DC Tom Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 2 hours ago, Kemp said: This is purely Trump idiocy. More money (and safety) comes to the U.S. on the back-end than is being lost up-front. NATO promotes peace within Europe and deters major US adversaries from launching large-scale conventional wars. World War II cost the United States more than 400,000 lives and an estimated $4.1 trillion (in 2011 dollars). NATO has been key to preserving peace within the European continent and preventing other adversaries from launching a major conventional war. According to credible sources, a major conventional war today could cost the United States upwards of $2.5 trillion per year. NATO also promotes the American values of democracy and rule of law. Twenty-six of the twenty-nine NATO member states were labelled as “free” by Freedom House in 2018. By comparison, just 39 percent of the world’s population lives in “free” countries. NATO is a force multiplier that gives the United States access to military tools in greater numbers than it can achieve by itself. Non-US NATO members have 1,857,000 active duty service members and 1,232,290 reservists. The seven largest non-US NATO member armies have the same number of active duty troops as the United States (1.3 million). Non-US NATO members can deploy 6,983 battle tanks, 34,000 armored vehicles, 2,600 combat aircraft, 382 attack helicopters, 252 major naval craft (including submarines), and 1,582 patrol and surface combatants. France and the United Kingdom alone provide 30 percent of the Alliance’s ballistic-missile-submarine fleet. NATO's European members are beginning to host the first stages of the Alliance’s new ballistic-missile-defense system aimed at preventing long-range attacks by rogue states on the United States and Europe. NATO members frequently share intelligence across the Alliance, aiding US operations and intelligence-gathering. The United Kingdom, France, and Germany alone add 40,000 intelligence personnel to the Alliance’s intelligence capabilities. Non-US NATO members host twenty-eight US main operating bases in Europe, which cut down on the time needed for the United States to respond to a crisis and are critical for US missions in the Middle East and North Africa. In 2009, for example, Germany contributed $800 million to offset and improve its US bases. NATO undertakes numerous missions to protect member states and promote security around the globe. NATO has five active missions around the world deploying 18,000 troops. Since the end of the Cold War, NATO has completed thirteen missions including two in the United States (Hurricane Katrina relief and post-9/11 air reconnaissance patrol). NATO allies contributed thousands of troops to the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan, including 38,000 in 2011, saving the United States an estimated $49 billion that year. The operation in Afghanistan was the first and only time NATO's mutual defense commitment was invoked. Non-US members sustained more than 1,000 combat deaths in Afghanistan, with an additional one hundred lost by NATO partners. Non-US NATO members contributed more than 60 percent of assets for Operation Unified Protector in Libya. Non-US Coalition members flew one-third of all coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) in Operation Inherent Resolve. NATO’s Operation Ocean Shield against piracy in the Gulf of Aden has been led at different times by Denmark, Spain, Norway, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and Portugal. NATO supports and protects the economies of Europe, which are critical to the health of the US economy. US trade with the European Union reached $699 billion in 2015, only made possible because of the security and stability provided by NATO. US exports to the former Communist NATO member states (not including East Germany) grew from $0.9 billion in 1989 to $9.4 billion in 2016. Non-US NATO members rely heavily on the US defense industry to supply their forces. Currently, European members are planning to purchase as many as 500 new F-35s from the United States. Where'd you copy that from, and why didn't you read it first?
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 1 minute ago, Koko78 said: Trumptard
3rdnlng Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 4 minutes ago, DC Tom said: Where'd you copy that from, and why didn't you read it first? I'd be interested in seeing that too. Just to take one point from that: In 2009, for example, Germany contributed $800 million to offset and improve its US bases. I'd like to know why Germany shouldn't improve its bases that we are manning to protect their asses.
B-Man Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Back at the thread.................. The FBI’s ‘Trump treason’ probe flunked civics by Rich Lowry Original Article The FBI took it upon itself to determine whether the president of the United States is a threat to national security. No one had ever before thought that this was an appropriate role for the FBI, a subordinate agency in the executive branch, but President Trump isn’t the only one in Washington trampling norms. Watergate by Any Other Name by Roger Kimball Original Article For Real ´Russian Collusion,´ Look to the Democrats by Michael Walsh Original Article In trying to lob a Molotov cocktail into the Trump White House, the New York Times last Friday succeeded only in blowing off yet another of its appendages. Fixated on its manic desire to destabilize the lawfully elected government of the United States (at what point does the "Resistance" become active sedition?), the media has chosen to fight as down and dirty as possible, and in so doing hit a new low
GG Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 14 hours ago, Kemp said: Another in a long line of non-answers. If you want to tell me that the MSM is lying about Trump why can't you say who IS reporting the truth besides Deranged Rhino and unnamed sources? It would seem to be a simple task to quote "reliable" sources. Isn't it possible that there are bad actors in the government AND Trump is guilty of what he is being accused of? Also, those that complain about the length of the investigation make little sense to me. If the accusations are true, how could it possibly be a short investigation? Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean there wasn't an answer. I have no idea of what truth you're seeking, because there are varying interpretations of the truth. What many here have been saying is that one side has consistently been telling a much fuller version of the "truth" because they report on more basic facts that are in the public domain, while the other side is much more selective. That's why there's deserved piling on to the NYT piece. Wouldn't you agree that they changed the narrative by a lot when they left out a major factoid that FBI leadership was not certain there were any legs to the Russia collusion theory when they launched their investigation? In their version, it's perfectly plausible for them to investigate Trump for colluding with Putin. But when you consider that the upper echelon had misgivings about the theory, then the story changes into a witch hunt. And please enlighten me of the exact accusation that Trump is guilty of? How many people here rushed to his defense in Trump University or Trump Foundation cases?
B-Man Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 The best piece written so far. The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media by Victoria Toensing, Joseph diGenova Original Article A stench has been emanating from the J. Edgar Hoover Building (FBI headquarters) for over two years. It landed Saturday on the front page of the New York Times in an article citing “former law enforcement officials” claiming they had to deal with “explosive implications” that President Donald Trump was “knowingly” or “unwittingly” working for Russia. Thus, the story goes, there was a basis to begin the Russia collusion investigation. In fact, “The Gray Lady” was covering the derrieres of the Obama administration officials involved in the cabal to frame Trump, who now fear an imminent Special Counsel finding tha The FBI Prostituted Itself by George Parry Original Article .
3rdnlng Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 36 minutes ago, B-Man said: Back at the thread.................. The FBI’s ‘Trump treason’ probe flunked civics by Rich Lowry Original Article The FBI took it upon itself to determine whether the president of the United States is a threat to national security. No one had ever before thought that this was an appropriate role for the FBI, a subordinate agency in the executive branch, but President Trump isn’t the only one in Washington trampling norms. Watergate by Any Other Name by Roger Kimball Original Article For Real ´Russian Collusion,´ Look to the Democrats by Michael Walsh Original Article In trying to lob a Molotov cocktail into the Trump White House, the New York Times last Friday succeeded only in blowing off yet another of its appendages. Fixated on its manic desire to destabilize the lawfully elected government of the United States (at what point does the "Resistance" become active sedition?), the media has chosen to fight as down and dirty as possible, and in so doing hit a new low From the "Watergate by Any Other Name article: "Back on planet earth, however, two things are happening. First, Donald Trump piles up victory after victory for the America people: jobs, economic growth, a revitalized military, constitutionalist judicial appointments, a more rational regulatory environment, border security and immigration reform -- the list is long and astonishingly impressive. He has also, by the way, stymied his suppose best-buddy Vladimir Putin by aggressively pursuing an energy policy that has made America the world’s largest producer of energy, sending lethal weapons to Putin opponents in the Ukraine, thwarting the Russians in Syria, and many other initiatives."
B-Man Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Quote Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump The rank and file of the FBI are great people who are disgusted with what they are learning about Lyin’ James Comey and the so-called “leaders” of the FBI. Twelve have been fired or forced to leave. They got caught spying on my campaign and then called it an investigation. Bad! 6:58 AM - Jan 15, 2019 .They got caught spying on my campaign and then called it an investigation is a great line . 2 1
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Just spent the night going through Ohrs testimony from August which was leaked to me (and others) Monday. I have to do a major write up on it, hoping it'll be done today but... Good gravy is it damning. Headlines: * McCabe re engaged Steele after the election and after Comey was fired. * RR appointed Mueller to take the investigation away from McCabe whom several at the FBI believed was going rogue. ... Which means Mueller was appointed by RR in part to protect POTUS. Funny, I think I've heard that one before. More to come. Oh. And McCabe is definitely going to jail based on Ohr's testimony. 1 1 3
GG Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: Oh. And McCabe is definitely going to jail based on Ohr's testimony. Why would he go to jail? He was a hero acting to protect America from the evil #Badorangeman 1
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Jeff was given the testimony as well. And as usual he hit a home run with his write up. Very long, very worth the time. https://m.theepochtimes.com/mccabes-fbi-tried-to-re-engage-christopher-steele-after-comey-was-fired_2766822.html
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 5 hours ago, Kemp said: I didn't see your answer. Who is reporting the truth? This now the THIRD time I've answered. Either you're being purposefully obtuse or you need to really sharpen your reading comprehension skills by 10 fold. 23 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: The Truth is being reported in many places. The best lies have 90% truth to them after all. 10 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: In order to get the full truth you have to look beyond the basic narrative building done by the establishment media. They've played a significant part in the disinformation campaign waged on the public since late 2016. If you're looking for the full truth, and not a narrative, you must cobble it together yourself from multiple sources.
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 5 hours ago, Kemp said: Does this mean that your contention is that DOJ manufactured the collusion/conspiracy narrative? Yes, with the help of the USIC (Brennan/Clapper), FBI (McCabe, Strzok, Comey), State Department (Rice, Power, Kerry), and the Oval Office. It's not a contention. It's a provable fact backed by more evidence than anything put forward thus far by the "Trump colluded" crowd. 5 hours ago, Kemp said: It's my understanding that all of this was started by the Republicans, not the Democrats. Do you agree? This is factually incorrect - but it's been a talking point for so long they've brainwashed you into thinking it's true. Fusion GPS was hired by Scott Walker to do oppo research on Trump. That is true. They were let go and the information they compiled was dropped. They never hired Steele, they never compiled or even hinted at Russian collusion or conspiracy while they were working for Walker. The DNC/HRC campaign hired Fusion GPS months later, hired Steele, and the entire dossier was compiled while being paid by the DNC/DCCC/HRC campaigns. This is a fact, it's not speculation. It's been proven, reproven, and confirmed by all the principles. 5 hours ago, Kemp said: None of this disputes all of the evidence of Trump's partiality towards Putin and Russia since then. Do you disagree? This document has nothing to do with Trump. It's becoming clear you did not understand what you read in that document. Do you know what the FISC is and what its duties are? Are you familiar with the 702 program and what that means, what kind of data it includes? Are you familiar with what the DOJ National Security Division and FBI Counterintelligence divisions do? Are you familiar with the OIG Act of 2016 and why it was necessary -- and how it connects to those two departments? What that document lays out, and it's a document from the FISC itself not political operatives, is that Admiral Rogers uncovered massive abuses of 702 data by the FBI and independent contractors. Meaning, FBI agents and contractors were illegally accessing and using this 702 information without cause for an unknown period of time, likely stretching back years. Over 85% of all 702 quarries from those two departments were found to be illegal. 702 data is the holy grail for those people wishing to collect dirt on an individual. It's every call, text, email, all your metadata, your entire digital life is collected and stored on these NSA servers for later analysis, only when and if a proper warrant is given. These contractors and FBI agents were dipping into this data, without getting a warrant and in the case of the contractors without any oversight by FBI employees, for years prior to the 2016 election. Admiral Rogers discovered a political spying apparatus being used by 44 to spy on every candidate illegally for the purposes of blackmail and tilting the election in the outcome they most desire. This was an operation that Holder and Lynch rewrote laws to protect from oversight by the OIG so they could continue the abuse of the DOJ's two most powerful departments. Rogers not only outted this program in April of 2016, he shut it down and asked the culprits to provide legal explanations for all their prior 702 quarries. The very next day Glenn Simpson's wife has an unscheduled, hour long meeting with Obama in the Oval. Two days later, Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS are hired by HRC and Nellie Ohr, formerly of CIA, was hired by Simpson. Days after that, Steele was hired. Their mission was not to do oppo research on Trump. Their mission was to back engineer cause by creating the illusion of conspiracy/collusion with Russians. Read the entire document. Research for yourself what was outlined above. This is the origin of the entire narrative. The Obama Whitehouse was caught illegally spying on its political opponents for the purpose of tilting an election by the head of the NSA. "Scandal free..." if you can cover it all up. 1
TakeYouToTasker Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 36 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: This now the THIRD time I've answered. Either you're being purposefully obtuse or you need to really sharpen your reading comprehension skills by 10 fold. You aren't understanding his question. Allow me to translate: "I'm not interested in doing the necessary work of wading through all of the relevant facts and information surrounding the case in order to form an educated position. I would instead prefer to outsource the work of doing so to a "news agency", who will tell me what to think. Which such "news agency" should I defer to?" 4
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Just confirmed Baker is under criminal investigation for leaking to the media... This is big news. 1
boyst Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Hey tranny. Is that Bruce or Nellie that you reference?
Deranged Rhino Posted January 15, 2019 Posted January 15, 2019 Just now, Boyst62 said: Hey tranny. Is that Bruce or Nellie that you reference? Which reference? I've posted a lot this morning
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