4merper4mer Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 I guess those who dismissed "the earth is round" arguments due to the "infancy" of the science were right to be cautious also. Communizing will fix everything,
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Dirk found that Nazi base back in 1999...........
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Climate change will create a huge movement of people from the equator and coastal regions north and inland. The real immigration debate has not even begun yet
Azalin Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Perhaps it's not climate change that led to the ice shelf coming off... rather, it was the result of ongoing archaeological excavations occurring under the ice in Antarctica since at least 2001: http://exopolitics.org/discovery-of-flash-frozen-antarctica-civilization/ More: http://exopolitics.org/visit-to-antarctica-confirms-discovery-of-flash-frozen-alien-civilization/ http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/archaeology/shock-claims-massive-ancient-civilisation-lies-frozen-deep-beneath-the-antarctic-ice-and-could-even-be-atlantis/news-story/433fc633f7ae122ef8a525013ecba97b http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4094706/Is-lost-city-Antarctica-Mysterious-dome-building-created-ancient-civilisation-bizarre-theory-claims.html Let's not forget about the Piri Reis map, a Turkish map from 1513 that accurately depicts Antarctica without ice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map Now, before you laugh this off, revisit the list of dignitaries that visited the frozen continent or sent expeditions: *1938: Nazi expeditions, sponsored by Hess (deputy Fuhrer) and Goering (founder of the Luftwaffe and gestapo). - This is a strange pairing since Hess and Goering hated each other. Hess was driven by his interest in the occult and esoteric so it makes sense he'd sponsor an expedition while Goering was not into any of that, he was a nuts and bolts practical man. For Goering to be involved this expedition had to be more than a humanities research visit. *1947: Admiral Richard Byrd took a battalion of Marines and a fleet of ships to Antarctica on OPERATION HIGHJUMP for what was supposed to be a months long voyage which Byrd scuttled after only a few weeks after suffering the loss of ships, planes, and men - reportedly to attacks made from craft that came out of the sea. - Interesting to note Byrd was taken to speak with some of the Nazis who went on the Antarctic voyage before he departed on his own to learn about the conditions they'd face (so there's a direct connection to the Nazi expeditions and Highjump). - Byrd traveled with press, and gave one interview on the way back to the states to a paper in Chile wherein he made comments that the US needs to prepare for attacks coming from over the poles. - Immediately upon his return, Byrd was censored and Highjump was classified. It's speculated he gave his interview to a Chilean newspaper on the way back to assure that some of the story made it to the public without breaking his secrecy oaths. ... So something of interest was/is going on down there. Enough to draw out the technological and esoteric leaders of the Nazi party, enough for the US to commit an armada and 4,000 Marines less than 24 months after the end of the war... but those are just the beginning of the odd visitors of late to the frozen continent. Consider who has visited since 2012: * Juan Carlos of Spain * Prince Henry * John Kerry (on election day of 2016 - supposedly to study climate change... the US's head diplomat...) * Patriarch Kirill III (head of the Russian Orthodox church) - went immediately after meeting with the Pope in Havana. * Buzz Aldrin (who said he was "going to the launchpad" and then fell sick while in Antarctica and had to be hospitalized.) Why all these people? Goering and Hess had no interest in climate change. It's also doubtful Kirill, Aldrin, Byrd, or Juan Carlos went there for climate change reasons... Kerry might have, but as SecState he could pick up the phone and get all the reports on climate change with analysis on his desk at Foggy Bottom within an hour, he wouldn't need to go personally... on election day of all days during the most contentious election in recent history. So why these people? Could they have found something there? Something of major significance to world history, maybe of human origins, perhaps an ancient civilization, or maybe it was something of a technological nature - even an advanced one, or since Kerry was there perhaps it was something that required a diplomat "take me to your leader" kind of thing... The problem here, of course, is this all starts with the Nazis - who made it their mission to not just study the occult and esoteric - but to seek it out and acquire relics. From the list of visitors and excursions - it seems like they may have actually found something. It's probably not this... but it's far more entertaining to consider. You left out Dr. William Dyer's calamitous 1931 expedition.
row_33 Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 You left out Dr. William Dyer's calamitous 1931 expedition. that was a story by Lovecraft, you aren't accusing the libs of using sci-fi horror fiction for their scientific findings, right?
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 You left out Dr. William Dyer's calamitous 1931 expedition. D'oh! Great call.
LeGOATski Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Climate change will create a huge movement of people from the equator and coastal regions north and inland. The real immigration debate has not even begun yet That's fine, as long as they talk English and don't steal mer jerb!!
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Piri Reis map is no joke. I don't think it is. It's been proven with satellite imagery taken by NASA to be overwhelmingly accurate in depicting the shoreline of the continent. If the map isn't a joke, then of course the next question is where did it come from? Was it passed down from a time when Antarctica was free from ice? That alone would suggest that humanity and civilization is MUCH older than mainstream anthropologists believe today. Or, was it passed down from... somewhere else? While I'm having fun with my posts here (and I am), the odds of something game changing being discovered under the ice in Antarctica is probably pretty high - considering how much effort and treasure both the Nazis and the US military have spent on the continent since WW2. Oh, a name I left off the list of recent visitors to the continent: Lockheed Martin. Ponder on that what you will. We aren't allowed to test weapons in Antarctica, and LM is deeply tied to various black projects and high technology within the US MiC. Them being there, like Goering's involvement in the 1930s, hints that whatever they found down there is technological in nature rather than strictly archaeological.
GoBills808 Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 I don't think it is. It's been proven with satellite imagery taken by NASA to be overwhelmingly accurate in depicting the shoreline of the continent. If the map isn't a joke, then of course the next question is where did it come from? Was it passed down from a time when Antarctica was free from ice? That alone would suggest that humanity and civilization is MUCH older than mainstream anthropologists believe today. Or, was it passed down from... somewhere else? While I'm having fun with my posts here (and I am), the odds of something game changing being discovered under the ice in Antarctica is probably pretty high - considering how much effort and treasure both the Nazis and the US military have spent on the continent since WW2. Oh, a name I left off the list of recent visitors to the continent: Lockheed Martin. Ponder on that what you will. We aren't allowed to test weapons in Antarctica, and LM is deeply tied to various black projects and high technology within the US MiC. Them being there, like Goering's involvement in the 1930s, hints that whatever they found down there is technological in nature rather than strictly archaeological. It's not that hard for me to believe civilizations of the past had techniques for accomplishing what our tech does today, albeit probably at a much slower or less replicable way.
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 It's not that hard for me to believe civilizations of the past had techniques for accomplishing what our tech does today, albeit probably at a much slower or less replicable way. Meaning you believe it's possible ancient man had the ability to accurately map the coastline of a continent buried under 2 miles of ice? Or are you saying that it's not hard for you to believe that ancient civilizations were more technologically advanced than what we acknowledge? I'd buy it was a map derived from ancient man if the history of civilization is older than mainstream academia acknowledges. I'm not sure I'd buy that the Ottomans were able to map the continent through two miles of ice in the 15th century.
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.LhJpQBxKO_EyIK8yvXO5YQEsCr&pid=15.1 Meaning you believe it's possible ancient man had the ability to accurately map the coastline of a continent buried under 2 miles of ice? Or are you saying that it's not hard for you to believe that ancient civilizations were more technologically advanced than what we acknowledge? I'd buy it was a map derived from ancient man if the history of civilization is older than mainstream academia acknowledges. I'm not sure I'd buy that the Ottomans were able to map the continent through two miles of ice in the 15th century.
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 http://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.LhJpQBxKO_EyIK8yvXO5YQEsCr&pid=15.1 In this case you don't need ET's if you buy into the idea that man has been on this planet for longer than we're told in our history books.
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 In this case you don't need ET's if you buy into the idea that man has been on this planet for longer than we're told in our history books. History books or the bible? Sorry the devil made me do it.
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 History books or the bible? Sorry the devil made me do it.
Mark80 Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Perhaps it's not climate change that led to the ice shelf coming off... rather, it was the result of ongoing archaeological excavations occurring under the ice in Antarctica since at least 2001: http://exopolitics.org/discovery-of-flash-frozen-antarctica-civilization/ More: http://exopolitics.org/visit-to-antarctica-confirms-discovery-of-flash-frozen-alien-civilization/ http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/archaeology/shock-claims-massive-ancient-civilisation-lies-frozen-deep-beneath-the-antarctic-ice-and-could-even-be-atlantis/news-story/433fc633f7ae122ef8a525013ecba97b http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4094706/Is-lost-city-Antarctica-Mysterious-dome-building-created-ancient-civilisation-bizarre-theory-claims.html Let's not forget about the Piri Reis map, a Turkish map from 1513 that accurately depicts Antarctica without ice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piri_Reis_map Now, before you laugh this off, revisit the list of dignitaries that visited the frozen continent or sent expeditions: *1938: Nazi expeditions, sponsored by Hess (deputy Fuhrer) and Goering (founder of the Luftwaffe and gestapo). - This is a strange pairing since Hess and Goering hated each other. Hess was driven by his interest in the occult and esoteric so it makes sense he'd sponsor an expedition while Goering was not into any of that, he was a nuts and bolts practical man. For Goering to be involved this expedition had to be more than a humanities research visit. *1947: Admiral Richard Byrd took a battalion of Marines and a fleet of ships to Antarctica on OPERATION HIGHJUMP for what was supposed to be a months long voyage which Byrd scuttled after only a few weeks after suffering the loss of ships, planes, and men - reportedly to attacks made from craft that came out of the sea. - Interesting to note Byrd was taken to speak with some of the Nazis who went on the Antarctic voyage before he departed on his own to learn about the conditions they'd face (so there's a direct connection to the Nazi expeditions and Highjump). - Byrd traveled with press, and gave one interview on the way back to the states to a paper in Chile wherein he made comments that the US needs to prepare for attacks coming from over the poles. - Immediately upon his return, Byrd was censored and Highjump was classified. It's speculated he gave his interview to a Chilean newspaper on the way back to assure that some of the story made it to the public without breaking his secrecy oaths. ... So something of interest was/is going on down there. Enough to draw out the technological and esoteric leaders of the Nazi party, enough for the US to commit an armada and 4,000 Marines less than 24 months after the end of the war... but those are just the beginning of the odd visitors of late to the frozen continent. Consider who has visited since 2012: * Juan Carlos of Spain * Prince Henry * John Kerry (on election day of 2016 - supposedly to study climate change... the US's head diplomat...) * Patriarch Kirill III (head of the Russian Orthodox church) - went immediately after meeting with the Pope in Havana. * Buzz Aldrin (who said he was "going to the launchpad" and then fell sick while in Antarctica and had to be hospitalized.) Why all these people? Goering and Hess had no interest in climate change. It's also doubtful Kirill, Aldrin, Byrd, or Juan Carlos went there for climate change reasons... Kerry might have, but as SecState he could pick up the phone and get all the reports on climate change with analysis on his desk at Foggy Bottom within an hour, he wouldn't need to go personally... on election day of all days during the most contentious election in recent history. So why these people? Could they have found something there? Something of major significance to world history, maybe of human origins, perhaps an ancient civilization, or maybe it was something of a technological nature - even an advanced one, or since Kerry was there perhaps it was something that required a diplomat "take me to your leader" kind of thing... The problem here, of course, is this all starts with the Nazis - who made it their mission to not just study the occult and esoteric - but to seek it out and acquire relics. From the list of visitors and excursions - it seems like they may have actually found something. It's probably not this... but it's far more entertaining to consider. Someone has been watching way too many Marvel movies lately.
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 Someone has been watching way too many Marvel movies lately. Or, is Marvel using film and escapism to disclose truths that are tough for most people to swallow? Hmmmmmmmm
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 The Bible indicates the earth is 6,000 years old; never mind twas a poor jest
Deranged Rhino Posted July 12, 2017 Posted July 12, 2017 The Bible indicates the earth is 6,000 years old;never mind twas a poor jest It's all good. I was just trying to track it
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