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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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3 minutes ago, GG said:


It doesn't deal with that question, because the dossier had already existed, as Simpson was shopping it all over the place.  Thus the timeline still points to Putin's cronies as the source material for the dossier itself.   How it was used is a different matter.


Incorrect. Go back and look at the timeline I've laid out in other posts. 


There was no dossier... until Rogers cut off the spigot of 702 access to Fusion/CrowdStrike/HRC's campaign. They were using this spigot to spy on all their competition for over a year. The dossier was created after Rogers cut off this access as a way to back-engineer CAUSE - for both their prior 702 quarries AND their continued surveillance of then candidate Trump. 


The Russians had no hand in creating the dossier. Ohr and Simpson did it, with Steele as a hat.

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9 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Incorrect. Go back and look at the timeline I've laid out in other posts. 


There was no dossier... until Rogers cut off the spigot of 702 access to Fusion/CrowdStrike/HRC's campaign. They were using this spigot to spy on all their competition for over a year. The dossier was created after Rogers cut off this access as a way to back-engineer CAUSE - for both their prior 702 quarries AND their continued surveillance of then candidate Trump. 


The Russians had no hand in creating the dossier. Ohr and Simpson did it, with Steele as a hat.


It depends on what timeline you're talking about.   Fusion started working on oppo research in April 2016, while Rogers halted 702 access in mid-summer 2016.


It's silly to think that Putin & gang didn't have anything to do with the dossier.

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54 minutes ago, GG said:


It depends on what timeline you're talking about.   Fusion started working on oppo research in April 2016, while Rogers halted 702 access in mid-summer 2016.


It's silly to think that Putin & gang didn't have anything to do with the dossier.




It's not silly, it's a fact Putin had nothing to do with the dossier. And a provable one.


The people arguing otherwise (without any evidence mind you) are the ones desperately trying to keep the Russian collusion narrative alive. It's a deflection, devoid of fact or truth, to protect those who abused the 702 system for political reasons. It's not only incorrect, it's disinformation. 


The dossier did not exist in April '16. The "Russian collusion" narrative did not either. 


Both started on June 15th, 2016 - the same day.


This is NOT a coincidence look at the timeline:   


Unknown start date - April 2016: Fusion GPS/CrowdStrike/HRC's campaign have full access to raw 702 data without oversight through McCabe/Priestap/Baker/Ohr at the FBI. Fusion GPS had been doing oppo research for a long time before April 2016.


April 2016: Rogers shuts down this access and asks for explanations into previous 702 quarries. 


April - June 9th: Black hats at DOJ, FBI, CIA and the 44 Administration along with HRC campaign have to come up with probable cause to explain their past 702 abuses AND get an actual FISA warrant to continue spying on Trump. They're confident in her victory (because they're rigging it), so they come up with a plan to generate cause. 


June 9th 2016: Don Jr has the infamous meeting with Veselnitskaya in Trump Towers. Veselnitskaya was denied a visa originally but had that denial overturned by 44's administration at the last minute, making the meeting possible. She is working with Fusion GPS on the Magnitsky case with Prevezon and against Browder. Meaning this whole thing is arranged by ALL the elements who are trying to cover their ass: CIA, 44, FBI, DOJ, Fusion GPS, HRC and the DNC by extension. Also, she meets with Simpson the day before and the day after, as per his testimony, though he says he can not speak to her because she doesnt speak English.


June 15th: Big day with two big happenings which are all connected-

* Fusion GPS hires Steele. (Dossier still does not exist, still not a Putin plot)

* Guciffer 2.0 (a front for CrowdStrike - this has been proven and is very in the weeds) pretends to be a hacker and releases the first DNC "hacked" material, launching the "Russians hacked the election" narrative.


With both these moves, they were trying to get ahead of the WikiLeak drops they knew were coming. Guciffer 2.0 has no connection to WikiLeaks, is not a hacker, and is a proven invention by the DNC subcontractor CrowdStrike. The DNC Leaks began in late June and were published by WikiLeaks in July. G2.0 took credit for this, and per the bogus DNI Clapper and Brennan also pinned the hack on Guciffer despite no forensic evidence to make this case.


This is a deflection/game/story being planted on multiple fronts. None of them originate in Moscow - they all originate inside DC. 


June 20th: Just five days after being hired, without ever going to Russia once, Steele submits the first draft of the dossier. (Which was actually authored by Simpson and Nellie Ohr, CIA, who concocted a loose narrative using elements of the 702 SIGINT they illegally collected on team Trump to tell a damning story for the FISA court approval). Putin nor his cronies have anything to do with this. They haven't had the chance to. 


July 5th: Steele contacts the FBI (who we now know actually hired Fusion/Steele in the first place to cover their asses) about the dossier - the SAME DAY Clinton is being interviewed. The FBI begins its investigation, and goes 4 months between beginning this and letting Congress know it is investigating, due to the “sensitive nature” of the investigation. It is released in the press on 11/1/16, due to Fusion GPS (Simpson and Steele) going to the press with the fake dossier information, and attempting to influence a presidential election.


September 2016: The FISA warrant is approved, turning back on the spigot. The Russian narrative EXPLODES. 



Then Trump wins... and all hell breaks loose because they're exposed. So, they up the ante on the story they (not Putin) concocted to begin with and poured gasoline on a fire they started. They started it. Not Putin.  



This does not mean Putin and company aren't laughing their asses off and pleased by this turn of events. They most certainly are. But it's not an operation of their design. They had no part of the dossier or it's creation. It's all the DNC, HRC, 44's administration, and elements in the CIA/DOJ/FBI who were trying to cover their own asses. The ones pushing this angle are feeding you disinformation to throw people off the scent of the true bad actors. 


Don't be a victim of that nonsense. 


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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2 hours ago, joesixpack said:


Holy cow, I'd give Sara Carter something to write about. GIGGITY.


FYI. I do a daily search of all terms related to cattle.


On the future, please refrain from 1, taking the cattles name in vein and b) not making me soft thru this.

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House Intel committee voted to release the memo and denied Schiff's memo to be released. :lol:


Schiff speaking now. He sounds like a beaten man. 


It's going to be wonderful watching him fall. Treasonous doll eyes will have his day of reckoning soon.


Schiff also says they don't need to wait 5 days to release. It could come tonight. 

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A quick spin through the dial.....( as we old people say)


all the stations are talking to democrats for their opinions spin..............and they are all deflecting and defending FBI officials who have acted either illegally or in a biased manner.


Because they believe in those individuals ??..............NO................because they want to STOP Trump.................thats all.






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As Twitchy reported, CNN’s Jim Acosta has had a heck of a time today tweeting about Andrew G. McCabe and his abrupt departure from his post as FBI deputy director on Monday.


First, Acosta said a source told him McCabe’s departure was “a mutual decision.” In a later tweet, Acosta cited a source saying that McCabe was “essentially being pushed out.” So which is it?


What Acosta failed to mention in his tweets is that House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes met with FBI Director Chris Wray Sunday to show him that classified memo that Republicans have been lobbying to have released to the public.


So, on Sunday, Rep. Devin Nunes showed FBI Director Chris Wray the memo, and on Monday, McCabe was gone. It could be nothing, but both The New York Times and CBS News suggest otherwise.


The New York Times reports:



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21 minutes ago, garybusey said:

Hopefully! The GOP is all for transparency, right :lol:

The majority on the House Committee allowed any house member to read the memo before voting on its release. The minority refused to let the house members read their memo prior to voting on its release. So, who's for transparency?

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3 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

The majority on the House Committee allowed any house member to read the memo before voting on its release. The minority refused to let the house members read their memo prior to voting on its release. So, who's for transparency?

They wouldn't even let the other committie members read it before voting.

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7 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

The majority on the House Committee allowed any house member to read the memo before voting on its release. The minority refused to let the house members read their memo prior to voting on its release. So, who's for transparency?


3 minutes ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

They wouldn't even let the other committie members read it before voting.


won't know what's in it til they pass it, amirite?

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Just now, TakeYouToTasker said:

They wouldn't even let the other committie members read it before voting.

Obviously then they wanted the outcome they got. Their memo either didn't have any strong points in their favor or they just wanted to be able to say "not fair"!

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So this whole stupid memo was just a smoke screen for the deadline over sanctions on Russia which passed with overwhelming majorities in Congress and Trump failed to implement. Trump is caught between Putin (pee tapes?) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 

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