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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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5 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

Tee hee. So pray tell, what makes you different? You all parrot the same counterfactual talking points permeating from guttural anonymous web trolls and Fox News. At your core, you are all exactly the same. You run your internet fingers decrying the very things you're doing. You are not in the know because the internet safe space finally gives you a sense of identity. Seriously, the sh*t is pathetic.  


If you want to dismiss criminal behavior because the ends justify the means, own it. If tax cuts and Mexicans are that important to you, own it. I'm just trying to figure out why the right is so fu*king scared to own their positions. 


1) Find anywhere on this board where I've parroted, paraphrased, or otherwise regurgitated anything from any source, right, left or center. You assume that because I think you're retarded that it's because I'm a right-winger, that "at our core, we're all exactly the same"? How %$#$ing brainless do you have to be to argue using the exact same thing I first criticized you for? You have the gall to speak in sweeping generalizations, accusing other people of making generalizations, and don't see the stellar level of moronic hypocrisy you're peddling? You're not even arguing the side of the left, you're only arguing the side of a complete $##hole.


2) You said "tee hee". kitty.


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3 hours ago, Cinga said:

Here is a fun personality thing we did at work.... Of course the one we did was paid and more in depth but it almost made me out to be an alpha with horns on my head




I was pretty down the middle of the road with dominant, influence, steadiness, and compliance (the only one below 20) in that order.  Interesting test that's only interesting if you're completely honest.

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If You Inspect The FISA Applications Closely, More Mysteries Arise About Joseph Mifsud

All These People Sure Get Together a Lot

First, the evening before the Trump Tower meeting, Veselnitskaya and Samochornov had dinner with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. The evening after the Trump Tower meeting, they again dined together.


That Wasn’t the Only Weird Coincidence

Yet a second strange coincidence stems from the Trump Tower meeting—this one involving Veselnitskaya’s interpreter, Samochornov. Samochornov testifed that he had worked for years as a contractor for Meridian International, and during that time he served as an interpreter for then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton on one occasion. Two or three times, Samochornov interpreted for then-secretary of state John Kerry. He also interpreted former president Barack Obama’s United Nations summits and then-vice president Joe Biden’s United Nations’ speech.



The Mysterious Joseph Mifsud Resurfaces

The February 8, 2017, Global Ties conference in Washington DC featured Joseph Mifsud as a speaker.


But why then did the FBI release Mifsud and allow him to leave the country?



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11 hours ago, Doc Brown said:

I was pretty down the middle of the road with dominant, influence, steadiness, and compliance (the only one below 20) in that order.  Interesting test that's only interesting if you're completely honest.

yeah, some of the questions suck because you want to like every one in the group, or dislike every one which makes choosing that much harder... For the most part though, i find them pretty accurate for me anyway... 

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15 hours ago, Azalin said:


1) Find anywhere on this board where I've parroted, paraphrased, or otherwise regurgitated anything from any source, right, left or center. You assume that because I think you're retarded that it's because I'm a right-winger, that "at our core, we're all exactly the same"? How %$#$ing brainless do you have to be to argue using the exact same thing I first criticized you for? You have the gall to speak in sweeping generalizations, accusing other people of making generalizations, and don't see the stellar level of moronic hypocrisy you're peddling? You're not even arguing the side of the left, you're only arguing the side of a complete $##hole.


2) You said "tee hee". kitty.


You just used like 200 some odd words to say "I know you are but what am I." I may have underestimated your ability to stand out from the pack!

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2 hours ago, Cinga said:

yeah, some of the questions suck because you want to like every one in the group, or dislike every one which makes choosing that much harder... For the most part though, i find them pretty accurate for me anyway... 


no trouble at all with any question, 80% dominance


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19 hours ago, njbuff said:

Manafort is 69 years old and has no criminal record. Also, has spent less than 100 days with the Trump campaign.


Exactly what is going on with him?


This trial makes as much sense as me wearing a bra.

There is overwhelming evidence that he's guilty of tax evasion and bank fraud, but he should get a fair trial independent of politics. 


The "you had no right to discover this" defense doesn't seem to have any legal merit in this case.

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8 minutes ago, LSHMEAB said:

You just used like 200 some odd words to say "I know you are but what am I." I may have underestimated your ability to stand out from the pack!


The only thing you're underestimating is your intellectual adequacy.

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23 minutes ago, DC Tom said:


Sorry, it was your "oops."  He's underestimating his adequacy?


Oh, for the love of.....


There's not much more embarrassing than being a moron while calling someone else stupid.



3 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

Is that REALLY what you were trying to say? 


Okay, your serve.

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2 minutes ago, Azalin said:


Oh, for the love of.....


There's not much more embarrassing than being a moron while calling someone else stupid.




Okay, your serve.


You know, it just occurred to me you've finally earned this:


You're an idiot.  Congratulations.

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Our weekly Clarice..................


Three-Card Mueller

Three-card Monte is a centuries-old con game in which the dealer and his shills trick the unsuspecting mark into betting on a rigged card game.  Only the dealer and his people know where the winning card is, though the mark believes he's smart enough to find out where the winning card is buried.


The public – in this case, the mark – has been led to believe that the entire years-long Mueller investigation was into Trump's "collusion" with Russians.  But the dealer (Mueller himself) knows that it is part of a plan to undermine the president and reverse the 2016 presidential election, in which the only real Russian collusion was with Hillary.  By now his press supporters surely should know this, but they continue to feed the fiction that the game is to find the collusion in the one campaign in which there was none.


A recent Harvard-Harris poll shows that the universe of marks is getting smaller: sixty percent of Americans believe that the FBI demonstrates bias against the president and has set out to wound him politically.  Mueller's popularity keeps plummeting.  By mid-June (the last figure I've seen), "a record 53 percent [are] now saying they view the lead Russia investigator in an unfavorable light.  That's a 26-point spike since July [2017], when the poll first started asking voters whether they viewed Mueller favorably or unfavorably. ... Thirty-six percent of all registered voters are also seeing Mueller unfavorably, which represents the highest level since the polling first raised the topic 11 months ago.  Back then, 23 percent of all voters said they viewed Mueller negatively." 


Unfortunately for Mueller, not all those charged by his team are foreigners not subject to U.S. jurisdiction and therefore unlikely to contest the charges, nor so impecunious that they plead guilty to avoid bankrupting themselves – or, in the case of General Michael Flynn, protective of family members Mueller has threatened to also break on the rack.

Last week, the long-awaited trial of Paul Manafort, who briefly served as a campaign aide for the president, began.  He's being charged with 31 violations of law, none of which has anything to do with Trump or the campaign's supposed collusion with Russia.  The indictment charges tax fraud, bank fraud, and FBFA (reporting foreign bank accounts) violations.


{snip} much more here



Like York, I think the people at the FBI had two reasons for maintaining the information flow from Steele.  They were still looking to unseat the president, but as well, they were desperately trying to get any confirmation of the unverified charges in the dossier.  After all, the FBI regulations prohibit using unverified information to obtain a FISA court warrant, and even after the election, the FBI's people had none.


They still don't.


And they are still covering up their malfeasance and protecting their own. 

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/08/threecard_mueller.html#ixzz5NJaACKfY 


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