Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 8, 2017 Posted December 8, 2017 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said: If you think they were attacking Wray, you need to watch more closely. Wray knows what's in the IG report. He knows the FBI is about to be put through the wringer. This wasn't an attack by Jordan and others on Wray, it was an ASSIST. You're about to get a nasty wake up call. Better go stock up on depends and tissues, you're going to need both. Lol, ya, is this the same wake up call that goes along with you predicting Hillary had already stole the election? Dont you ever ever get tired of making wildly stupid claims? 4 hours ago, B-Man said: TOTALLY NONPARTISAN AND UNBIASED INVESTIGATION, WE SWEAR, PART 1,000,007: Mueller’s ‘Right-Hand Man’ on Russia Probe Represented Clinton IT Aide Who Set Up Unsecure Server. . Mueller once watched Hillary on tv!!! Bias!!
Deranged Rhino Posted December 8, 2017 Posted December 8, 2017 30 minutes ago, Tiberius said: Lol, ya, is this the same wake up call that goes along with you predicting Hillary had already stole the election? Everything we are learning about this coup points to a very real effort or belief by those within the usic that Hillary was not just going to win, but supposed to win. She was key to the contuation of both the corruption of the government and the perma war state we have been in for 17 years. The network that was striving to assure she won the election through political sabotage and obstruction of justice is being dismantled. By Flynn and his spooks. DIA v CIA. This has always been a shadow civil war.
Deranged Rhino Posted December 8, 2017 Posted December 8, 2017 (edited) This story, again, shows (what I'm theorizing is) the work of Flynn's leak killers. Check out the clip in context. CNN then didn't suspend the reporter, claiming three other sources leaked it. Direct link to the video: Notice the stream of lies Ken claims as facts: Wikileaks is an agent of Russia intelligence (unproven and false) Russians hacked the DNC server (unproven, in fact it's been proven this was impossible) Those whoppers on top of the lies of this story itself. Bad look. Real bad look. Edited December 8, 2017 by Deranged Rhino
Deranged Rhino Posted December 9, 2017 Posted December 9, 2017 Let's recap the biggest story of the week that people are only just starting to talk about (and are still missing the larger context): Judge in Michael Flynn Case recuses himself I am positive this is continued fallout from the Flynn Leak Killer theory floated a few pages back. And I'll lay out why below... Flynn goaded the FBI to come after him, making himself a too-juicy-to-refuse target and then proceeded to commit a process crime by lying to the FBI on January 24th. We now know the 24th meeting/ambush was run by Pro-Obama/Clinton FBI agent Strzok and was designed to entrap Flynn and sink 45's administration in the phony Russian nonsense. We know this because Strzok was reassigned after 10,000 text messages were found and evidence he leaked the news of Manafort's raid to the WaPo. We also know now that Flynn didn't lie to cover anything up in that 24th meeting. In fact, he was cleared by the FBI for that "controversial" call with the Russian Ambassador on the 23rd of January. A day before the ambush meeting the FBI knew Flynn hadn't broken any laws or committed any form of collusion. They had the transcript of the call and couldn't charge him with any of it. Let's look at Contreras. He's the definition of a nonentity (or at least as much of one as you can be while being a federal judge). Look into his career. It's devoid of acclaim. Yet he's also a FISA judge. FISA judges rotate, a new one each week, and determine which cases to grant FISA warrants for (which means collection of all communications and data involved with the case/suspect). These are classified courts, completely free from oversight BUT for the judge assigned to hear them. My speculation is that Contreras was picked by Obama to be his "yes man" on the FISA court. The evidence for this is strong if you go back through the last administrations persecution of whistle blowers of all shapes and sizes. How does Contreras relate to Flynn? Well, there has been a long running story alleging the highly controversial dossier (which we now know was paid for by Clinton, used Russian sources and paid them for their information, and was spearheaded by Strzok himself who worked with Steele on the creation of the dossier) was used by the Obama administration to obtain FISA warrants on Flynn and other Trump team members. If this is true, it would require a FISA judge to sign off on said FISA warrant. Enter Contreras. Who better to approve a politically motivated FISA warrant? We know Contreras presided over Flynn's guilty plea to process crimes. Then, without explanation, Contreras removed himself from the case yesterday. The fact Contreras removed himself from the Flynn case NOW means, more than likely, that he was the FISA judge who approved the FISA warrant on Flynn himself (and probably other Trump team members) for the previous administration. Strzok was already reassigned in July, and is the suspected agent who paid for and brought the dossier before the FISA court to get warrants. The pending IG report is allegedly going to reveal 27 leakers inside the DOJ who were playing politics. Strzok is expected to be one of those and him being the point person for the FBI on the dossier lends more credence to what I have been writing on since last year. The upcoming IG report, if it does nail Strzok, will by extension exposed the information he used to issue the FISA warrant was flawed/fabricated. This will cast MAJOR suspicion on the whole process, which means that the judge who ordered the FISA warrant will be part of that investigation. Which is why Contreras is stepping down now. The exposure of Contreras' playing politics with FISA warrants on American citizens is going to BLOW OPEN a huge investigation into the FISA system itself. Contreras, by his conflict of interest, has given the new DOJ the excuse it needs to open an investigation into the FISA court and how the system of illegal (excuse me, "legal") surveillance has been abused. That's one of the (many) end games Flynn engineered. In order to get that evidence on Contreras, in order to bring attention to the corruption of the FISA court itself, FLYNN HAD TO PLEAD GUILTY TO SOMETHING. He had to. Notice the rest of his charges went away. Because they weren't real to begin with. Now, the people who were after him - a vast network of political lackeys and corrupt DOJ/FBI personnel - are being rolled up. Let that sink in... Flynn set up the FBI, DOJ, FISA court AND the previous administration. That's what he does. Master spooks do master spook things. If I haven't made the point clear enough yet, this operation not only will expose the corruption of the FISA court, FBI, and DOJ, it's going to obliterate the entire Russian collusion narrative. Which again, wasn't started by HRC or the democrats just to score points against Trump. It was started by elements within the CIA and USIC who were trying to create a NEW enemy in Russia that would justify the continuation of the perma-war, perma-surveillance state under which we have all been living for the past 17 years. Now that surveillance system - a key to maintaining control - is going to be put under the microscope. That's bad news for the corrupt elements within the USIC.
row_33 Posted December 9, 2017 Posted December 9, 2017 So Donald Trump Jr was the last person on earth to read the public document from Wikileaks
B-Man Posted December 9, 2017 Posted December 9, 2017 "The media's Russia probe meltdown: 3 screw-ups in one week." Axios explains: The missesFlynn's testimony: Last Friday, ABC News reported that former national security advisor Michael Flynn was prepared to testify that President Trump, while still a candidate, directed him to contact Russian officials. But later in the day, the network issued a "clarification" that the direction came when Trump was president-elect. That changed the impact of the story entirely as it's a common occurrence for presidential transition teams to reach out to foreign governments.Deutsche Bank subpoena: Reuters and Bloomberg both reported on Tuesday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation had subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for information on accounts relating to President Trump and his family members — seemingly confirming that Mueller had expanded his probe to investigate the president's financial dealings. The WSJ defused that bombshell in a follow-up report stating that the subpoenas actually dealt with "people or entities close to Mr. Trump."WikiLeaks emails: CNN reported this morning that senior Trump campaign officials, including Trump himself, received an email from an unknown sender on September 4, 2016 that linked them to what could have been unreleased WikiLeaks documents. WaPo issued their own report later in the afternoon that the email was actually sent on September 14 — and linked to a trove of documents that WikiLeaks had publicly released a day earlier. More at Link: MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: 18 Questions CNN Needs To Answer After Getting Busted For Fake News. I know the answer to this one: “15. How will editorial processes on Russia conspiracy stories change going forward to avoid similar errors?” The answer is: Not at all. . 55
Deranged Rhino Posted December 9, 2017 Posted December 9, 2017 Fake News = Barium Meals for Leakers In light of the bogus CNN and DB stories this week I wanted to point out another interesting connection to these phony stories and Flynn's Leak Killers. Namely, the concept of barium meals, a technique used by intelligence officers to find out who is leaking information. The idea is simple: (From Patriot Games - though Clancy did not invent this method:) "Each summary paragraph has six different versions, and the mixture of those paragraphs is unique to each numbered copy of the paper. There are over a thousand possible permutations, but only ninety-six numbered copies of the actual document. The reason the summary paragraphs are so lurid is to entice a reporter to quote them verbatim in the public media. If he quotes something from two or three of those paragraphs, we know which copy he saw and, therefore, who leaked it." Let's step back to the CNN story first. What's interesting to note is not just that the story was false but that the LEAK was real. CNN (and MSNBC as well as other media outlets who ran with the story) claimed two independent sources verified this story first. While CNN's initial report made it SOUND as if they had seen the email themselves, in walking back the story later in the day CNN admitted they had never read the email and were instead relying on their two sources recollection of what they read. CNN clearly has been relying on leaks from Democrats on the House and Senate intelligence committees since the investigations opened. Note too that the MSNBC reporter who ran with the ball is a known CIA plant who was fired for running his stories by CIA first: Now, remember back to my thesis: this isn't really Dems vs GOP, it's CIA v DIA. Flynn, Rogers and the MI team assembled by both against the corrupt elements within the CIA that have hijacked our foreign policy and domestic agendas for years. Trump surrounded himself very early on with some of the finest military intelligence officers in the world. Officers who had spent their careers battling these very same corrupt elements within the CIA itself. CNN and MSNBC both ran with a leak or leakers (likely) from either the House or Senate Intel committees, and/or the CIA itself. Let's remember, the fact the CNN story missed (confusing the 4th with the 14th) changed the ENTIRE spin of the story. By claiming the email was sent ten days earlier, it allowed CNN and everyone else to breathlessly speculate for hours that this was the smoking gun to prove collusion. All it took to change an innocuous email into a smoking gun was fudging the date. Which brings us back to Barium Meals. The purpose of these barium meals is to leave a treat that's too tasty for a leaker to resist. One that confirms the agendas they're working to serve. Exactly like this story and the DB story (which shares a lot of the same characteristics). That's how the game works, that's how a canary trap is set and sprung. Both of these false stories represent, I believe, barium meals designed to identify leakers on the House and Senate committees as well as inside the CIA (based on the Dilanian connection). Why are they coming out one after the other? Why the spike in dramatically wrong stories that seem to tilt the narrative back towards collusion in the days following Flynn's deal? Because the IG report is wrapping up and Flynn's network is making their final push to identify the leakers. The pump was primed. Flynn plead guilty, he had flipped. The ones pushing the narrative believe they have it all lined up to finally go their way - so when a too-good-to-resist email comes on their radar they RACE to leak it to their connections in the media and in turn, out themselves as leakers to Flynn's spooks. That means I would expect a steady diet of barium pills to surface as "fake news" between now and when the IG report is released officially. So stay sharp. Double check any headline that seems too good to be true. Things are heating up.
Deranged Rhino Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 ... More evidence of Flynn's Leak Killers: Head of House intelligence panel finds evidence of abuse in US government surveillance Remember who was working with Nunes over the summer? ECW. We've established earlier that ECW, a virtually unknown 31 year old former DIA spook who was working in a suddenly unfireable position on the NCS staff, is in all likelihood a Flynn plant, cleared to see raw SIGINT shared with him by Adm Mike Rogers. So, who do you think provided Nunes with the information and evidence he's referencing here: "House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Fox News on Friday that his investigators have already uncovered evidence of "abuse" in the U.S. government's surveillance practices. "I believe there's evidence that abuses have occurred," Nunes said in his first interview since the House Ethics Committee dismissed allegations he had wrongly released classified information as part of the panel’s Russia investigation. " "We have had an ongoing investigation into DOJ [Department of Justice] and FBI since mid-summer for both FISA [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court] abuse and other matters that we can't get into too much. But it is very concerning." I think it was this guy's network: Flynn baited the hook, he got the corrupt elements within the FBI to chase him - doing what they've done for 8 years, going to a corrupt FISA judge to get an illegal warrant. Something they could, and did, deny doing for MONTHS. Flynn knew he had to lie, had to commit a process crime, so that he would be charged. Being charged was the only way to assure the evidence of this corruption would be exposed. Had Flynn not lied, the corrupt network could have continued to deny everything. Deny they illegally tapped American citizens for political reasons. Deny that there was a partisan agenda within the DOJ and FBI. Now they can't. Because now their investigation into Flynn, how they got the surveillance package they did, and who approved it all, is being poured over and exposed by every scoop-hungry media member and social media journo with an internet connection. The truth doesn't need to be sold. It just needs to be unleashed. That's really what we're seeing unfold here. Flynn sacrificed himself in order to expose a corrupt network inside the DOJ, FBI and FISA courts. The outcome is more than likely going to be a massive upheaval at the DOJ, FBI, and (more in the bg) CIA. If Mueller is actually investigating corruption, not collusion, then I'd expect some big names from the past administration to get swept up in this (think Holder/Rice) - which of course makes sense. 45 nor anyone on his staff could ever directly lead the charge for prosecutions against any former administration members without the whole thing being tainted as political retribution. It just would never happen. Could never happen. ... But if Mueller leads that charge? After being built up as a white knight with an unimpeachable sense of right and wrong, that's the only way you could effectively clean up this kind of politically explosive corruption in such sensitive agencies and institutions. It would have to come from someone other than 45 or his team. That said, I'm still not sure what to make of Mueller. It just seems, to me, that if there really is a larger game afoot with Flynn and his leak killers, that Mueller's help would be key. Which is why I've been harping on the meeting he took with 45 a day before he was pegged to be SP which still has never been explained properly. We will see how this all shakes out in the coming week or two. It shouldn't take too long to see which way this whole thing is going to break. (but if you've been paying attention, the evidence is mounting that my theory is more accurate than not).
row_33 Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Using the floor to push a meaningless impeachment vote is the height of arrogance and disregard for anything that Congress usefully stands for. i fully accept Nixon and Clinton broke the law as President and deserved their comeuppance. I will let others conclude whether Johnson deserved his during Reconstucion.
Nanker Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 (edited) 6 minutes ago, row_33 said: Using the floor to push a meaningless impeachment vote is the height of arrogance and disregard for anything that Congress usefully stands for. i fully accept Nixon and Clinton broke the law as President and deserved their comeuppance. I will let others conclude whether Johnson deserved his during Reconstucion. Nah. The real standard is how badly the other side can't stand the POTUS and how many on "his" side can't stand him either or are indifferent to his removal. Edited December 10, 2017 by Nanker
row_33 Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Just because I don’t like him is not grounds for impeachment. And the process is a lot more involved than bozos think it is.
Deranged Rhino Posted December 10, 2017 Posted December 10, 2017 Throw this into the evidence for the Flynn Leak Killer theory: (from August - Sessions and Coats lay out exactly what they're doing) 4:30: The FBI "created a new counter intelligence unit to manage these cases" 8:17: (and why Schiff is schiffting his pants since Frinday) "These national security breaches do not just originate in the intelligence community. They come from a wide range of sources within the government, including the executive branch and including the Congress." Barium meals are a B word. 1
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Throw this into the evidence for the Flynn Leak Killer theory: (from August - Sessions and Coats lay out exactly what they're doing) 4:30: The FBI "created a new counter intelligence unit to manage these cases" 8:17: (and why Schiff is schiffting his pants since Frinday) "These national security breaches do not just originate in the intelligence community. They come from a wide range of sources within the government, including the executive branch and including the Congress." Barium meals are a B word. Mom not opposed to feeding the entirety of the federal government polonium
Deranged Rhino Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 13 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: The two sources were, more than likely Adam Schiff (he's been leaking to them all year) and another dem from either the House Intel committee or Senate. As I laid out in the DOJ thread, both of these stories have all the markings of being Barium Meals for the leakers. If you doubt Schiff was one of the leakers, I urge you to read/watch his appearance on CNN today. He's desperate because he knows he's !@#$ed.
B-Man Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 REASON: FBI Handling of Michael Flynn Case Is Disturbing: Why didn’t the FBI charge Flynn with an underlying crime? It might be because there was none. You could eliminate most special counsel abuses by requiring that “process” charges, like False Statements Act violations, be referred to the regular DOJ for prosecution rather than falling within the special counsel’s bailiwick.
row_33 Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 Flynn pleaded out to the highest charge they could hold him to. That's all folks!!!
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 Oh, the FBI is bad now. So partisan, so mindless Just a reminder: The Russians offered help. The campaign accepted help. The Russians gave help. And the president made full use of that help. Nuff said
row_33 Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 you don't plead out to jaywalking when they have you for manslaughter and your plea as a liar doesn't help your allocution hold traction you can't point fingers moving up the scale on others
DC Tom Posted December 11, 2017 Posted December 11, 2017 30 minutes ago, row_33 said: Flynn pleaded out to the highest charge they could hold him to. That's all folks!!! And Clinton was impeached on the highest charge they could get him with. The hypocrisy is funny.
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