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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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2 hours ago, njbuff said:

Does anybody doubt that Obozo was the top dirtbag in all of this?


But, he won't be touched, unfortunately........................ unless it is by another man (his wife). 

As they say, "What did the President know, and when did he know it?"

Myself? I think Obama knew what was going on and wanted to have it reported to him so he was "in the know" (I have visions of his giggling like a schoolgirl every time he got a new report). I do not think he was the instigator, however.  We shall see!

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

You are making definitive statements about stuff you don't know about. 


Sounds more like he is just trying to please the President. He saw what happened to Sessions and the rest of the people--any of the people--that work for this clown. 


He statements contradict what the DOJ--TRUMP'S OWN DOJ!--has already said. And then he himself backtracked. 


He has had time to review the evidence, yet he claims he needs to check the evidence? What a joke. 

Even if this were true, he shouldn't be rolling t out like this. This is completely unprofessional and irrational. Just pathetic 


"Stuff I know nothing about" ... I know plenty about this topic, and have done what I can to share it with you personally. You've rejected it time and time again. But that's because you're more interested in trolling than an honest discussion. 


The mistake you're laboring under is that any of this is "new". It's not. We've been talking about this very thing for 2+ years, longer than Mueller's probe even. And that talk has been backed by evidence to support it. Evidence which Barr admitted today he's reviewing and making a determination on. Barr is not rolling anything out, he is reviewing the material collected by the DOJ IG Horowitz (an Obama appointee), NSA Director Mike Rogers (an Obama appointee), US Attorney John Huber (an Obama appointee, fired and re-hired by Trump's administration), and the over 150 FBI/DOJ whistleblowers who have made complaints since this whole thing began. 


We're just getting started on the public phase of an operation which has been going on since late 2016. 

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2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Barr: "I'm not saying there was spying, blah blah blah" 


This guy was selected by Trump for a reason. Sad. Very sad day for the country. Barr seems like a good man but his performance today was pathetic and really makes him look bad. 

This post is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "Lalalalalala!... I can't hear you!".

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9 minutes ago, bdutton said:

This post is the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling "Lalalalalala!... I can't hear you!".

Is it? When the guy says there was spying, but he isn't saying anything illegal, no evidence, he's just wants to make sure it was ok. What a joke. He's Trump's AG. Nuff said 


totally lost all credibility. I don't believe a word he says anymore 

14 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


"Stuff I know nothing about" ... I know plenty about this topic, and have done what I can to share it with you personally. You've rejected it time and time again. But that's because you're more interested in trolling than an honest discussion. 


The mistake you're laboring under is that any of this is "new". It's not. We've been talking about this very thing for 2+ years, longer than Mueller's probe even. And that talk has been backed by evidence to support it. Evidence which Barr admitted today he's reviewing and making a determination on. Barr is not rolling anything out, he is reviewing the material collected by the DOJ IG Horowitz (an Obama appointee), NSA Director Mike Rogers (an Obama appointee), US Attorney John Huber (an Obama appointee, fired and re-hired by Trump's administration), and the over 150 FBI/DOJ whistleblowers who have made complaints since this whole thing began. 


We're just getting started on the public phase of an operation which has been going on since late 2016. 

You are a conspiracy theorist. You said Hillary had the election stolen before the election, so excuse me if I don't take much of what you say--usually agreeing with anything Trump says--as being anywhere near the truth. 


So here you are taking the confused, contradicting statements of Barr and running with it 

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2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

“I am not saying that improper surveillance occurred. I am saying I am concerned about it, and I am looking into it. That is all.”

Yes, exactly.  He's not saying it was illegal, he's not saying it wasn't.  He has yet to make that public declaration (we already know it was illegal, based on info already covered, but they'll maybe help you get to that point in understanding slowly).


You're either the dumbest mofo on this board, or you're a pretty-decent-at-playing-aloof troll.  Neither is a good thing, by the way.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Oh ya, the Mueller Report, I forgot about that. 


Ohhhhh....that's the point! 


Image result for smart, very smart


Wait, now I have to ask.

Hurry Barr, hurry!


Barr sucks, he's a loser.

or both?




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2 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Is it? When the guy says there was spying, but he isn't saying anything illegal, no evidence, he's just wants to make sure it was ok. What a joke. He's Trump's AG. Nuff said 


totally lost all credibility. I don't believe a word he says anymore 





Well technically you're right, Barr offered no evidence of improper surveillance.  Would you accept the previously made public testimony of James Comey and several other current and former FBI personnel?  The released FISC application and the renewals?  Mueller's indictment of Flynn and others?  The unmasking of Trump campaign individuals by the Obama administration?  


Seriously you're still not questioning whether or not Trump's campaign was under surveillance with no reasonable cause? 


It's only "news" today because Barr mentioned spying in a public forum making it really tough for the leftist media to ignore and many of their viewers/readers may be hearing this for first time today. 

Edited by keepthefaith
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