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what would have happened to him if he were drafted by the Bills,the Browns, The Lions,The Jets or some other puke franchise?

He dodged a bullet in the beginning thats for sure.

But his brilliance wasnt in his athletic ability...It was in his freakish total concentration.Like an autistic kid.Combined with the greatest coach of all time(due respect to Lombardi and walsh)

and a great owner the perfect storm happened.


Also deflated balls, video of opponents practice, stolen play books, gifted calls I.e. the tuck rule, rules made specifically for him I.e. The Brady Rule, and rules suddenly ruled illegal after the Patriots used them i.e. the 2015 substitutions/formations now made illegal. But other than that, yeah, a consumate pro

You forgot his helmet radio that stays on so his OC can tell him who's open.


It's 2032 and I retired in 2027. I am the GOAT of all time and the leagues golden boy, I should've been enshrined the year I retired at the latest, if not after I won my 10th Super Bowl.


I'd like to thank Bob Kraft for pumping 10's of millions of dollars into my "business".


I'd also like to thank Mark McNally for keeping the correct pressure in my balls, I couldn't do it without your helping hands.


Finally I'd like to thank all of my coaches and bluetooth for keeping me informed of what the defense looks like just before the ball is snapped.


"First of all, I'd like to thank my wife Giselle for marrying me. It shows I'm a smart man for marrying a woman richer and better looking than me.


Next, I'd like to thank Commissioner Goodell. Ha. yes I know. I'm not making a joke. I'd like to thank commissioner Goodell for destroying all those tapes that would otherwise have negated all those superbowl wins. And for having the genius to create a fake animosity between the Patriots franchise and himself, a protege of our owner Robert Kraft, so that all the naysayers would truly believe he was against us when in fact he was working for us and Mr. Kraft.


Finally, I want to thank my father. Yes my true father, the man who MADE ME FOR WHAT I AM. Bill Belicheat. You picked up a skinny weak ass from san francisco, and made me believe I could be like my childhood hero. You showed me what it was to be a winner, and that winning is all that it matters at the end of the day. If there was an easier way to do it, just do it. Because NFL is a smart league and will not tear itself down by vilifying its champions.


Oh just one more thing - to all the haters, look what I got you turds will never get! (hoists his bronze HOF bust, waves middle finger with rings and departs)."


I'm great, you guys suck and it's time to go home to my supermodel wife and get some.


You forgot..." You guys should be on your knees and thank God for having had the chance to see me play..."

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