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Turnover on this team is staggering.

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If we improve over last year it may be due to Rex's loading up the team with his ex-Jets and homeboys. I just did a quick eyeball of the rosters, and there are so many changes it's unbelievable. I hope that the new regime is legit and knows better how to judge talent. I know some of the losses are good players, like Gilmore and Gilislee, but how will we live without Leger Douzable and Idehego (sp)? What about that guy who punched Geno Smith? He's gone too! Will miss him.


I see a future in which there are 11 players on the field on every play. I see coaches making challenges based upon real observations and upstairs paying attention. I don't see Marcel Dareus dropping back into coverage. I see Reggie Ragland knocking Gilislee onto his backside. I see Lawson blindsiding Brady and Brady considering retiring in the middle of a game. I see a healthy Sammy Watkins getting 1400 yards and 15 touchdowns.


But then again, I just dropped a handful of shrooms.

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you change coaches and schemes and you have to get players to fit those schemes. when you change coaches every 2 years it's hard to get the right players. something the Bills obviously don't understand.

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Of the 68 players who saw the field on at least one game last year, only 32 remain. And that number may get smaller by opening day against the Jets.


I don't know what the league average is, but I think TC is right: turnover is staggering.

Edited by hondo in seattle
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you change coaches and schemes and you have to get players to fit those schemes. when you change coaches every 2 years it's hard to get the right players. something the Bills obviously don't understand.

So what,you would have kept the Rex and Rob clown show?

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Simply put, Rex was a disaster hire. With how good the defense was in 2014, it was lunacy to hire a coach who wanted to change that scheme. We should have hired an offensive coach (Hue Jackson would have been ideal) and made Schwartz the highest paid DC in the league.

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It's a revolving door for sure. I can't even decide which jersey I'd buy...


Obvi Stevie and Knee J were poor choices. I'm now thinking maybe a pegula jersey with 1.4?


I won a bet with a friend last year and he owes me a jersey. I have so many former players in my closet its not funny. I even have Hughes, Dareus and Tyrod in terms of current. I am thinking of going with a drought related jersey, but it's proving a bit tricky. Any good suggestions for name plate and number combos? Thinking Drought #17, but it'll quickly become a duct tape jersey as we approach 20 years. Maybe NoPlayoffs 00?



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you change coaches and schemes and you have to get players to fit those schemes. when you change coaches every 2 years it's hard to get the right players. something the Bills obviously don't understand.

maroon opted out, so can't blame anyone there. The big mistake was hiring Rex which necessitated a scheme change. Mcdermott would have to be a catastrophe for them to make another quick change.
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It's a revolving door for sure. I can't even decide which jersey I'd buy...


Obvi Stevie and Knee J were poor choices. I'm now thinking maybe a pegula jersey with 1.4?


That revolving door is why I stopped buying active player jerseys. My B. Smith #78 will never, ever go out of style. Unless he kills his ex wife and a waiter. But even then...

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