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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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As the fairy tale of Trump/Russia conspiracy/collusion begins to (publicly) fall apart - remember who started this narrative and why:


If you go by the "resistance" narrative, this was started by the Intelligence Community (specifically Brennan, Clapper and Comey) who used their media mouthpieces and the ICA to gaslight the American public into believing Trump and Putin were working together and the 2016 election was somehow in doubt or illegitimate. The same agencies (and in some cases people) who pushed WMD in Iraq in the build up to 2003 were behind the creation and selling of the Russian narrative to the American people. Their actions in 2016 were not taken because they knew of a genuine threat to our national security, but because Trump's foreign policy agenda represented a threat to their agenda of endless war and regime change - an agenda which has made many people on both sides of the aisle very rich over the past 16 years. It was an agenda the voters explicitly rejected in the 2016 election (in both parties' primaries in fact - and the national election), yet the Intelligence Community said "***** your vote" and launched a soft coup. 


That's sedition. 


Brennan, Clapper, Comey... 


If you go by the evidence presented by me and others over the past two years, this narrative was started by the previous administration's need to cover up and deflect from Admiral Rogers discovering a long running, illegal political spying operation being run out of the DOJ-NSD /CID by paid political "contractors" working on behalf of the administration. They had to assure a Clinton victory in order to guarantee their exposure would be covered up, so they activated their co-conspirators/lackeys running their intelligence apparatus (Brennan, Comey, Clapper) and their vast network of media mouthpieces to do what Pelosi just recently described as a "wrap up smear". Coat candidate Trump in Russian scandal innuendo to deflect from their own bad deeds (projection - in Clinton's case literally), then have President Clinton's new agency heads bury it all. When Trump stunned everyone and won, the plan changed to a palace coup, that's how exposed they were at the end of 2016. The Russia narrative was "the insurance plan" to cover up what would be the biggest political scandal in US history - that 44 was abusing the massive powers of our surveillance state to spy on his political opposition for the purposes of blackmail and extortion. How do you hide that? Build an even bigger monster - enter Trump/Putin cheated to steal the 2016 election from Hillary. 


That's sedition as well. 


For Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Brennan, Clapper, Comey... 


So either way you look at it, people on the left who haven't been completely addled by TDS should be rightfully outraged at being lied to by trusted sources/pundits/politicians for the past 2+ years. And no matter how the newly constituted DOJ will look at it, or how deeply they wish to delve publicly, we're still going to end up in a place where a lot of people who have been pushing this narrative will be facing great legal peril. To not do so would only reinforce to millions of people that we have a two tier justice system... That won't work as well as it has in the past for the powers that be if they wish to try it. Too many people are watching and aware. It would mark the end of the republic. 


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a thing to work through, but it's the price you need to pay if you really want to break free from the spell the media and US Intelligence community has worked to cast over all of us. More incoming... 



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1 hour ago, /dev/null said:

i don't envy you today.  those have to be some depressing talking points emails sent out by your overloads


You can just imagine @Tiberius, curled up in the fetal position at home, wishing upon wish that this report was not true. Wishing that he could have just one more day of believing that the reason a money-laundering ***** like Hillary Clinton lost SO BADLY to a giant orange marshmallow peanut...is because the world would MUCH rather be led by a giant orange peanut than a woman who can't even navigate a flight of stairs or watch balloons fall without losing her marbles.


Thoughts and prayers until your next conspiracy, Tibs. Thoughts and prayers. :lol:

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33 minutes ago, LABillzFan said:


You can just imagine @Tiberius, curled up in the fetal position at home, wishing upon wish that this report was not true. Wishing that he could have just one more day of believing that the reason a money-laundering ***** like Hillary Clinton lost SO BADLY to a giant orange marshmallow peanut...is because the world would MUCH rather be led by a giant orange peanut than a woman who can't even navigate a flight of stairs or watch balloons fall without losing her marbles.


Thoughts and prayers until your next conspiracy, Tibs. Thoughts and prayers. :lol:



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Anyone with a brain, political or non-political, KNEW this whole thing was a joke from the start.


Now, those who peddled this BS to cause a useless and EXPENSIVE investigation should be held accountable, big time.

2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:



Even though she is your typical grandstanding leftist idiot............... she's hot.

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1 hour ago, LABillzFan said:


You can just imagine @Tiberius, curled up in the fetal position at home, wishing upon wish that this report was not true. Wishing that he could have just one more day of believing that the reason a money-laundering ***** like Hillary Clinton lost SO BADLY to a giant orange marshmallow peanut...is because the world would MUCH rather be led by a giant orange peanut than a woman who can't even navigate a flight of stairs or watch balloons fall without losing her marbles.


Thoughts and prayers until your next conspiracy, Tibs. Thoughts and prayers. :lol:


That presumes he's smart enough to understand the report.

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1 hour ago, Teddy KGB said:

Tibs runs his record to 0-456. 


With a record like that he will be named the visiting team at Bama for a November game, Citadel gave too impressive a challenge last year



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12 hours ago, /dev/null said:

i don't envy you today.  those have to be some depressing talking points emails sent out by your overloads

You envy me everyday. Trump was obviously conspiring with Russia, spreading Russian talking points, making excuses for that murderer, working on a business deal with Russia and accepting their help in interfering with our election, meeting with them to discuss sanctions, lying about it to everyone who asked until they were caught then making up lame excuses that only Trumptards could believe.


Don't take any overlords to see those facts. 

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12 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

You envy me everyday. Trump was obviously conspiring with Russia, spreading Russian talking points, making excuses for that murderer, working on a business deal with Russia and accepting their help in interfering with our election, meeting with them to discuss sanctions, lying about it to everyone who asked until they were caught then making up lame excuses that only Trumptards could believe.


Don't take any overlords to see those facts. 


So, your overlords had you to change “Hillary” to “Trump”, and “Democrats” to “Trumptards” before you posted that, yes?

Soon enough, they will have you change it back.  


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Just now, snafu said:


So, your overlords had you to change “Hillary” to “Trump”, and “Democrats” to “Trumptards” before you posted that, yes?

Soon enough, they will have you change it back.  


All the known facts point to Trump conspiring with the Russians. 

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11 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

All the known facts point to Trump conspiring with the Russians. 


Im not going down this road with you, Daffy.  You’ve never listed “known facts” though you’ve been asked to on several occasions.

Yoiks and away, bro.



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15 minutes ago, Teddy KGB said:




fake news tibs 


stay down.   Stop posting 



Who should I believe? A Republican or my own eyes and ears? Mueller's on it, I believe he has way more independence than a senator who has to worry about a Trumpkin running against him in a primary. 

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