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Is he really the worst President since James Buchanan? Wow... And it gets pretty low when you start throwing around the antebellum Presidents in the same breath! Somewhere between Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan.

Damn... Maybe Harding in the 1920s breaking that run on pre-Civil War ineptness? Warren G. was so damn corrupt and scandal ridden too! Who can not forget history and Teapot Dome. Is the "Flynn Affair" going to be read in history books too.


Trump may have broke the mold! Where do you put "Captain Cheeto" in that clusterphuck of a schitshow link above.


Is he ahead of these guys?



Or back in the pack?



Now... This is my thread. Anything I deem that argues to the contrary... I will leave alone. :nana:

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Well he's certainly no Barack Obama. 4 months in and Trump hasn't invented Cars for Clunkers or had a 'Beer summit'! :rolleyes:


This is my thread and I totally deem this contrary to the spirit of the thread!


You Sir need to be bought a Blue Moon... With an orange slice of course! :D


He's second fattest.



Da Pope don't joke!




Melane... You pumping him with sugary treats.


"Foie Trumpas"


Now... Historically... Cleveland and Taft were pretty large guys. Looking back, like look svelte. TR was fit & trim!


Campaign rib against Cleveland: "Ma Ma where's my Pa, off to Washington, ha ha ha!" Still holds true today.


How would you grade the 2017 NFL draft.

Were the Bills or Chiefs the winners of the Mahomes trade?


Is anyone else disappointed Peterman hasn't taken over the starting job yet?




What a stupid thread. He's not even a quarter of the way through his first term.


Okay...so we can rank him above Harrison at least.



Okay...so we can rank him above Harrison at least.

Ha... Good one!


Tyler is also on the list and he termed out after filling in for Tippecanoe.


Trump must have read the Do's & Don'ts of "Tyler Too"... He ain't totally doing a 180 on the Republicans. He's playing ball and bringing the Republican A-game... @ times.


Yeah... Still early in the game... But man, the first 100 days was a schit stain. Had to be one of the worst embarrassments in American history. The suspense is really building for the rest of the term...




If he gets any fatter, The Trumpster may rival Augustus Gloop stuck in the tube.




But, then again, no worries, the tube just goes to the Marshmallow Room.




If he gets any fatter, The Trumpster may rival Augustus Gloop stuck in the tube.




But, then again, no worries, the tube just goes to the Marshmallow Room.


Are you body shaming? :o



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