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He's way better than an average DT. If it wasn't the Vikings hooking up with him it would have been another team by tommorow. Just be thankful it wasn't Miami or the Jets!



With all due respect, Pat played what, 2 downs a series?


We rotate DTs, so losing one isn't a killer.


JJ worries me a bit, but whatever, I'm sure TD has some option. I sure hope he does.

Don't know about him, but I am!  <_<



Thanks! I hung it up after 30+ years on the job(s), so spiffing up the house, cooking the food, and maintaning the cars and lawn is pure pleasure.


Well, let's see if this line-up rings a bell


Pat Williams

Keith Newman

Ken Irvin

Antonio Winfield


and soon


Sam Cowart



Maybe Bruce will lace 'em up for good 'ol Ted Cottrell this fall.


I'm a little bothered that there wasn't much of an attempt (on the surface atleast) to keep the guy in a Bills uni, as he is a very, very good player. To me that offer wasn't much superior to ours, and I guess the home discount was a false promise after all. Good luck to Pat. Glad he's in the NFC.

The funny thing is that the deal is not THAT much better than the one that TD presented, that was supposedly an insult. For PW to have signed so quickly, my thinking is that the Bills really didn't want him back -- or he really didn't want to be back after all, considering that he never gave us an opportunity to match.



I also believe they did not want Williams back. When the Bills signed Sam Adams two years ago, they were searching for a big guy to tie up blockers, because they already had a penetrator in Pat Williams. Adams never warmed to that role, and after his early season tirade and subsequently excellent play this year, the Bills gave up on that plan. The Bills defense played very well overall, but because they did not have a stay-at-home type, they were susceptible to trap blocking, as we saw a couple times later in the season. In a way, I think Adams kinda' pushed his pal out the door by not being down with the plan. When you factor in age as well, it isn't that surprising.


Is Ron Edwards a better complement? Probably not, but he is comparable to Williams and has been steadily improving. I do expect the Bills to look for a DT who will be both capable and inclined to tie-up blockers in FA or the draft. That guy doesn't cost $4M+ per year.


As for Jennings, it's the injuries. I have always believed Jonas was a little quick to call for the medics. I remember back in the "snow game" in 2002 against the Dolphins when Ruben Brown was visibly yelling at Jennings to try to get him to finish the game because he wanted to come out. This guy has been carted off the field for minor injuries aplenty. What happens to a guy like that AFTER he gets paid? Jonas is welcome to prove us wrong(I know A LOT of folks feel this way), but you just can't have a LT who is in and out of the lineup, let alone one who is pulling in $5M+ per year. And, btw, the Bills are used to playing without Jennings.

And, btw, the Bills are used to playing without Jennings.



But they usually had Marcus Price to tap. It would be nice to retain his services at a low price...

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