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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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24 minutes ago, Nanker said:

Sessions should appoint a Special Persecutor to look into that Agent's affairs.


He might not need to. 


The DOJ IG has been investigating it for the past 11 months, and their investigation is wrapping up. 


That's partly why we only learned of Strzok's reassignment a few days ago - because he was being investigated by the IG. 


It also explains why Sessions (and others) have been squirrely while testifying to Congress and pressed by republicans to answer whether or not an investigation into these sorts of things is ongoing. Sessions always hedged... maybe now we know why. 


And while all the headlines right now are talking about Mueller looking into accounts at DB (from unnamed sources, again), remember who else got money from the Russians through DB...


The media is WAY behind the curve on this one, by design. It's their handlers, the NYT, WashPost, CNN, MSNBC, et al, and their payout network that's been put in a box by men like Flynn and his leak killers, with an assist by the Saudi purge.


Look at the number of elected officials (on both sides) who are suddenly not running for re-election? What is it up to, close to 40? 


There is a counter surge going on that has nothing to do with Russian collusion and everything to do with rooting out corruption in the federal government and its agencies. We're seeing that ripple out to detonations within the MSM and establishment figures. While everyone is waiting for the hammer to drop on 45, the real bomb has been building under the feet of the deep state/shadow government. 


It's going to upset a lot of people when it detonates. 




It's coming out now that the real reason Strzok was reassigned by Mueller was because Strzok leaked the Manafort raid to the Washington Post in August. 


Why is that significant? I refer you back to my longer post a few pages ago... 

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


He might not need to. 


The DOJ IG has been investigating it for the past 11 months, and their investigation is wrapping up. 


That's partly why we only learned of Strzok's reassignment a few days ago - because he was being investigated by the IG. 


It also explains why Sessions (and others) have been squirrely while testifying to Congress and pressed by republicans to answer whether or not an investigation into these sorts of things is ongoing. Sessions always hedged... maybe now we know why. 


And while all the headlines right now are talking about Mueller looking into accounts at DB (from unnamed sources, again), remember who else got money from the Russians through DB...


The media is WAY behind the curve on this one, by design. It's their handlers, the NYT, WashPost, CNN, MSNBC, et al, and their payout network that's been put in a box by men like Flynn and his leak killers, with an assist by the Saudi purge.


Look at the number of elected officials (on both sides) who are suddenly not running for re-election? What is it up to, close to 40? 


There is a counter surge going on that has nothing to do with Russian collusion and everything to do with rooting out corruption in the federal government and its agencies. We're seeing that ripple out to detonations within the MSM and establishment figures. While everyone is waiting for the hammer to drop on 45, the real bomb has been building under the feet of the deep state/shadow government. 


It's going to upset a lot of people when it detonates. 




It's coming out now that the real reason Strzok was reassigned by Mueller was because Strzok leaked the Manafort raid to the Washington Post in August. 


Why is that significant? I refer you back to my longer post a few pages ago... 


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The music is about to stop. You can feel it. It's almost palpable, but not quite there yet.


A great many mistakes will be made by those looking for a chair before it does, because this is only the beginning of the swamp's panic. I agree : an inordinate # of "more time with my family" pols have "retired", on both sides, portending something serious is going on.


And, I will direct you all to this, again.  ....Trump's revenge philosophy existed looooong before Anonymous co-opted it. He never forgives, he never forgets, and EVERYBODY that has tried to shroud their craven political agenda in "due process of law"? They can expect him.


Trump has gotten everybody who ever wronged him, when he was just a business guy. Trump is now the POTUS, so the chances that he collects on all debts is at 1, never mind approaching it. Nate Silver should do an analysis on that. He might actually end up being right for a change.

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yeah, with Watergate you started with 6 people (or so) in the hoosegow for breaking and entering and then payments to hush them up from Nixon's warchest


that's an honestly real situation that requires a SP.


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Lots of whistling past the graveyard. Gees, when you get down to the argument that the president is above the law, you know you are in deep sh it 

31 minutes ago, row_33 said:

yeah, with Watergate you started with 6 people (or so) in the hoosegow for breaking and entering and then payments to hush them up from Nixon's warchest


that's an honestly real situation that requires a SP.


This is already growing past six. Two guilty pleas already, several trials planned, serveral more targets, a guy that might have been wearing a wire and its way too late for hush money it appears. 

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'Disturbing' new info from Judicial Watch suggests Mueller probe could be 'compromised'






The Democrats’ Dangerous Obsession With Impeachment: The party needs to focus on winning elections, not removing Trump. 


I wonder if Trump isn’t happy to encourage the former, at the expense of the latter.



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1 hour ago, OCinBuffalo said:

The music is about to stop. You can feel it. It's almost palpable, but not quite there yet.


A great many mistakes will be made by those looking for a chair before it does, because this is only the beginning of the swamp's panic. I agree : an inordinate # of "more time with my family" pols have "retired", on both sides, portending something serious is going on.


And, I will direct you all to this, again.  ....Trump's revenge philosophy existed looooong before Anonymous co-opted it. He never forgives, he never forgets, and EVERYBODY that has tried to shroud their craven political agenda in "due process of law"? They can expect him.


Trump has gotten everybody who ever wronged him, when he was just a business guy. Trump is now the POTUS, so the chances that he collects on all debts is at 1, never mind approaching it. Nate Silver should do an analysis on that. He might actually end up being right for a change.


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41 minutes ago, B-Man said:


'Disturbing' new info from Judicial Watch suggests Mueller probe could be 'compromised'






The Democrats’ Dangerous Obsession With Impeachment: The party needs to focus on winning elections, not removing Trump. 


I wonder if Trump isn’t happy to encourage the former, at the expense of the latter.




I'm still not sure what to make of Mueller, but I'd urge caution. 


For those of you still thinking Trump didn't meet with him personally the day before he was appointed Special Counsel, here's a source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/13/politics/trump-robert-mueller-fbi-director-interview/index.html


Trump met with a man who legally could not serve as FBI head to interview him for the job? Are we really still taking the media at their word on stories regarding this administration? Hasn't their track record of getting nearly every salient point and fine detail wrong been established enough? 


At this point Mueller would know he was the favorite to be SP, why would he risk the objectivity of his investigation by sitting down in private with the alleged target of that investigation? 


Could they have been talking about something else? 


What does Sun Tzu say about spies?  


If my speculation is correct (and I fully admit it could be wildly wrong in the end), then Mueller is the perfect white knight for Flynn's plan. He's been given sainthood by the left over the past few months, everyone loves him because they think he's closing in on Trump.



So they set Mueller up as an unimpeachable white knight - then when he reveals the corruption inside the DOJ and FBI today and in the past, he becomes someone the left can't just dismiss. It also spares Trump and his administration the sin of appearing as if they're going after their political rivals.


After all, Mueller was brought in because he's unimpeachable per the left. If HE says Holder, Rice, Yates, Strzok et al used politics to justify an illegal spying operation on Trump team members it can't be painted as Trump attacking his rivals...


Just saying, Mueller might not be investigating what everyone assumes he is...  



(switching gears)


In a different thread, on a different topic, I mentioned how the way government rolls out existing classified programs without tipping their hands is by claiming they're new programs. 




Hate to break it to Scahill, but this network already exists. 



Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Did the prosecution tell Flynn’s lawyer that their main witness against him was removed for bias?


Since Strzok led the interview and his testimony would be needed to establish untruthfulness, he is a critical witness not just a prosecutor.


If not disclosed, would this not be a Giglio violation? This is the kind of misconduct that can get a case dismissed and a lawyer disbarred. It is a Constitutional violation.





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We know that Russian spies approached the Trump campaign offering assistance in the election multiple times. At least twice, Russians dangled the lure of “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, including stolen emails, and both times, Trump campaign officials (George Papadopoulos and Donald Trump, Jr.) expressed interest. Trump, Jr. was particularly enthusiastic about the idea of cooperating with the Russians, and shortly after he welcomed Russian spies to Trump tower for a meeting about “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, he coordinated messaging with Wikileaks, which operated last summer and fall as a cutout for Russian hackers. 

After repeatedly communicating to Russia (in public and in private) that they welcomed interference in the election, Trump and his aides cast public doubt on whether the saboteurs were Russians at all. When Trump went on to win the election after benefiting from this interference, members of his inner circle, through Michael Flynn, secretly connived with Russia to subvert the countermeasures the American government had undertaken as penalties for Russia’s interference.

Not good. 

“Whether or not these actions amounted to a crime,” writes former FBI counterintelligence agent Asha Rangappa, “it was a coordinated, covert effort directly against the interests of the United States. It threw off what was likely a lot of planning and analyses and contingencies that various agencies had prepared. I think when we focus exclusively on the criminality aspect, we (continue to) miss how these efforts essentially aided and abetted a hostile foreign state who attacked our country. That is the big picture.”

If the story were to end where we are right now, with no further confessions or indictments or revelations, it would still amount to the biggest scandal in American political history. In the real world, Robert Mueller has flipped Flynn and allowed him to plea to (much) lesser crimes, most likely in exchange for incriminating evidence against Trump campaign and administration highers-up.



52 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I'm still not sure what to make of Mueller, but I'd urge caution. 


For those of you still thinking Trump didn't meet with him personally the day before he was appointed Special Counsel, here's a source: http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/13/politics/trump-robert-mueller-fbi-director-interview/index.html


Trump met with a man who legally could not serve as FBI head to interview him for the job? Are we really still taking the media at their word on stories regarding this administration? Hasn't their track record of getting nearly every salient point and fine detail wrong been established enough? 


At this point Mueller would know he was the favorite to be SP, why would he risk the objectivity of his investigation by sitting down in private with the alleged target of that investigation? 


Could they have been talking about something else? 


What does Sun Tzu say about spies?  


If my speculation is correct (and I fully admit it could be wildly wrong in the end), then Mueller is the perfect white knight for Flynn's plan. He's been given sainthood by the left over the past few months, everyone loves him because they think he's closing in on Trump.



So they set Mueller up as an unimpeachable white knight - then when he reveals the corruption inside the DOJ and FBI today and in the past, he becomes someone the left can't just dismiss. It also spares Trump and his administration the sin of appearing as if they're going after their political rivals.


After all, Mueller was brought in because he's unimpeachable per the left. If HE says Holder, Rice, Yates, Strzok et al used politics to justify an illegal spying operation on Trump team members it can't be painted as Trump attacking his rivals...


Just saying, Mueller might not be investigating what everyone assumes he is...  



(switching gears)


In a different thread, on a different topic, I mentioned how the way government rolls out existing classified programs without tipping their hands is by claiming they're new programs. 




Hate to break it to Scahill, but this network already exists. 



What do you think of the Trump's meeting with the Russians and colluding with them? You think that's fine? 

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27 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

We know that Russian spies approached the Trump campaign offering assistance in the election multiple times. At least twice, Russians dangled the lure of “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, including stolen emails, and both times, Trump campaign officials (George Papadopoulos and Donald Trump, Jr.) expressed interest. Trump, Jr. was particularly enthusiastic about the idea of cooperating with the Russians, and shortly after he welcomed Russian spies to Trump tower for a meeting about “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, he coordinated messaging with Wikileaks, which operated last summer and fall as a cutout for Russian hackers. 

After repeatedly communicating to Russia (in public and in private) that they welcomed interference in the election, Trump and his aides cast public doubt on whether the saboteurs were Russians at all. When Trump went on to win the election after benefiting from this interference, members of his inner circle, through Michael Flynn, secretly connived with Russia to subvert the countermeasures the American government had undertaken as penalties for Russia’s interference.

Not good. 

“Whether or not these actions amounted to a crime,” writes former FBI counterintelligence agent Asha Rangappa, “it was a coordinated, covert effort directly against the interests of the United States. It threw off what was likely a lot of planning and analyses and contingencies that various agencies had prepared. I think when we focus exclusively on the criminality aspect, we (continue to) miss how these efforts essentially aided and abetted a hostile foreign state who attacked our country. That is the big picture.”

If the story were to end where we are right now, with no further confessions or indictments or revelations, it would still amount to the biggest scandal in American political history. In the real world, Robert Mueller has flipped Flynn and allowed him to plea to (much) lesser crimes, most likely in exchange for incriminating evidence against Trump campaign and administration highers-up.



What do you think of the Trump's meeting with the Russians and colluding with them? You think that's fine? 

This is the site you got that **** from. No wonder you're such a !@#$ing idiot.


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25 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


What do I think of the President of the United States meeting in the Oval Office with Russian ambassadors? Is that really what you wish to ask? 


How about the meeting at Trump towers? If Flynn lied to the FBI it was to cover up something and the rest of the Trump gang knows what it is. 

1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

Oh blow it out your butt hole 

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22 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Strzok's incriminating texts were to his mistress - another FBI agent. 


What are pressure points in intelligence work? Do you think Flynn's spooks could have used the knowledge of the affair as leverage to get Strzok to cooperate? 


Image result for smug smile gif


This is crazy stuff. 

I know a half dozen agents, well, have known.  Every single one of them was having at least one affair.

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22 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

How about the meeting at Trump towers? If Flynn lied to the FBI it was to cover up something and the rest of the Trump gang knows what it is. 


When did 45, as POTUS or a candidate, meet with Russians at Trump towers? Got a link?


Flynn DID lie to the FBI. He plead guilty to it. You do not know he lied to cover up anything for 45. The very fact they could only get Flynn on process crimes in relation to that infamous call shows that the call itself was benign. The very fact Flynn lied to the FBI about something he knew they'd know he was lying about is evidence that a larger game is afoot. 


It's just not the game you have been hoping for. Buckle up, buttercup. You're in for a bumpy ride the next few weeks. 


2 minutes ago, Boyst62 said:

I know a half dozen agents, well, have known.  Every single one of them was having at least one affair.


I don't doubt it. 


But how many were having affairs with a lawyer for the FBI while being married to a woman working in the SEC... who just happened to get a promotion (under controversy) in October of 2016: https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2016-217.html


Speculating of course but how do you really reward someone for doing something corrupt? You don't reward them directly, you reward their spouse so the new money flowing in isn't connected. 


Of course, that's crazy. No one is that corrupt in the government...

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1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:


When did 45, as POTUS or a candidate, meet with Russians at Trump towers? Got a link?


Flynn DID lie to the FBI. He plead guilty to it. You do not know he lied to cover up anything for 45. The very fact they could only get Flynn on process crimes in relation to that infamous call shows that the call itself was benign. The very fact Flynn lied to the FBI about something he knew they'd know he was lying about is evidence that a larger game is afoot. 


It's just not the game you have been hoping for. Buckle up, buttercup. You're in for a bumpy ride the next few weeks. 



I don't doubt it. 


But how many were having affairs with a lawyer for the FBI while being married to a woman working in the SEC... who just happened to get a promotion (under controversy) in October of 2016: https://www.sec.gov/news/pressrelease/2016-217.html


Speculating of course but how do you really reward someone for doing something corrupt? You don't reward them directly, you reward their spouse so the new money flowing in isn't connected. 


Of course, that's crazy. No one is that corrupt in the government...

That's what we will have to wait and see. Obviously they got something from Flynn. He had to lie for a reason. And since he was talking to others about what he talked to Russians about, they probably all know. That's why Trump is so protective of Flynn and wanted Comey to back off. So yes, we don't know what, but we know it was worth lying to FBI about, it was serious enough for Trump to ask for Comey's loyalty. Can't wait to find out what it is 

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