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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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2 minutes ago, thebug said:

I really don't care. I just know he's a lying, cheating, attention whore d-bag! 

Gotcha. What matters to you are your "feelings", not what is good for the country. Things are tending very well here and you don't like it?

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1 minute ago, Azalin said:


"What is most disturbing is that no one in the media appears to have reviewed the language of the dossier.  Whether the primary author is Steele or a Russian associate, the dossier is a mess, both in its content and in its style.

A former KGB spy who defected to the United States, Konstantin Preobrazhenky, did not feel qualified to assess the language of the dossier.  English is not his first language.  As to content, however, he told us, "There is no information in the dossier whatsoever.  It's just foolish speculation.  There are no references.  It is not an intelligence document of any kind.  I was laughing when I was reading it."




Not only that, there's this section too:


As the British Guardian observed in an article on Steele, "Cambridge had produced some of MI6's most talented cold war officials.  A few of them, it turned out – to great embarrassment – had secret second jobs with the KGB."  But this is a story for another day.



This is an important piece of background information most probably aren't aware of. It speaks directly to Steele's competence or susceptibility to fraud.


History shows that MI6 was the most heavily compromised "five eye" intelligence organization during the cold war. Several department heads turned out to be KGB double agents - career guys. Dozens of senior officers, even more agents were pilfering English (and by extension US) secrets to the KGB and undermining intelligence operations completely undetected for decades. It's one of the most successful penetration operations in IC history. 


Steele was not one of these double agents, that's not what I'm implying (for clarity). Steele's job when he was in Russia was run agents, meaning Russian nationals who turn spy. That's the difference between an intelligence officer and an agent (James Bond isn't a special agent in real life, he's an officer). He also trained other officers to work in Russia. He was a fine officer by all accounts, which is something  those who want to bolster the dossier's import almost always bring up as proof of the document's validity.


In reality, several of the officers he supervised and trained, and even more of his agents he ran, were in fact KGB and spying on Steele. In other words, the "master spy" was duped. This is how his cover was burned by his own people who were double agents, only after they had tapped him of everything of value. He can't go back there today because he's a known spy and he'd be killed if not arrested. That's why all his research for the memo was done remotely and, per his own admission, cannot be verified. 


This is a guy who worked for the most compromised intelligence organization in the history of the Cold War who has a history of being manipulated by Russian sources. Who's to say he wasn't manipulated again? 


Just a little factoid for everyone to consider. 

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6 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:

Interesting read, I have my own idea about who authored the early portions of the dossier (Nellie Ohr and Simpson himself), but later memos that compile the dossier I can see being constructed this way:



So it was Tibs that wrote the dossier for Steele. :o

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5 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


This is a guy who worked for the most compromised intelligence organization in the history of the Cold War who has a history of being manipulated by Russian sources. Who's to say he wasn't manipulated again? 


Just a little factoid for everyone to consider. 


I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that you dismissed this theory a few weeks back.  

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4 hours ago, GG said:


I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that you dismissed this theory a few weeks back.  


You would be. :beer:


For clarity, though, we were conflating two points in that conversation.


The conversation you're referencing was the discussion about the timeline of dossier's origin and the first FISA in October. The desire to create the dossier was wholly a CYA act by elements within the leadership of the DOJ/FBI/DNC to cover for their 702 abuses which Rogers caught in April. As you're aware, the dossier is a collection of memos written over a few months. Steele added memos through January to the dossier - but those came after the first FISA approval in October. The Russian collusion/hacking narrative did not exist until June 15th, 2016 - the day Steele was hired and when CrowdStrike's fake Guciffer 2.0 persona came online. The first memo was written and submitted just 5 days later, on June 20th. That first memo had no direct Putin fingerprints - if Steele was manipulated by anyone during this time it was the FBI, DOJ, and USIC. Nothing submitted in the first FISA application had any direct Putin influence either - there wasn't time for them to get involved at that point. There wasn't even time for Steele to write it himself. Hence my belief that first memo (at least) was really authored by Ohr and Steele. 


It wasn't until October 16th - after Steele had been outed by the press for shopping to dossier, and after the first FISA had been approved - that Putin or his cronies had opportunity to really throw disinfo at him. 


I clarified this a few weeks ago:


On 2/9/2018 at 2:10 PM, Deranged Rhino said:


Point 4 - is just trying to salvage Steele's import. She leaves out that Steele was burned in Russia and unable to return because of it. If "Russian sources" were feeding him information for the dossier, they KNEW he was a spy and (after October 16) knew he was building a case having to do with the election, thus giving Putin's IC plenty of motives and opportunity to feed bad intel which he could not, and has admitted he never verified. (GG this is your opportunity for Putin to have contributed to later drafts after the first FISA)


Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Mueller Still Relying on Discredited Steele Dossier

by Paul Sperry


Special Counsel Robert Mueller is continuing to use a controversial 35-page dossier financed by the Democratic National Committee and the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign as a "road map” for investigative leads, sources familiar with his investigation say.


Mueller’s team has also used information gleaned from surveillance court-approved wiretaps on former Trump adviser Carter Page that were secured by citing material in the dossier, the sources say.


And a detail previously reported last fall – that Mueller’s investigators traveled overseas last year to debrief the dossier’s London-based author, Christopher Steele, a former British spy – takes on a new cast with the disclosure this month that FBI agents abruptly stopped using Steele as an informant in late 2016 after concluding that he had lied to them.


“The FBI’s reliance on Steele’s past credibility was misplaced, since he concealed from the FBI unauthorized media contacts with numerous outlets and his anti-Trump bias,” according to an addendum to the so-called FISA memo released Feb. 2 by the Republican majority on the House Intelligence Committee.




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2 hours ago, TPS said:


"In other words, Hamilton 68 won’t let anyone review their dashboard to determine in any way if they’re tracking actual Russian propaganda bots, or just conservative Americans who, for instance, care about FISA abuse. Yet Hamilton 68’s claims are repeated uncritically by a media that asks no questions about the methodology."

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On 2/21/2018 at 3:17 PM, Tiberius said:

The Trump tower meeting is evidence of collusion



the Daily Caller is such a sh it propaganda garbage outfit. 

No, no it's not.  It never has been.  It NEVER WILL BE.  


Let's say, at worst, someone in Trump's campaign wanted to get the dirt that some Russian had to offer.  Even then, that's NOT COLLUSION TO UNDERMINE THE ELECTION.  It's the same opposition collection that all sides do.  I know you're smart enough to understand this.  Why do you continue this falsehood?

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11 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


I have thoughts... but I got sidetracked today. 


Here's the indictment if people haven't linked to it already. It's worth reading, for the comedy sake of how !@#$ing stupid Manafort is :lol: 





Clear evidence of collusion...


Oh wait, I see a guy who !@#$ed around trying to hide his income and fraudulently receive loans, rather than hiding the source of the income and paying his !@#$ing taxes.

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3 minutes ago, Koko78 said:


Clear evidence of collusion...


Oh wait, I see a guy who !@#$ed around trying to hide his income and fraudulently receive loans, rather than hiding the source of the income and paying his !@#$ing taxes.


He was always a plant. There's no doubt about it in my mind. 


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57 minutes ago, TtownBillsFan said:

No, no it's not.  It never has been.  It NEVER WILL BE.  


Let's say, at worst, someone in Trump's campaign wanted to get the dirt that some Russian had to offer.  Even then, that's NOT COLLUSION TO UNDERMINE THE ELECTION.  It's the same opposition collection that all sides do.  I know you're smart enough to understand this.  Why do you continue this falsehood?

You haven't been around long enough to understand that no, he isn't. He's the dumbest !@#$ on this board but I'd venture to say that (that) title could extend much, much further. 

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2 hours ago, 3rdnlng said:

You haven't been around long enough to understand that no, he isn't. He's the dumbest !@#$ on this board but I'd venture to say that (that) title could extend much, much further. 

Fair enough, I haven't.  But he's not a complete and utter moron, regardless that crap he espouses.  He is, though, smart enough to get it.  I really think he is.  I think it's by choice that he ignores truth.  I can only imagine if I were finding out that my side was this evil;  if it were the conservatives that controlled the MSM, and were just straight-up lying because they could.  I'd be angry as all get-out.

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