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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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1 hour ago, GG said:


On the contrary, it's likely part of their plan to delay the damning report.    My guess is they want to delay it as much as possible, so why not tie it up in the courts?



I believe that Nadler is saying that he wants the un-redacted report so that HE can make the redactions.  The House Democrats don't want to share the un-redacted report with the public at large.  They want to shape the story before the report gets into anyone's hands.  Just like the competing Nunes and Schiff memos.


So it looks like their strategy might be:

(a) try to get the entire report

(b) beat the current Administration over the head with whatever information they can glean from the report -- including complaints that Barr's redactions are somehow nefarious.

(c) after they get the whole report, they will demand Mueller's work product

(d) fight for that as long as they can to keep the *****-show rolling




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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


They can't though. They boxed themselves in over the past 18+ months by building up Mueller as the hero to their base. They've fed their base so many lies about Russian collusion/conspiracy and the 2016 election that their own base won't let them shift topics. They have to go down with the ship so to speak.



they were rocked very hard by Hillary losing, there wasn't a single parade or contingency planned that foresaw this


and it is working out well for Trump  (i'm still kind of shocked by both him winning and doing welll...)


so.............. what do you do with 6 years to go, besides hope 10,000,000 people illegally enter the country to vote for your party?


(i was at a meeting where the geniuses very unfairly told a key earner that he was going to have to fire almost all his department and then take home less for more hours demanded.  He told them he was hereby resigning, they could stuff the pension and he was taking his whole team to a better firm.  The geniuses didn't for one second consider this was a very plausible option to their threat..... PLAN AHEAD!)


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2 hours ago, GG said:


On the contrary, it's likely part of their plan to delay the damning report.    My guess is they want to delay it as much as possible, so why not tie it up in the courts?



This stunt is not going to delay the release of the redacted report.

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21 minutes ago, Koko78 said:

This stunt is not going to delay the release of the redacted report.


Exactly.  Not that it's damning anyway.  They're just setting it up for their low information sheeple by claiming that the whole report can and has to be released.  Then when it's released in redacted form, they'll say the redacted sections are what is damning.

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Trump’s inoculation media frenzy in the wake of the report looks a little more like trying to get ahead of the bad news coming when the report gets released, if the sources indicating the report is more damaging to Trump than Barr indicated are to be believed. 

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16 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:

Trump’s inoculation media frenzy in the wake of the report looks a little more like trying to get ahead of the bad news coming when the report gets released, if the sources indicating the report is more damaging to Trump than Barr indicated are to be believed. 



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6 hours ago, Doc said:


Exactly.  Not that it's damning anyway.  They're just setting it up for their low information sheeple by claiming that the whole report can and has to be released.  Then when it's released in redacted form, they'll say the redacted sections are what is damning.

Notice the demand isn't just for the un-redacted report. Little notice is being paid now to it, but they have also demanded the release "of all evidence"... Of course we know there could be no evidence if there isn't a crime, but they are playing to their base of sheeple all the way with it. 

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46 minutes ago, BeginnersMind said:


It’s been a nice groupthink exhibition here the last couple weeks. Sorry to hit you with some potential reality check. 


Hope you don’t get the noise cancer. 


Yeah, we're really set up for all kinds of bad news with that whole 'no evidence' thing that Mueller's report is going to say.


Glad we have you here to give us a "reality check"... Don't know what we'd do without your stunning intellect and persuasive arguments.

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3 hours ago, BeginnersMind said:

Trump’s inoculation media frenzy in the wake of the report looks a little more like trying to get ahead of the bad news coming when the report gets released, if the sources indicating the report is more damaging to Trump than Barr indicated are to be believed. 


Polish up your resume and send it to MSNBC.  You've got a bright future!

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6 hours ago, keepthefaith said:


Polish up your resume and send it to MSNBC.  You've got a bright future!

Political Poetry Jam on MSNBC.  Weeknights at 8.


I wrote an intro song for it.  Wanna hear it, here it goes:


Snap your fingers like you are a beatnik

And our commie will read you some poems.

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh Haaaaahh

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This is what a cover up looks like. 





Absent that, Barr told lawmakers that he concluded the evidence was not sufficient to prove that the president obstructed justice.

But members of Mueller’s team have complained to close associates that the evidence they gathered on obstruction was alarming and significant.

“It was much more acute than Barr suggested,” said one person, who, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the subject’s sensitivity.






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Lol, that didn't take long. The shrill reaction says a lot! 





A spokeswoman for the Justice Department declined to comment. A spokesman for the special counsel did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump attorney Rudolph W. Giuliani said the frustrations on Mueller’s team were coming from “disgruntled” staffers.

In an interview Wednesday night with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Giuliani said the reports prove the special counsel’s office was biased.

“They are a bunch of sneaky, unethical leakers,” he said. “And they are rabid Democrats who hate the president of United States.”

Giuliani added, “I am absolutely confident that the report will bear out the conclusions. The conclusions: no obstruction, no Russian collusion of any kind. It will bear that out.”



1 minute ago, 3rdnlng said:

You're pathetic. Someone said something, OMG.

They said they had already prepared summaries of each section, but not even those were released. 


Just release the report! 


Release the report!! 

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