Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 6 minutes ago, DC Tom said: I'm not sure it changes your point anyway. I mean...let's face it, people are ONLY hearing anything now through their own confirmation bias. Nunberg's statement is proof to Democrats. You are telling this to a conspiracy theory nut! That's funny!
Deranged Rhino Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 1 minute ago, DC Tom said: Never admit a mistake. It's a sign of weakness. kitty. Okay, let me try a different tact: 1 minute ago, Logic said: At least you admit THAT! If Nunberg's statement is "proof to democrats" (even though we both just sat here and said he was a looney tune), then his statement is automatically "FAKE NEWS!" to the Pro-Trump crowd. That side is pretty good at sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" Better? (this is a joke, Logic - not serious) 1
Logic Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said: Okay, let me try a different tact: Better? (this is a joke, Logic - not serious) That's pretty good, actually. Never saw this pic before
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 3 minutes ago, DC Tom said: This whole issue has become nothing more than competing hearsay, and has been for a while. It's a load of horseshit, and has been nothing but since we decided "competing Senate memos" were evidentiary. Confirmation bias! 1
Deranged Rhino Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 Just now, Logic said: That's pretty good, actually. Never saw this pic before 1
boyst Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said: I was skeptical about them going after 44 and HRC directly for months. Lately I've started to change my stance on that. Trump is making it clear with his tweets that Obama is not going to be given a pass. Horowitz has been waiting four years to properly investigate Obama's Justice Department - and he's been hard at work for over a year collecting evidence. We'll have a clearer sense of who the real targets are going to be when the IG report hits. Rumors started yesterday that the IG report is going to be very bad for McCabe. His hands were in a lot of dirty Obama pies during his tenure. My position now is that 45 is going to bring them all down. There's no other reason for him to keep reminding folks about the Iran deal which was treasonous on numerous levels. Sessions is already investigating the Hezbollah network Obama allowed to grow inside the US as well as the handling of the email investigation as well as the Russian collusion narrative (which is really about the DNC and 44's administration much more so than it is about Trump's). The wheels are in motion. But it's going to take time. With all due respect, I just don't see it. I can't imagine anyone in the government that steadfast to basically rip apart America for the 8 years that !@#$ was president to make a point. I know Obama pissed people off but if there are people that pissed off against him than I truly fearthere is a whole lot more we don't know about the misdoings of Obama and his reign as chief assclown. It blows because I wanted to buy in to his hype like I did Bernie Sanders. And 5 minutes in to their dance you realize it's empty rhetoric and espousal of bull ****. Much like I thought Trump was until a month or so ago. The dude is ripping people apart and making things better. I only fear the pendulum swinging both ways fully and Trump over doing it.
Warren Zevon Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 2 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said: That photo's the highlight of this thread.
Deranged Rhino Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 4 minutes ago, DC Tom said: This whole issue has become nothing more than competing hearsay, and has been for a while. It's a load of horseshit, and has been nothing but since we decided "competing Senate memos" were evidentiary. (Agreed and this is not directed at you) This is why I made it clear from the start, weeks before either memo were dropped, that the memos aren't evidence alone. They're not the end, but the beginning. They're setting the stage for actual evidence to come out (by prompting a call for a full release of the FISA application for example). The memo was just meant to prepare the battlefield for the actual evidence to come.
Warren Zevon Posted March 5, 2018 Posted March 5, 2018 Nunberg doing another interview at 6 on MSNBC...
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Following the news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed him to appear before a grand jury, former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg had a spectacular media meltdown, appearing on multiple cable networks to dare the feds to arrest him and declare that Trump likely engaged in misconduct during the election. After calling into CNN (twice) and MSNBC, Nunberg called into New York City-based NY1 and bashed White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who on Monday downplayed Nunberg’s campaign role and said he has a “lack of knowledge” about its inner workings. “She’s a joke,” Nunberg rebutted. “Okay, fine, yeah, she’s unattractive, she’s a fat slob. But that’s unrelevant [sic]. The person she works for has a 30-percent approval rating.”
Deranged Rhino Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Who's surprised? Anyone? Anyone? (yet another confirmation of what's been laid out here for months) ************ It just keeps getting better: What's left out of all the coverage today on Nader? He's Bill Clinton's boy. The Clinton Foundation took in over $10m from the UAE while HRC was SecState. Mueller is not investigating what most people think he is. It's becoming more undeniable by the day now.
Deranged Rhino Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 *********************** She smells alcohol on his breath... but put him in front of a camera anyway. #JournalisticStandards
B-Man Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 (edited) 7 hours ago, Tiberius said: The President might be a traitor who is subverting our democracy and partisans don't cares. Never had a president this bad on so many levels. That's a non-partisan position 18 hours ago, LA Grant said: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... ahhhh. Ha. lolllll Hmmmm.................Still works. . Edited March 6, 2018 by B-Man
Warren Zevon Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Looks like this kitty wont stand up to Mueller after all 2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Mueller is not investigating what most people think he is. It's becoming more undeniable by the day now. 1
LA Grant Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 8 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Also correct to a degree. My stance on Mueller IS speculation and controversial at that. I fully admit that and am willing to be wrong on that front. But if my theory on Mueller holds water, then yes what you laid out is accurate. Mueller is needed to clear Trump publicly - which will then free the DOJ and Sessions to act on whatever Mueller did find on people like Manafort and Pap (both plants). I think the only thing holding water is your brain. Quote Remember. This is a massive scandal. It's the biggest scandal in the history of world politics, not just this country. It really is. The bolded part is correct, anyway, you silly, simple fool. An American president committing treason is the biggest scandal in US history, yeah. All you are doing is desperately grasping to the hope that you weren't wrong about the man. Probably because if you admit you were wrong about that, then you might have to wonder about what else you have been wrong about, and ... well, that just won't do, will it? Easier to just assume everyone else is wrong. That's probably it. I guess I'd like to know this — if Trump is secretly super-competent, capable of an Art of War feint, some high-level game of misdirection, why have we never seen that type of behavior from him in his previous 70 years of life on earth? Hmm! Maybe this all goes back even further... Also, why would he also be constantly spilling the beans on the big surprise reveal? Especially now, when the heat is on him, when it will look most like desperate nonsense? If he were secretly super competent, wouldn't it make more sense to just wait and then drop it all at once? Especially for a plan that's been years in the making? Seems like a strange strategy but I guess that's just to me, the dumb guy who can't see the four-dimensional chess game he's actually playing. Getting spanked daily by Brennan is all part of the plan, too? Just more "prepping the battlefield" for when everything reverses and Brennan is also taken down? Yeah it's all part of the plan, I'm sure. Only folks like yourself and this bot/person/bot can see the truuuuuuuth. Quote Sessions and Trump only get ONE CHANCE to bring it all down. Any misstep and everyone of the big fish swims free from the net. That's why there is so much theater going on. Sh*t, at this point, I'm feeling bad about laughing at you. This is getting to be genuinely sad. You're already giving your theory enough "outs" so that you can still believe it even after its fully confirmed you've been played like a fiddle since day one. It's the sunk-cost fallacy. You've spent so much time believing in this so hard, you'll just keep going in this direction, in spite of everything, rather than simply admit to yourself you have been suckered. Simple... but not easy. The depths of your delusions are sincerely depressing, but don't worry, I know how to deal with difficult feelings — I learned from Rhino! I'm going to start believing there is a Wizard of Oz capable of giving Rhino the self-awareness he so desperately lacks. Think about it. Why hasn't Mueller visited Kansas during the investigation? Because that's where the real investigation is. You guys are gonna flip when the Oz memo drops!
4merper4mer Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 12 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said: Okay, let me try a different tact: Better? (this is a joke, Logic - not serious) Spock is such an idiot douche bag.
TtownBillsFan Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 On 3/3/2018 at 8:50 AM, PearlHowardman said: The political event regarding Hillary Clinton was the Wikileaks disclosure that DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schulz was helping Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders. Why wouldn't Donald Trump take advantage of this disclosure? He was always calling Hillary Clinton "crooked" and saying that the election was rigged. Now he had Wikileaks proof. But for some reason Trump came out of nowhere with his ridiculous public statement asking Russia to release all the Hillary Clinton e-mail. Why would he do that? Why would he spend so little on his campaign, especially in the closing weeks? It was said in jest. Do you really not get that? (I'm thinking you do). He was saying something along the lines of 'Hillary is so haphazzard with her email security, and can't find the 60K+ emails she 'lost', and the 'Russians' were hacking her server....maybe the 'Russians' can help her find them? I'm pretty sure we all get the context of what he said. On 3/3/2018 at 4:56 PM, LA Grant said: There's compelling evidence to support this suspicion from a number of sources. Michael Wolff's book explored that possibility investigatively with primary sources & inside access. The free excerpt covers it, actually: I'd guess Fire & Fury is probably thoroughly dismissed on this board because Wolff is a flawed author, which — that's fine. I won't get into defending Wolff specifically; there are other sources to support the suspicion that Trump ran on a lark, which can be found through a little Googling. Point is, we can't be 100% sure, and it's always difficult to prove one's motives, so a suspicion is all we can reasonably have. The best evidence that Wolff's work is probably mostly true comes from the George Costanza Theory of Trump: everything he tweets is usually the exact opposite of reality. I also suspect that if Trump had successfully won his bid for the Bills, he wouldn't have ran, but who knows. I'm not sure what the point is, but if Trump ran on a 'lark', and beat out the white-woman-annointed-one, what does that say about that flawed candidate? She had the red-carpet rolled out for her by the MSM, and STILL lost in the generals. Heck, if not for the fixing of the primaries in your party, she would have likely lost there as well. Such a flawed candidate she was.
row_33 Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 Spock rules, those who think they are Spock are the IDBs.
SlimShady'sSpaceForce Posted March 6, 2018 Posted March 6, 2018 On 2/16/2018 at 9:24 PM, DC Tom said: As much as I keep reading about this indictment, and the outrage it's generating, I still see nothing more than "People pretending to be people they're not trolled gullible Americans on Facebook." This indictment is less an indictment of Russians than it is an indictment of an ignorant and indolent American public for literally being incapable of handling free speech on the internet. It's embarrassing. The end result of this is less "protecting American democracy" than it is ending it by admitting we're too incompetent to think for ourselves, and need a higher authority to sanction information for us. If there were a test to use the internet we'd all be better off. Lets start with Twitter. Question # 1 - if you often use the phrase Mr/Ms X is a total loser ... Access Denied
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