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19 Dead,50 Injured in terror attack at Ariana Grande Concert

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Ummmmm maybe seeking attention to the fact that this has happened several times over the past few years and it appears that those that are sworn to protect us done very litte to stop this. As a matter of fact they've implemented policies that may very well have exacerbated the situation. Isn't admitting the problem the first step in solving said problem?


This is not something that has just happened over the last few years. It isn't something that can be put into that sort of context. Historically, the 'Middle East' has been contentious for hundreds of years, going back to the crusades. However, bearing in mind that the USA wasn't involved in them, the 'current' context for all of the crap that is happening, roughly begins with the end of the 2nd World War, and the establishment of modern Israel. Where in their collective guilt at what had happened, made the Allies displace the Palestinians, in order to give the Israelis their spiritual 'home' back.


That action, and the subsequent support for Israel from, and by, the USA, has had all sorts of ramifications spread out from it, as various conflicts and issues, have sprung from it.


Rather ironically, there was a really good opportunity, to have kept an awful lot of this from happening, with the first Gulf War. When right was most definitely on the allies side. Unfortunately, Daddy Bush didn't pull the plug on Saddam Hussein, even though Thatcher told him he should do, and at a time when the Arab world, would have been more than happy to see the back of him.


Son of Bush, then has to dig up some sort of spurious 'weapons of mass destruction' (which were never found) to finish off what Daddy started, but this time around, with the backing of the big oil interests in the USA.


About the only consistent thing with the USA's foreign policy in the middle east, has been its support of Israel. Pretty much everything else has been ill conceived, poorly executed, and often hypocritical. A large number of the Middle Eastern countries, are pretty much well known for having oppressive regimes, yet only some are 'enemies'.


There's an awful lot more that can be said about the whole history of the area, and I've pretty much missed a lot of it, but if you want to start admitting to the 'problems', it's as good a place to start as any.



I would also like to point people at the BBC website, to see news about what happened. Especially about how the diverse people of Manchester, stood together, and made every effort to help those affected by the tragic event. Look at who these people were who helped, as they included many from ethnic groups who are the supposed cause of this, who simply saw a tragedy unfolding, and rushed to do as much as they could, as you would expect any other human to.

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We didn't............


You know, and I hate to say this, some day what would it take to fly a small plane into an NFL stadium. Carnage for sure

That's a big reason for Brexit! England had a terrorist "watch list" with about 3500-4000 names. Belgium has over 18,000! Have not seen any numbers from France, but people are fed up with the BS, and are doing all they can to limit and eventually end it!

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She cancelled her tour? Wow!


I understand the devastation, but was this the right move?

She is just a kid herself and probably feels a ton of guilt (people who came to see her died.) can't really expect her to be the one to send a message to these dirtbags.

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This is not something that has just happened over the last few years. It isn't something that can be put into that sort of context. Historically, the 'Middle East' has been contentious for hundreds of years, going back to the crusades. However, bearing in mind that the USA wasn't involved in them, the 'current' context for all of the crap that is happening, roughly begins with the end of the 2nd World War, and the establishment of modern Israel. Where in their collective guilt at what had happened, made the Allies displace the Palestinians, in order to give the Israelis their spiritual 'home' back.


That action, and the subsequent support for Israel from, and by, the USA, has had all sorts of ramifications spread out from it, as various conflicts and issues, have sprung from it.


Rather ironically, there was a really good opportunity, to have kept an awful lot of this from happening, with the first Gulf War. When right was most definitely on the allies side. Unfortunately, Daddy Bush didn't pull the plug on Saddam Hussein, even though Thatcher told him he should do, and at a time when the Arab world, would have been more than happy to see the back of him.


Son of Bush, then has to dig up some sort of spurious 'weapons of mass destruction' (which were never found) to finish off what Daddy started, but this time around, with the backing of the big oil interests in the USA.


About the only consistent thing with the USA's foreign policy in the middle east, has been its support of Israel. Pretty much everything else has been ill conceived, poorly executed, and often hypocritical. A large number of the Middle Eastern countries, are pretty much well known for having oppressive regimes, yet only some are 'enemies'.


There's an awful lot more that can be said about the whole history of the area, and I've pretty much missed a lot of it, but if you want to start admitting to the 'problems', it's as good a place to start as any.



I would also like to point people at the BBC website, to see news about what happened. Especially about how the diverse people of Manchester, stood together, and made every effort to help those affected by the tragic event. Look at who these people were who helped, as they included many from ethnic groups who are the supposed cause of this, who simply saw a tragedy unfolding, and rushed to do as much as they could, as you would expect any other human to.


The history of the middle east, whether ancient or not, is no justification for murdering innocent people at a concert or anywhere else. This is not an issue to be clouded or muddled by politics. There are indeed times where a little introspection is a good thing. This is not one of them.

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The history of the middle east, whether ancient or not, is no justification for murdering innocent people at a concert or anywhere else. This is not an issue to be clouded or muddled by politics. There are indeed times where a little introspection is a good thing. This is not one of them.

Classic leftist tactic: false equivalency.

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The history of the middle east, whether ancient or not, is no justification for murdering innocent people at a concert or anywhere else. This is not an issue to be clouded or muddled by politics. There are indeed times where a little introspection is a good thing. This is not one of them.

but he typed soooo much. And tried Sooooo hard. And and. And. That was a lot of effort!


Seriously I read half of it and do not see his point at all

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This is not something that has just happened over the last few years. It isn't something that can be put into that sort of context.

Speaking of historical context, the Prime Minister of Great Britain during the First Gulf War was John Major



Rather ironically, there was a really good opportunity, to have kept an awful lot of this from happening, with the first Gulf War. When right was most definitely on the allies side. Unfortunately, Daddy Bush didn't pull the plug on Saddam Hussein, even though Thatcher told him he should do, and at a time when the Arab world, would have been more than happy to see the back of him.


But don't let a triviality like that ruin a good rant

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but he typed soooo much. And tried Sooooo hard. And and. And. That was a lot of effort!


Seriously I read half of it and do not see his point at all


All I got from it was "Because of the failed policies of the Bush administration."

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Classic leftist tactic: false equivalency.


Yep. Let's see if he can make a relevant point instead of shoveling another pile of bullsh@t.


but he typed soooo much. And tried Sooooo hard. And and. And. That was a lot of effort!


Seriously I read half of it and do not see his point at all


He now has an opportunity to debate my calling him out. We'll see if he takes it.

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Why don't they just pass a law in Britain that outlaws personal ownership of bombs? That should fix the problem.

Or a law limiting the number of nails you can purchase at a time. Theres no reason anybody needs to stockpile nails

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Yep. Let's see if he can make a relevant point instead of shoveling another pile of bullsh@t.



He now has an opportunity to debate my calling him out. We'll see if he takes it.

he won't

That's the thing about chicken poo. You can't help but step in it some times, you can wash it off but you got the poo on you.


We need to just avoid the **** like that. There is no changing minds

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Or a law limiting the number of nails you can purchase at a time. Theres no reason anybody needs to stockpile nails

Just make them more expensive. In this day and age there's no reason to have "8 penny" or "16 penny" nails. Make them all $5 nails and bankrupt the !@#$ing terrorists!

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Or a law limiting the number of nails you can purchase at a time. Theres no reason anybody needs to stockpile nails


Do we even need nails? I mean, sometimes builders leave them on the ground, and then animals step on them, and they get lead poisoning. It's not right.


Nails should be made of rubber, so every time an animal steps on them or someone puts them in a bomb, they just bounce off everything.


Yeah. That's it. Rubber nails.


Goodbye, terrorism. Not gonna miss you.

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I know it sounds cold, and every life is a precious individual, but these attacks, even 911 are a drop in the bucket when you compare the randon nature, so few dead to previous historical events. Let's say the Battle of the Somme in WWI. For 5 months in 1916, almost 1 million were wounded or killed.


Throwing the "baby out with the bathwater" financially to try and save every life is exactly what these terrorists want. 1,000 little cuts... Mess with psychology of the group...


I know it is hard... I feel sorry and want to save everybody too. We can't close the world.


With that... The singer Morrissey is very much right:




Yet, Morrissey... The West can't give them the true war the extremists so deeply want.


This, on a small scale is like The Plague. The rich will just ride off into the country until it burns itself off for another season. Yet, they will tell you to go out and shop with the group.


Anyway... Ain't this going to tighten up things around the world, getting around a stadium... Even taking your kids to see the Ice Capades... :-(

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