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My main reason for feeling optimistic going into 2017..

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I expected to see "drugs" as the answer

beat me to it. people getting wasted and body slamming each other through tables before the Pats game thinking we are going to win comes to mind

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The upgrade I feel we received in coaching.

There's a big reason why though.

In 2016, the Bills lost 6 of 9 games by 7 points or less, including 6 games by 6 points or less.

Throw in a week 17 Jet game we basically lost on purpose, that's 8 losses and 6 were by more less 1 score...

@Sea VsMia @Mia @Bal VsNYJ

All were veryyyyy winnable games.

Good coaching and a better system over the chaotic one Rex had , and you can easily turn 3 of those into W's.

That's 10 Wins.


No crazy analyitics, just some facts, proving the Bills were an extremely competitive team and if you upgrade the coaching on a team that is close, it can go a long way in producing a competitive football team.


I believe we massively upgraded. This group needed more discipline and accountability. McD and Co. bring that, as well as a extremely high football i.q..


10 Wins is very attainable, stop listening to the chronic negative fan, that seems to prefer the negativity, and look at facts and legit bright spots, that show this team has the potential to be competitors immediately


Edit- The Bills won only 2 of 7 games by 7 or less points. 6 games by less than 6 points..

I agree with you 100%.

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one other point i'd like to make is that i am sure that mc d is smart enough to realize that the secondary is going to need the help of a nasty dline that is constantly in the backfield and disrupting the opponents plans. attacking and sacking will help this new secondary. i still hope we sign byrd.

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Jersey Bills. I see very little if any flaw in your explanation. I need to caution you not to argue with the TT haters as you will not change their minds. That is untill they begin to win big and of course then to them it will be all because the scheme and not TT. Just saying. That all said Ding Dong the wicked Rex is gone!!

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That's why you don't assume anything based on a schedule at this point. A lot can change year to year. I don't know why this is so hard for some to understand.

If someone if predicting 4-5 wins just because the schedule looks tough, they're trying far too hard.

Well, that is how vegas sets the W/L O/U. They look at the schedule and break down a teams chances to win each game. Sure, they are sometimes WAY off, but more often then not, their numbers are 1-2 wins off.....and they do that by looking at the teams schedule. Not sure why that's so hard for you to understand. Everyone understands that some teams may go from 12-4 to 6-10. There will also be some teams that go from 6-10 to 12-4 (maybe it will be us), but speaking facts, a teams w/l is predicted by the team itself and the teams that they play. That's not trying too hard, that's reality.

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The upgrade I feel we received in coaching.

There's a big reason why though.

In 2016, the Bills lost 6 of 9 games by 7 points or less, including 6 games by 6 points or less.

Throw in a week 17 Jet game we basically lost on purpose, that's 8 losses and 6 were by more less 1 score...

@Sea VsMia @Mia @Bal VsNYJ

All were veryyyyy winnable games.

Good coaching and a better system over the chaotic one Rex had , and you can easily turn 3 of those into W's.

That's 10 Wins.


No crazy analyitics, just some facts, proving the Bills were an extremely competitive team and if you upgrade the coaching on a team that is close, it can go a long way in producing a competitive football team.


I believe we massively upgraded. This group needed more discipline and accountability. McD and Co. bring that, as well as a extremely high football i.q..




Though I agree McD is a refreshing change from the blowhard that is Rex, to label him as a better coach is a bit premature. McD is 0-0 as a head coach, Rex has accomplished what this organization hasn't in 17 years. I do expect a Adam Gase effect like the Fins experienced last season.




Haha, 10 wins your dreaming man.


Would you have thought the Fins would have won 11 games and a playoff appearance last season with a new HC? Probable? Maybe not, but not impossible by any means.

Yes but we lost a lot of talent during the offseason so we will have to see how to new additions perform

Who? Gilmore? He may prove to be a very good corner in NE, but he was mediocre here and never embraced Buffalo. Signing him for that contract would have hindered this team for years. He never wanted to play here. NRC? Lots of heart but limited slot cover man who is replaceable. TD Mike? Would have loved to retain and certainly a front office blunder, but remember he was a street FA. Shouldn't be too hard to replace. Woods? Good, not great. Did you see that contract? Z. Brown? Used last season as a platform for a payday elsewhere. Again, didn't want to be here unless we overpaid.

using the schedule as a reason for fewer wins is gross. We have no idea how the schedule will shake out.

Agree. Never know until everything shakes out. One or two of those teams will finish .500 or less. Happens every season.

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Well, that is how vegas sets the W/L O/U. They look at the schedule and break down a teams chances to win each game. Sure, they are sometimes WAY off, but more often then not, their numbers are 1-2 wins off.....and they do that by looking at the teams schedule. Not sure why that's so hard for you to understand. Everyone understands that some teams may go from 12-4 to 6-10. There will also be some teams that go from 6-10 to 12-4 (maybe it will be us), but speaking facts, a teams w/l is predicted by the team itself and the teams that they play. That's not trying too hard, that's reality.


I agree .....We can certainly look at the schedule and say, it will be tougher than last year...Yes, 1 or 2 teams can have a down year, but what are the odds of several teams that were good last year crap the bed this year ?...Plus, a team like the Panthers could bounce back etc....


There is no doubt that on paper, this year's schedule is tougher.....How many games are we considered to be the under dog ?

Edited by Iron Maiden
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I think we are all optimistic about the coaching change. That said, we have a heck of a tough schedule next year.


This years competition compared to last years:


Oakland (with Carr) = Pittsburgh

K.C. > Baltimore

Denver > Cincinnati

San Diego > Cleveland


Atlanta = Seattle

Tampa Bay = Arizona

Carolina > L.A. Rams

New Orleans > San Francisco


Notice the lack of "<"


It also doesn't help that we have given Miami new confidence after they swept us last season.


I also worry a bit about any downgrade in our offense just due to the system change. I know we have some pretty good pieces (when healthy) and an above average o-line. Just have to make sure that the system is still one they can run with success. Don't want a situation like when Rex came in and changed everything for the worse on defense.

I get it, but every year a team that we're will dominate us has a down season, and vice versa. It's a tough excerise, and you can certainly have an idea, but it's not right to assume certain wins/losses based in a previous year.

On top of that, guys like luck, cam, and rivers don't make me too nervous. Even as great as brees is, his team hasn't shown a thing as of late.


Yeah but it tends to equal out too. Even if we beat one or two of those good teams on paper (like the Cardinals and Pats last year), there is also a good chance we lose a couple that we thought we should have won (Ravens and Jets).


Of course the schedule can be factored in even if only on paper. Example, what if we had a theoretical schedule that switch the Patsx2 out with the Browns x2? That would make a huge difference. Same thing can happen year to year depending on the division you are slated to play.

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i see a more difficult schedule this year however until we see what happens week to week you never know. For all we know brady goes down week 1 with a knee injury. I do believe the coaching staff with have an impact and win us a few more games than rex could. It will come down to how far tyrod can take us imo.

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The schedule does appear more difficult this year however there is reason for optimism. Its going to be tough but all i want to see is improvement. A more competitive team, a defense that doesnt get run all over and an offence that doesnt rely on shady making plays all over to be successful.


Those reasons alone should help improve us regardless if we play the Pats 16 times a year

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Too early to tell, but I think this was the best draft we've had in a really long time. IMO, the #1 reason for optimism is that we have a GM from outside the walls of OBD for the first time since Donahoe, as well as a HC who's expected to do more than just generate buzz & sell tickets. If I can be optimistic about this team, anyone can.

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Too early to tell, but I think this was the best draft we've had in a really long time. IMO, the #1 reason for optimism is that we have a GM from outside the walls of OBD for the first time since Donahoe, as well as a HC who's expected to do more than just generate buzz & sell tickets. If I can be optimistic about this team, anyone can.

...throw in the best FO/Administration/Coaching staff since Polian era as well........17 scouts gone....maybe 17 years of futility gone....is it in the number "17"??...stay tuned................

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....a solid football organization from top to bottom running the show will have a trickle down effect right down to between the white stripes IMO....although "on paper" so far, the young gun 40 somethings are shaping up to be the best we have seen since the Polian era......time will tell..........


They might stumble a bit, but i bet they mature and develop cohesion quickly.

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On any given day. I like Jerseys additude. I would like to see how many games we lost because the "D" was wiped in the fourth quarter. I really think a better "D" will make us 10-6 or 9-7 and a prayer to make the playoffs. We have a lot of unknowns so it should be fun. New coaches will have plenty of time to get this team ready so there is no reason to have to wait for next year. Go Bills.

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I think the real reason that you are optimistic is that it is the off season. That's the time of year that it is possible and fun to believe that the Bills are likely to go to the playoffs due to the lack of information either way yet. "We got players X, Y, and Z and only lost A, B, and C (and they sucked and wanted too much money anyway). Plus, we have Rex ... McD now, and the Pegulas are really great owners now because they learned from the past! It's our time/run deep/starts with one! "


Not that there is anything wrong with joyous optimism. It's one of the best things about the off season.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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...throw in the best FO/Administration/Coaching staff since Polian era as well........17 scouts gone....maybe 17 years of futility gone....is it in the number "17"??...stay tuned................

You might be on to something here.

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