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Beane/McDermott Botterill/Housley = Pegulas' Wisdom

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When you hear any of these four guys being interviewed you hear the same themes of discipline, culture, analytics, systems, etc. It is a radical departure from what recent teams of both the Bills and Sabres have exhibited both on and off of the field (ice).


Malcolm Gladwell proposed the theory that you need at least 10,000 hours in your chosen field to begin to reach expert status. The Pegulas' have just crossed that threshold and it shows in these recent hires.

I believe that we are in the early stages of what will be golden eras for both franchises.


You know what? We damned well deserve it!

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When you hear any of these four guys being interviewed you hear the same themes of discipline, culture, analytics, systems, etc. It is a radical departure from what recent teams of both the Bills and Sabres have exhibited both on and off of the field (ice).


Malcolm Gladwell proposed the theory that you need at least 10,000 hours in your chosen field to begin to reach expert status. The Pegulas' have just crossed that threshold and it shows in these recent hires.

I believe that we are in the early stages of what will be golden eras for both franchises.


You know what? We damned well deserve it!


Now we just need to see some results.....which is truly what the fans deserve

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When you hear any of these four guys being interviewed you hear the same themes of discipline, culture, analytics, systems, etc. It is a radical departure from what recent teams of both the Bills and Sabres have exhibited both on and off of the field (ice).


Malcolm Gladwell proposed the theory that you need at least 10,000 hours in your chosen field to begin to reach expert status. The Pegulas' have just crossed that threshold and it shows in these recent hires.

I believe that we are in the early stages of what will be golden eras for both franchises.


You know what? We damned well deserve it!


It all sounds great, but show me the babies.

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I wonder: if you asked Beane who he'd select as his HC (of those available), do you think he'd say someone other than McDermott?

Well, because Beane is here because McDermott hired him. Would have be nice if we hired the GM first like most teams do.

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My faith in the Pegulas is at an all time low since they are batting 0.000 since taking over the Sabres and the another 0.000 for the Bills


I like what i see on paper but proof is in the pudding

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We are incredibly lucky to have them as owners of our 2 major pro franchises. They are crazy rich. They are willing to invest in the city beyond the sports teams. They make mistakes, but when they realize they have done so they take action to fix it. In fixing the mistakes, they seem to not repeat the same errors they made before, that is, they are learning from them (seemingly). To me, that is what you want in owners.

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So if Beane were hired in Jan and he then hired McDermott, you'd be happy? I really don't think it matters at all as to the order. What does matter is when you have coach hired that the GM wasn't in favor of like the rumors are that DW didn't want Ryan or the other way around like a few years back in Miami where the coach was already in place and you then brought in a new GM, then you have problems.


Most of the front office hires by the Bills were all people currently under contract with other teams and many considered lateral moves. If you had tried to make these moves in Jan, most if not all would have been stopped by their current teams as teams won't let front office folks leave prior to the draft. Your only choices for GM in January would have been from current un-employed folks.


You state like most teams hire the GM first. While I do agree that is true, it does appear the trend is reversing as in recent years there's been a handful of teams that did as the Bills did and let the coach select the GM. Considering the coach is often payed more, it does make sense to let the coach select the GM. I believe in five years the new normal will be coaches hiring the GM across most of the NFL. So could argue the Bills are forward thinking team!! :rolleyes:


What I don't like it coaches wanting to be coach and GM and the success rate of that is low.



I also would be more encouraged if the Bills ever let their GMs hire their head coaches. At least the Sabres did.



Well, because Beane is here because McDermott hired him. Would have be nice if we hired the GM first like most teams do.

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Well, because Beane is here because McDermott hired him. Would have be nice if we hired the GM first like most teams do.

you guys are never happy, first you complained about our former GM, then, when we got a good one, you're complaining about sequence / timing of the hirings...

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you guys are never happy, first you complained about our former GM, then, when we got a good one, you're complaining about sequence / timing of the hirings...

I've gone from biggest homer here to miserable whiners who is never happy. My transformation is complete!

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Lol... A good one? What have any of these guys accomplished yet?


Is it too much to ask for some wins before we annoit these guys?

I'm pretty sure that the Pegulas got it right with these hires. Time will tell.

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Excuse me sir. We haven't lost a single game since they were hired!

HAHA that's perfect! I should have thought of that line


So I'll just offer we're again winning the off-season


I'll predict by Halloween there will be at least one thread on this board to "Fire McD"

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How many times do you hear it?

It goes on all day long

Everyone knows everything

And no one's ever wrong

Until later


Who can you believe?

It's hard to play it safe

But apart from a few good friends

We don't take anything on faith

Until later


Show (show) don't tell (don't tell)

Show me don't tell me

You've figured out the score

Show me don't tell me

I've heard it all before

Show me don't tell me

I don't care what you say

Show me don't tell me

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