy give each other ZJ's on the bunny hill. I'm talking about rocketing down K2 or Everest. There is a mountain of bolivian marching powder on the table. Our faces are covered. Turns out my friend owes a bit cash to some unsavory dudes. This I find out as a bunch of men armed with automatic weapons storm the mansion. I watch my friend go down in a hail of bullets. I catch a grazing shot to the arm. I dive for cover behind his desk and take a hot slug to the leg. And that's when I get mad. I grab his fully auto M-16 with grenade launcher and yell "say hello to my midget friend!" and start firing grenades in all directions. Took out a whole Colombian hit squad and wound up boss of the Medellin cartel. But that's another story.



You should of stopped with the Hulk story. That was pure gold.

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