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6 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


I get very tired of being told I'm a Trump supporter when I've disliked the charlatan longer than the people calling me a Trump supporter have even been alive.  :wacko:


the pleasure of all this would be dropping 80% easily if it wasn't for the fact that he beat Hillary


for the rest of our lives we are going to smile just thinking about it





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35 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:

This is going to be the sweetest part for me personally. 


Digging into this guy on my own caused more blowback than almost anything else I tried to get people to comment on.


As an aside, Lokhova is on a book tour promoting her latest spy book - The Spy Who Changed History.  It was Stalin's early efforts to infiltrate US academia to steal secrets and then to pollute the educational ground water.

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45 minutes ago, GG said:


If you participated here for a bit of time, you'd know that about half the people who you probably think are in lock step with Trump were/are his biggest critics on this forum (when it's truly deserved).   The difference of course is that it gives us a perspective to also see through the blatant hit jobs that he's taken.


Perhaps but I have brought up missteps before and told they were no big deal.  I hate to beat this drum but the go back to where you came from tweet got way more defense here than I expected. 


To the blatant hit jobs I think that is the cost of being president.  Especially with the 24 hour news cycles and social media now it is easier than ever to spark (faux) outrage.  The right did it to Clinton, then the left did it to GW, then the right did it to Obama, and now the left does it to Trump.


I did some research on this previously and the research showed that Trump gets the most negative coverage.  I think that has to do with him being a celebrity beforehand and someone who made enemies prior to becoming POTUS.  Trump had a lot of negative press prior to becoming president and many people already had an opinion on him.  Prior to their presidential runs very few people knew who Obama or Clinton were.  GW was only known for being the owner of the Rangers and the son of Bush I.


5 minutes ago, row_33 said:


the pleasure of all this would be dropping 80% easily if it wasn't for the fact that he beat Hillary


for the rest of our lives we are going to smile just thinking about it






You and me both.  Seriously the coronation of Clinton was something I was very happy not to see.  The DNC showed how corrupt they were and it still wasn't enough.  Media on both sides showed their true colors more than ever before.  To be a fly on the wall when she realized she hadn't won...

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5 minutes ago, section122 said:


Perhaps but I have brought up missteps before and told they were no big deal.  I hate to beat this drum but the go back to where you came from tweet got way more defense here than I expected. 


To the blatant hit jobs I think that is the cost of being president.  Especially with the 24 hour news cycles and social media now it is easier than ever to spark (faux) outrage.  The right did it to Clinton, then the left did it to GW, then the right did it to Obama, and now the left does it to Trump.


I did some research on this previously and the research showed that Trump gets the most negative coverage.  I think that has to do with him being a celebrity beforehand and someone who made enemies prior to becoming POTUS.  Trump had a lot of negative press prior to becoming president and many people already had an opinion on him.  Prior to their presidential runs very few people knew who Obama or Clinton were.  GW was only known for being the owner of the Rangers and the son of Bush I.

The advance of social media certainly plays a role, as does Trump’s pre-presidency fame. No argument. 

But even with that - this is still VERY different than what we’ve seen w past presidents. It’s different because it’s not one side of the establishment media complex railing him while the other side feigns objectivity. That’s what we saw w Bush and Fox v CNN as an example, or Obama and Fox and CNN. There were bomb throwers and partisan diatribes passed off as fact — but there was at least the attempt to appear objective. 

That has not held for Trump. He’s been attacked, non stop, from ALL sides since day one. This is because the split between traditional democrat and republican camps in the media was always more for show that reality. The truth was they were always on the same side — the establishment’s side which is bi partisan. Trump ran on upending the establishment — not just domestically but globally. That made him a threat, and the Establishment media dropped all pretenses of objectivity to help the IC effort to overthrow him. Facts or objectivity be damned. 

Its not that media was once objective and now isn’t because of Trump — it’s that their mask has slipped and we can all see that they were NEVER objective. They always swore fealty to their true masters in the IC and MiC establishment above truth or objectivity. It’s just in the past, the office of the president was under their team’s control regardless of the letter in front of their name. 

What we as a people have been given over the past three years is a chance to see behind these masks. 

How we choose to go forward now that we’ve seen the man behind the curtain will be interesting in the years to come. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, section122 said:


Perhaps but I have brought up missteps before and told they were no big deal.  I hate to beat this drum but the go back to where you came from tweet got way more defense here than I expected. 


To the blatant hit jobs I think that is the cost of being president.  Especially with the 24 hour news cycles and social media now it is easier than ever to spark (faux) outrage.  The right did it to Clinton, then the left did it to GW, then the right did it to Obama, and now the left does it to Trump.


I did some research on this previously and the research showed that Trump gets the most negative coverage.  I think that has to do with him being a celebrity beforehand and someone who made enemies prior to becoming POTUS.  Trump had a lot of negative press prior to becoming president and many people already had an opinion on him.  Prior to their presidential runs very few people knew who Obama or Clinton were.  GW was only known for being the owner of the Rangers and the son of Bush I.



You and me both.  Seriously the coronation of Clinton was something I was very happy not to see.  The DNC showed how corrupt they were and it still wasn't enough.  Media on both sides showed their true colors more than ever before.  To be a fly on the wall when she realized she hadn't won...


It's not a secret that this forum leans more to the conservative side, in part because the few rational liberals have run off or don't bother to participate.   This is not an easy forum for newbies, and the usual indoctrination is to be labeled an idiot until proven otherwise.  This works against the liberals, because most jump in here with the usual social media talking points, which predictable get shot down within minutes.  Unable to rationally expand beyond what they can parrot, they leave.  I will grant that the site is a bit more forgiving to conservative idiots.


But as it relates to Trump, you kind of have it backwards.  The media doesn't hate him because he was already a celebrity and made enemies.  Until November 6, 2016 the media LOVED Donald Trump.   He was ratings gold.  That's why they pumped him all the way from his elevator ride until election day.  And then he won, against the odds.


The best analogy I have is, think of this as a Super Bowl between a heavy favorite and a goofball heavy underdog.  Look at what happens when the favorite is upset - the last place the fans look at is where did the favorite fail?  The first reaction is - how did the underdog cheat to get the W?  No fan wants to accept the fact that your team screwed up, or maybe wasn't that good in the first place.   The blame must always be on the opponent, and the opponent obviously cheated.


This line of thinking started immediately on Wednesday after the election, and you're seeing the predictable follow ups from the side that simply can't accept a fair & square loss.

Edited by GG
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2 hours ago, section122 said:


I'm not your target here as I don't hate Trump.  I'm not a fan of the way he represents the country but hate is not at all a word I would use for my feelings.  I will take a crack as I think the answer is very simple.  It lines up with their beliefs.  Same reason everyone here is quick to believe Trump and everything the right pumps out.  Trump is a proven liar and manipulator.  However he gets the benefit of the doubt all the time on this board.  People want to believe what fits their narrative.  It is really that simple.  Confirmation bias runs rampant on both sides.


You think Trump was brought in as some outsider to bring down the cabal that really runs this country.  I think Trump who was born rich and profits greatly from his position as the president is more of the same.  In 5 years a Dem will get elected and this board will go crazy about how evil the new president is, and 8 years later a repub will go in and on and on and on and on.


Before people ask for proven liar proof:




or if you prefer the ap:




The polifact site is not facts...many of those facts are just manipulation and the exaggerated use of words, not much different

what they are accuse Trump of.


ap. lol.

1 hour ago, row_33 said:


the pleasure of all this would be dropping 80% easily if it wasn't for the fact that he beat Hillary


for the rest of our lives we are going to smile just thinking about it






This is true.  I never get tired of reflecting that the woman who once said "WE are the President!" is not only not President, but is complaining about someone else's "authoritarianism."  


And that the woman complaining about the current President's racism and genocidal policies was, when she "was" the President, was responsible for calling Rwanda "acts consistent with genocide."  

2 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


This is true.  I never get tired of reflecting that the woman who once said "WE are the President!" is not only not President, but is complaining about someone else's "authoritarianism."  


And that the woman complaining about the current President's racism and genocidal policies was, when she "was" the President, was responsible for calling Rwanda "acts consistent with genocide."  


tweeting happy birthday to herself, soon to be elected President, was gold



7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Does that mean Schiffy is gonna get arrested!?  ? ? ?   I know, I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?


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On 11/22/2019 at 10:44 AM, Buffalo_Gal said:

This reminder clip is making the rounds today. (it is from a hearing a while back) 



On 11/22/2019 at 11:31 AM, Deranged Rhino said:


This isn't directed at anyone here, just me thinking out loud:


I know more than a few people think this is what it's going to end up being about -- I'm less than 20% on that (based on my own work, not saying I know one way or the other for sure). A lot of people are attached to RR being either good or bad, and are building their expectations on this issue around that. As we discussed many times down here, I'm personally more confused than ever about what role RR was playing -- if any -- on the counter-intel side of the coin. I went back and forth, many times, and eventually gave up trying to decipher that particular piece of the puzzle because it required too much guessing -- and once you get locked in on a position with him, it colors the whole way you look at the rest of the situation. Because he did some shady stuff... and some seemingly above the board/honest/ethical stuff throughout the whole ordeal. 


The danger of this whole thing from the beginning is that the spook world is NOT the same as the political world or traditional law enforcement world. There's even less black and white with spy v spy stuff than there is in the murky worlds of law enforcement or Congress, and many more shades of gray. Worse, only a fraction of the spook world activities ever really get brought to the light of day in terms of legal consequences/indictments/public disclosure -- so there will be large chunks of this story that our generation(s) will likely be unable to confirm.


That will be done by future historians, 20-30-50 years down the line when more records get unsealed. 


20 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


It's why about a year + ago I just stopped, for the most part, arguing the point that I wasn't a Trump voter, and was, in fact, a Hollywood liberal :lol: 


I just leaned in. 

You have a Schiff for a Congressperson.

20 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

This is going to be the sweetest part for me personally. 


Digging into this guy on my own caused more blowback than almost anything else I tried to get people to comment on.

I imagine it would be similar to trying to dig into Clapper or Brennan. He (Dearlove) probably ran Witchcraft but thinks he's George Smiley.

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2 minutes ago, Nanker said:

I imagine it would be similar to trying to dig into Clapper or Brennan. He (Dearlove) probably ran Witchcraft but thinks he's George Smiley.

While gathering interviews and research materials first hand on this topic I was physically confronted/intimidated twice. 

Once while in London trying to get a meeting w a Hakluyt employee — that incident taught me a valuable lesson about the difference between being a citizen of a country w free speech and being a visitor to a country without one . 

The other time was in LA two blocks from my house by an armed person who I mistook as an undercover cop as he approached but turned out to be a  security consultant for a US based private intel shop w ties to Dearlove and Brennan (and whose name is all over Wikileaks but I won’t type it on this board) who didn’t want me to think that “I can only be reached while traveling abroad” (his words). 

Both times I thanked them for confronting me — and confirming that I was over the target. They didn’t like that response. 


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1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

Does that mean Schiffy is gonna get arrested!?  ? ? ?   I know, I know, but a girl can dream, can't she?





...GREATEST fear is that the whole mess ends up "can't we just be friends"?......"you did this...we did that"....."but let's kiss and make up, vowing to do better tomorrow".....this by far is THE dirtiest era of politics IMO that this nation has ever seen.......JD Edgar's dirty and Watergate aren't even pimples on our history....if this era goes unscathed, is this a blessing that the "world's greatest democracy (COUGH)" is honorable world wide?.......hmmmm.....

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