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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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2 hours ago, Deranged Rhino said:


She's shaking, scared out of her mind, and repeatedly calles Devin Dennis while also taking shots at Chris C. :lol: 



Remember, she HAS NEVER READ THE MEMO HERSELF. Yet she's speaking definitively about it.


Funny.  Just like Obamacrap. 

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This is potentially check-mate if true. If Bill Priestap has flipped (or flipped months ago), that's GAME OVER for this whole network.


He's head of counterintelligence for the FBI. He knows EVERYTHING. 


According to Catherine Herridge, after Chairman Nunes personally took FBI Director Christopher Wray to view the “Intel Memo” on Sunday night, and prior to the House Intel Committee vote to release the memo Monday evening, FBI Director Christopher Wray sent a Main Justice official and a “counterintelligence official” to view the content.




If Director Wray sent FBI Director of Counterintelligence Bill Priestap to the House SCIF to review the content, and Bill Priestap said he “could not point to any factual inaccuracies”, then it is virtually certain that Priestap is cooperating (ie. flipped).





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6 hours ago, B-Man said:

So, the Clinton email scandal may still be in play?  She may still wear orange as a result of all of this?


We all know, the left included, that she SHOULD be in trouble.  It's without question she broke the law:  for-eyes-only and other similarly classified info was clearly mis-handled.  Are they finally going to get a Clinton for breaking the law?  They have broken so many, but are they actually going to have to face the crime now, and not be let off the hook yet again?!

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LOL, at least the guy answering the ludicrous question didn't answer yes.  "strange times" though, as you hear in the clip.  Strange times indeed.  Wow, watching the rest of it, PMSNBC is so far off the rails, I'm wondering if they ever had any to begin with.  I remember when CNN came online, but don't really recall when MSNBC came into being.  Were they ever a news source, and not just a left-wing hackery?


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Good to see some Republicans standing up for the rule of law. 


Republicans say President Trump would be making a big mistake in firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

The Justice Department’s No. 2 official has been in the president’s crosshairs since appointing special counsel Robert Mueller to lead the agency’s Russia investigation.


He’s the only official who could fire Mueller given Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to recuse himself from Russia-related matters.

Some Republicans are now worried that a soon-to-be-released memo from GOP staff on the House Intelligence Committee could hand Trump more ammunition to fire Rosenstein — a move they fear would boomerang on the White House and Republicans running for reelection in the House and Senate.

Removing Rosenstein “raises more flags than it dismisses,” said Rep. Mark Sanford (S.C.), one of several Republicans who told The Hill on the record that Trump should not fire the deputy attorney general.

Ousting Rosenstein would only make Trump look guilty, according to Sanford.




Let the investigation run its course. If their was a conspiracy with the Russians, then put all involved in jail. If money laundering or any other illegal acts were committed, the American people need to know. And if there is trouble because of this all good Americans need to do their duty and suppress the elements that would rise up against the law. If its going to go down better soon than later 

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5 hours ago, TtownBillsFan said:

LOL, at least the guy answering the ludicrous question didn't answer yes.  "strange times" though, as you hear in the clip.  Strange times indeed.  Wow, watching the rest of it, PMSNBC is so far off the rails, I'm wondering if they ever had any to begin with.  I remember when CNN came online, but don't really recall when MSNBC came into being.  Were they ever a news source, and not just a left-wing hackery?



It's been my experience, both professionally and as a consumer, that anything NBC/Universal comes with lots and lots of bad baggage. 

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6 hours ago, TtownBillsFan said:

LOL, at least the guy answering the ludicrous question didn't answer yes.  "strange times" though, as you hear in the clip.  Strange times indeed.  Wow, watching the rest of it, PMSNBC is so far off the rails, I'm wondering if they ever had any to begin with.  I remember when CNN came online, but don't really recall when MSNBC came into being.  Were they ever a news source, and not just a left-wing hackery?



no we are not mults, maybe separated at birth


the first cut is the deepest, baby i know...

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Good job Rod! Boy, this sure seems like a pattern. The question remains, what is Trump so desperate to hide? 




President Trump asked Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in December if he was “on my team,” CNN reported Wednesday. Rosenstein originally visited the White House to ask for “Trump’s support in fighting off document demands from House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes.” According to sources, Rosenstein was surprised by Trump’s question, and reportedly responded: “Of course, we’re all on your team, Mr. President.” The Department of Justice and the White House declined to comment on the incident. This comes after Trump also reportedly asked former FBI director James Comey, soon-to-be-former deputy FBI chief Andrew McCabe, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions about their loyalty to him.


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1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:

I'm staggered by the irony and audacity of this tweet. 



Enjoy what's coming for you, Jim. You deserve every bit of it.


You're forgetting one important thing: history is written by the winners.

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