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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

jesus, Obama again...did you care that Whitewater went to Lewinsky? After 3 friggen years with a now Supreme Court Nominee wanting to know whether  a sitting president jacked into a sink...


the dude admitted to a crime today..and said at the direction of the president..how can you deny that?

Because because until the defendant has a chance to answer for himself that's not how the system works... Jesus, how can you deny that?


You are blinded.

1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

that's the best ya got to defend ya boy? That he was not named? I don't think this hurts Trump BTW, his base will never care about this kind of stuff.  Amazing how Cohen is now a schmuck after working for Trump for so long but that's another story.


Hers the bottom line for me..Trump folks say the end supports the mean at all costs.. i do not subscribe to that theory. I believe truthfulness and character matters above all else, as I try to teach my kids...i wonder if you all teach your kids to be "like Trump" and that the outcome is more important than how that outcome was achieved? 

No the leftists and #resist support any means necessary to get their outcome. At all costs


There are many folks just as blinded and partisan to the GOP now is there have been any other political party in the past.


your partisanship is showing, especially talking about teaching your kids to be like Trump, and that's a level of confusion I just don't understand. You can quote any president, you can look at any example they've made, you can see many things they've done that are just poor examples of leadership.  You single out Trump as a role model for your kids - why would you do that? Anyone who would want their kids to grow up and be like any president is a moron

1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

what part of "telling the truth" is elusive? Serious question..if it was found out Trump cheated on his taxes, would it matter to you?


BTW, Lanny Davis was just on CNN...hmm that sounds interesting

If you found out that Obama rewrote the tax codes and entire IRS to attack political enemies would that matter to you?


All of this but hurt by liberals is hysterical. 


The nuances that you just don't understand - it sucks because no side is clean, or honest. And here you are making a big tantrum about it, for what?  Nothing's going to change the past.  Trump is going to lie, chest and !@#$ up.  Obama's going to lie, divide the community, and continue to undermine country and its Authority. The clintons are going to use their Mafia like family to do whatever they want. The show just goes on

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1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

I've always liked Donald Trump. He's become a "liar" "racist" "misogynist" and whatever other -ism or -ist people want to take on since he became Public Enemy #1 taking on Hillary Clinton. Once he defeated her, he became "Hitler"!!!

People who have followed him even nebulously for the last 40 years know he gets results. He's not an initiator, but he will fight back. 

Now my son is older (30) so he has his own thoughts and ideas. But, I certainly hope I have taught him to not take injustice laying down; to fight for the common man, and to not be a human punching bag.  To me, those are good qualities in a person. You may disagree.


Never liked Trump....He's a pump ass petulant child, an egotistical fool and...an idiot....Some of his policies make sense and I would love for them to be adopted...but he's too busy acting like Ceasar.....

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2 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:


Never liked Trump....He's a pump ass petulant child, an egotistical fool and...an idiot....Some of his policies make sense and I would love for them to be adopted...but he's too busy acting like Ceasar.....

Yes, but I would bet money he knows how to spell Caesar

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40 minutes ago, Iron Maiden said:


Never liked Trump....He's a pump ass petulant child, an egotistical fool and...an idiot....Some of his policies make sense and I would love for them to be adopted...but he's too busy acting like Ceasar.....


How do you figure he's acting like Caesar?  

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1 hour ago, plenzmd1 said:

I get that..but are you saying that the ideas of right and wrong should be dispensed with at the highest levels of politics? I just can't buy that.


You say your kids know right from wrong..in your heart of hearts do you believe our president does?


I don't think right and wrong should be dispensed with.  I see that they are, however, and have been for decades. I agree with you that we deserve more than what we get. ...And I don't need to look all the way into my heart of hearts to see Trump for what he is. He knows what's right, he chooses too often to ignore it and it is frustrating. You've also got to admit somewhat that the way he's been treated is like bear baiting.  It exacerbates his dooshiness. 

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More proof that Fox News has become State Media:  on a day when it is announced that the sitting President’s personal lawyer and campaign manager are going to jail, the lead story on FN is the arrest of an illegal immigrant for murdering a jogger in Iowa... 



2 hours ago, snafu said:


I don't think right and wrong should be dispensed with.  I see that they are, however, and have been for decades. I agree with you that we deserve more than what we get. ...And I don't need to look all the way into my heart of hearts to see Trump for what he is. He knows what's right, he chooses too often to ignore it and it is frustrating. You've also got to admit somewhat that the way he's been treated is like bear baiting.  It exacerbates his dooshiness. 


He doesnt know what is right and wrong - he’s a severe and delusional narcissist.

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7 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

again the question...does the end justify the means at all costs? Can Trump's indiscretions and untruths have no bearing on his ability to lead our country? It matters not that your kids hear...results are all that matters..lie, cheat. steal...doesn't matter just win baby.


Well it certainly didn’t hinder Clinton from running the country.

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7 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

I do actually..but I also think maybe the president could be lying cause ..ya know,,,he has shown a propensity to do so

Name a politician who hasn't lied? Even if he did use campaign money to pay her off, it's only a fine. No felonie, no jail time. Even Obama did it in 2008. I'm not condoning it,  I'm just pointing out this isn t the smoking gun the left has been waiting for.

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6 hours ago, Iron Maiden said:


but he's too busy acting like Ceasar.....



5 hours ago, DC Tom said:


How do you figure he's acting like Caesar?  


Little Caesar's slogan is Pizza Pizza.

Trump gets two scoops

Ergo Trump = Caesar


33 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


Don’t mind him. Everything he learned about history was from Iron Maiden.

Not exactly a bad thing

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6 hours ago, Boyst62 said:

Because because until the defendant has a chance to answer for himself that's not how the system works... Jesus, how can you deny that?


You are blinded.

No the leftists and #resist support any means necessary to get their outcome. At all costs


There are many folks just as blinded and partisan to the GOP now is there have been any other political party in the past.


your partisanship is showing, especially talking about teaching your kids to be like Trump, and that's a level of confusion I just don't understand. You can quote any president, you can look at any example they've made, you can see many things they've done that are just poor examples of leadership.  You single out Trump as a role model for your kids - why would you do that? Anyone who would want their kids to grow up and be like any president is a moron

If you found out that Obama rewrote the tax codes and entire IRS to attack political enemies would that matter to you?


All of this but hurt by liberals is hysterical. 


The nuances that you just don't understand - it sucks because no side is clean, or honest. And here you are making a big tantrum about it, for what?  Nothing's going to change the past.  Trump is going to lie, chest and !@#$ up.  Obama's going to lie, divide the community, and continue to undermine country and its Authority. The clintons are going to use their Mafia like family to do whatever they want. The show just goes on

You call me confused..and silly cause I do not want Donald Trump being the leader of out country..maybre so.


But almost every single answer and post from a Trump supporter in this thread basically says   "does not matter what Trump does, how he  achieves his objectives...we hated Obama and Clinton and really any politician is scum so whatever he says, whatever he does, whoever he surrounds himself with for council...none of it matters cause Obama and Clinton were bad too"


That is such basic and rudimentary thinking... I know I am, but so are you!


And in terms of my kids being able to look up and admire the President of the United States..is that really something that we as a society now claim is foolish? Have you sunken that far that all forms of a civil society, of being honest and truthful, of having integrity..it is all BS? Maybe you believe that is a goal worth aspiring too.I would hope we can do better. 

5 hours ago, snafu said:


I don't think right and wrong should be dispensed with.  I see that they are, however, and have been for decades. I agree with you that we deserve more than what we get. ...And I don't need to look all the way into my heart of hearts to see Trump for what he is. He knows what's right, he chooses too often to ignore it and it is frustrating. You've also got to admit somewhat that the way he's been treated is like bear baiting.  It exacerbates his dooshiness. 

I guess that is all I am saying. If anyone was in office, from any party, doing and saying the things Trump does..it would bother the hell out of me..and I want better. 

22 minutes ago, joesixpack said:


Well it certainly didn’t hinder Clinton from running the country.

Clinton hit on and used his influence to have sex with a 22-year woman( not a crime)..and lying about it and covering it up...and was impeached for obstruction and perjury. If the House would like to use the same standard with Trump...that is perjury and obstruction should lead to an impeachment hearing..I am all for it!



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5 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:


Clinton hit on and used his influence to have sex with a 22-year woman( not a crime)..and lying about it and covering it up...and was impeached for obstruction and perjury. If the House would like to use the same standard with Trump...that is perjury and obstruction should lead to an impeachment hearing..I am all for it!




So I assume you think having sex with a porn star and attempting to keep it quiet is a crime. Can you reference the pertinent statute?

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45 minutes ago, westside said:

Name a politician who hasn't lied? Even if he did use campaign money to pay her off, it's only a fine. No felonie, no jail time. Even Obama did it in 2008. I'm not condoning it,  I'm just pointing out this isn t the smoking gun the left has been waiting for.

if Obama did it, would you just say "every politician lies, let it slide" I know I sure as chit would not. Its why I did not vote for Clinton (either one) or Obama....

Just now, joesixpack said:


So I assume you think having sex with a porn star and attempting to keep it quiet is a crime. Can you reference the pertinent statute?

the way the law is written in regards to campaign finance, it is. I think that's pretty clear by Cohen agreeing to go to jail for 3-5 years..one does not do that when one does not commit a crime. 


If you and I do it..no. When a candidate does it to influence an election ..yes. You may not like or agree with the law, but its the law. I don't agree with not being able to drink a beer in the car..makes no sense to me and it really eludes common sense...but if I get caught with a beer in the car its a crime..plain and simple.

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12 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

the way the law is written in regards to campaign finance, it is. I think that's pretty clear by Cohen agreeing to go to jail for 3-5 years..one does not do that when one does not commit a crime. 


The way the law is written, it's a crime if you do it with DONOR money. Cohen copped a plea because he knew he was going down for OTHER issues.


And again, NONE of this relates to the Special Counsel's task of finding Russian "collusion" to undermine an election. It is, as the President says it is, a witch hunt.



Edited by joesixpack
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3 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

if Obama did it, would you just say "every politician lies, let it slide" I know I sure as chit would not. Its why I did not vote for Clinton (either one) or Obama....

Enough people voted for Trump to elect him.  End of story.  Your desire to "look up to" the president is not realistic nor is it the intent of the founders.  He is not Kim Jung QB.


Personally I do not like Trump and am maybe 60/40 in favor of his policies.  The best thing about Trump, and probably the reason he got elected, is because he is at least somewhat from outside the "swamp".  The reaction to him has exposed plenty and people's eyes are more open to crap they knew existed but never actually saw.  Manafort is an example of this not just because people in his position enrich themselves all the time, but because he himself was doing it and nobody had an issue with it.......until he worked for Trump.


Unlike Greggy, I think the deep state/swamp whatever, will win and it'll all go back to the status quo.  But at least you can plead ignorance to their proclivities for corruption because there will be plenty of Comey's around to help keep things quiet.


President  Cuomo has several lackeys in jail behind him but don't worry, nothing to see there.

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2 minutes ago, joesixpack said:

The way the law is written, it's a crime if you do it with DONOR money. Cohen copped a plea because he knew he was going down for OTHER issues.


And again, NONE of this relates to the Special Counsel's task of finding Russian "collusion" to undermine an election. It is, as the President says it is, a witch hunt.



Cohen's case was brought by the SDNY..not Muellars team. I also want the SC to be done, I agree it is not good for the country. But alas these investigations take time..no matter who is in charge.

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