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Build your own Bills coaching staff....

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Fun topic Jack!!


HC - Marrone (he's an a-hole but was organized and his teams were prepared. Marrone was an easy choice for me here).

OC - Chan (he's proven to be a good OC. He's scored points with some bad talen. This was another easy choice).

DC - Fewell (this is much tougher. I don't love any of the candidates. Greggo has had some success as has Rex. His defense is totally antiquated though. Fewell gets the nod).

ST - Lynn (he has some ST experience. I don't know what other way to go).



With you 100%. Marrone and Gailey were easy choices. And as I had fun elongating their full names to Douglas and Chandler I went for the DC that was easiest to do that with (although I think Gregg is actually his full name... psshht....) In reality Fewell might be the best of a bad bunch there. The best Ds we have fielded came under Mularkey and Marrone.... two offensive coaches. Odd.

Edited by GunnerBill
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using only head/interim coaches from the Bills dark years between Wade Philips and Sean McDermott. Here's your list of available candidates...


Gregg Williams

Mike Mularkey

Dick Jauron

Perry Fewell

Chan Gailey

Doug Marrone

Rex Ryan

Anthony Lynn


And here's the positions to be filled...


Head Coach

Offensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator

Special Teams Coordinator


Um you said between Wade and Sean McDermott, and then left the whole current staff off your list.


I will take this entire staff as is. I already know what I got out of all those other bums...give me the unknown over the known garbage and mediocre.

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Um you said between Wade and Sean McDermott, and then left the whole current staff off your list.


I will take this entire staff as is. I already know what I got out of all those other bums...give me the unknown over the known garbage and mediocre.

Because McDermott's staff is the cut off point. And I'm only asking about former head coaches, not support staff.

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Because McDermott's staff is the cut off point. And I'm only asking about former head coaches, not support staff.


Ah, read it as if he was allowed...ok still easy.


HC: Marrone (hate him, but thats a really bad list of coaches and he did the best of that bunch of losers)

DC: Fewell - Best DC we had not named Schwartz in that time period.

OC: Lynn - Easily best OC we had during that time frame even though he wasn't perfect.


I see Chan got some love...but time has caused people to forget how bad Chan Gailey was at calling the offense. His love affair with FitzCrapTrick was ridiculous. Freddy and CJ would average 7+ yards a carry in the first half of a close game, then Chan would rush 4 times total in the 2nd half and let FitzCrapTrick throw us out of games over and over again. In fact, one year we were undefeated when we had a balanced run/pass attack and winless when we threw more than we ran. He just didn't get it...

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Man! I just read this list Just Jack.....I think I know why we have been losers!

What a horrible list, how can anyone pick Rex for anything?





Only because Marrone and Mularkey quit, Williams is a jerk and Ryan see above.

yes. Who would want any of these guys as coaches
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HC - Mularky (didn't quit on his team, closest we've been to playoffs)

OC - Gailey (got production out of Fitzpatrick and Johnson; will call screens to Watkins)

DC - Williams (certainly not Ryan, too bad Schwartz is not an option)

ST - Lynn (seems to be a leader of men and can covertly call the offense)

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HC - Doesnt matter as long as he gave autonomy to his OC and DC.

OC - Chan Gailey

DC - Perry Fewell

ST - Greg Williams? Does this coach really matter in the grand scheme

HC: Marrone (horrible decision to have to make)

OC: Gailey

DC: Fewell

ST: Lynn (has 3 years of ST coaching experience)

ugh i hated the decision to make Marrone head coach

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I think there are two answers.


If you were going to do it based on performance and reputation, without regard to actually having a functioning coaching staff that could work together and compliment each other, then my answer is:


HC Doug Marrone: Best W-L percentage of the guys mentioned. The HCs final measure.

OC Chan Gailey: Seemed to do the most with the least. If he had a top QB and WR there's no telling how good the offense may have been when he was here.

DC Gregg Williams: Best of a tough field.

ST Dick Jauron: I don't think any of those guys knew much about ST, but the best ST the Bills ever had were with Mularkey and Jauron as HC so one of those two.


If you are thinking of putting together an actual staff, then:


HC Mike Mularkey: I don't seen how Marrone and Gailey could work together, so one of them has to go. Mularkey and Gailey both have those Pittsburgh roots.

OC Chan Gailey

DC Gregg Williams

ST Dick Jauron

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