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I've had a dozen different steaks that are the best I've ever made because, at least to me, there are a lot of factors that go into it, not the least of which is the quality of the meat, but also what's on the side, what am I drinking, how much have I been drinking, what day of the week is it (Saturday night steaks are my favorite steaks).


That said, ONE of the best steaks I've ever made is the Caveman Porterhouse with a poblano pepper pan fry.


This recipe freaked me out because you're using lump charcoals (NOT brickets) and when they're good and hot, you're throwing a beautiful piece of meat directly on the coals.


But damn. I mean, damn.


So good, you don't even need the peppers, but you want to make them because you're then throwing the cast iron skillet directly on the coals to cook up the peppers, and there's something a bit primitive about it all that says "Gonna eam me some steak. Stay back. This could get messy."

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