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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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19 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


Again, not trying to be difficult (seriously), just trying to have a real conversation. Sessions was not fired. That's a key fact you keep trying to change. If he was fired, RR would be the acting AG. Instead, Sessions was asked to resign and he did. 

That's not corrupt or illegal. It's how non-contentious resignations work in DC on both sides of the aisle. As noted earlier, and in the DOJ opinion, 44 did this three times in his administration and no one ever said it was corrupt, illegal, or unconstitutional. 



It's been two years, and Trump hasn't shuttered Mueller when he has the legal ability to do so. At what point does the fear of Trump "shuttering Mueller" become hype designed to foment hysteria in the left's base in your mind? If Trump doesn't shut down Mueller before his report is done, would that get you to at least consider that others have been playing on your fears to get you to think emotionally rather than logically?



Reports are all over today that Trump is finishing up the written answers to Mueller's questions. So he is testifying, per the deal reached with Mueller. If Trump were going to shut down the probe, why would he bother answering any questions at all? 


Again, not trying to argue just pointing out that the facts and reality do not line up with the "Trump is trying to shut Mueller down" hysteria. Right?



Every time the lawfully elected President follows commonly accepted practice and operates within the law, Tiberious screams that somehow, somewhere someone must recuse themself from something.  As time goes on, while screaming "Recusal" in the morning he rages about "Corruption" in the afternoon.  He seems particular torqued about Sessions resigning, Whittaker being lawfully tapped as Acting AG, and of course includes the notorious "we all know why..." word track used for centuries to defend inherent bias, racism, sexism and political manipulation. 


Even now, when given the opportunity for reasonable discourse, in spite of the Justice department confirming the legality of the move, in spite of 2 years of Trump guilty of nothing more than publically stating his disdain for the investigation (his absolute right) and truckloads of evidence suggesting what the lefty's claimed is not anywhere close to what actually happened, he remains steadfast screaming about recusal and corruption and how wrong it is that Trump fired Mueller just in case he does.




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20 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


He wasn't fired, he resigned. 



Whitaker was Sessions CoS and a high ranking member of the DoJ. The comments made about the Mueller probe were made as a private citizen, not as a spokesman for the DOJ. 


Trump could have fired Mueller at any point over the past two years, and hasn't. Instead he has complied with every request made for disclosure by Mueller's team and allowed the work to continue unabated. There's nothing - aside from the political firestorm it would bring - that prevents Trump from firing Mueller. 


If he was seeking to do so, if he was doing so for reasons of covering up the investigation, why hasn't he shuttered it? 


Isn't it possible you're overreacting to a narrative being pushed on you rather than dispassionately examining the facts at hand? 




Yeah. He resigned. And I have 5 hats so I get to vote 5 times.

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9 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


When you can't concede basic facts, it might be a sign you've bought a bad narrative at the expense of your own rational thinking. 


Now hold on. He'll just have to wait for the next patch before he receives sufficient programming to simulate rational thinking.


Don't hate the NPC because of his masters' laziness.

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9 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

So.... who's getting indicted tomorrow? 


Or does Mueller wait for Black Friday? 


Will any of it have to do with collusion/treason/election tipping?

No one




And to the mass media. Yes...

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52 minutes ago, B-Man said:



Top Cheney Aide in Mueller's Sights as Probe Expands... 



Mueller’s investigators have examined an array of operatives with ties to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE—including John Hannah, Dick Cheney’s former national security adviser.



Yep, Trump/Russia 



Or any crimes they discover. Trump's foreign policy sure looks like it is up for sale to highest bidder, so this is no surprise 

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6 hours ago, Tiberius said:

Or any crimes they discover. Trump's foreign policy sure looks like it is up for sale to highest bidder, so this is no surprise 

You truly are an idiot. I say ***** off to not only you but your family, anyone who claims to be your friend, and the few people who would ever give you a "thumbs up" here.

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