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DOJ Appoints Robert Mueller as Special Counsel - Jerome Corsi Rejects Plea Deal

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Yeah, and I'd bet they will be process charges, because after interviewing somebody 10 times, one thing they said changed, and that's "perjury".


CNN had better watch itself. They haven't done so well with getting stories right, for years now.


And finally, what interesting timing. The day after Mueller's reason for existence as Special Counsel gets destroyed, after nearly a year of nothing, charges get filed. What a coincidence! :rolleyes: They are going to file whatever they can, as fast as they can, before Trump fires the lot of them. We'll see if any of it even makes it to trial, and isn't summarily dismissed.


EDIT: Discovery will be hilarious. I'd love to be the D lawyer of whoever is charged(if there even is somebody CNN), and simply object to each and every piece of evidence on the basis of Mueller's relationship with Comey, and on the fact that the lawyers working for Comey were all partisans, with some having worked for the Clinton campaign, who paid for the bogus dossier. Literally everything they...might, CNN...have is now "prejudicial".


That is probably going to be the best paid trolling job in history.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Snopes is a proven disinformation outlet. Look into who owns it.


I don't know all that much about them but I thought it was a Canadian couple and the wife was lefty and the dude was a republican. Again, I don't know a lot about them but also in general haven't seen a ton of stuff they said officially debunked, nor would I just assume they are right.


What I will say is like a lot of things recently, and Politifact, Townhall, the New York Times, Politico, WSJ, National Review, and all sorts of outlets from both sides are automatically assumed to be wrong. Because a tiny portion of their reporting was proven to be false. But 95%of what all of them actually do is not false. The Times has a blatant bias and at times in the last couple years has been, well, deplorable. But 95% of their articles are not.


Sure, argue about the numbers. thats not the point and it doesn't matter. The point is that no one is looking at the media as being true and most of the times it is. I'm not at all talking about opinion pieces. That's grossly leftist and not intended to be true. It's opinion. There is an undeniable left lean to the mainstream media. I would say 80%. Bit that doesn't mean 80% of the reporting is untrue. And yet that is how it is processed by people these days. Both sides are equally to blame. This isn't a political stance. Lefties don't believe most of what comes out of right wing blogs the smart way pinko fags don't believe right wing blogs.

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I don't know all that much about them but I thought it was a Canadian couple and the wife was lefty and the dude was a republican. Again, I don't know a lot about them but also in general haven't seen a ton of stuff they said officially debunked, nor would I just assume they are right.


What I will say is like a lot of things recently, and Politifact, Townhall, the New York Times, Politico, WSJ, National Review, and all sorts of outlets from both sides are automatically assumed to be wrong. Because a tiny portion of their reporting was proven to be false. But 95%of what all of them actually do is not false. The Times has a blatant bias and at times in the last couple years has been, well, deplorable. But 95% of their articles are not.


Sure, argue about the numbers. thats not the point and it doesn't matter. The point is that no one is looking at the media as being true and most of the times it is. I'm not at all talking about opinion pieces. That's grossly leftist and not intended to be true. It's opinion. There is an undeniable left lean to the mainstream media. I would say 80%. Bit that doesn't mean 80% of the reporting is untrue. And yet that is how it is processed by people these days. Both sides are equally to blame. This isn't a political stance. Lefties don't believe most of what comes out of right wing blogs the smart way pinko fags don't believe right wing blogs.

gonread some of the non-debatable information. Tell me it's not bias.
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I don't know all that much about them but I thought it was a Canadian couple and the wife was lefty and the dude was a republican. Again, I don't know a lot about them but also in general haven't seen a ton of stuff they said officially debunked, nor would I just assume they are right.

What I will say is like a lot of things recently, and Politifact, Townhall, the New York Times, Politico, WSJ, National Review, and all sorts of outlets from both sides are automatically assumed to be wrong. Because a tiny portion of their reporting was proven to be false. But 95%of what all of them actually do is not false. The Times has a blatant bias and at times in the last couple years has been, well, deplorable. But 95% of their articles are not.

Sure, argue about the numbers. thats not the point and it doesn't matter. The point is that no one is looking at the media as being true and most of the times it is. I'm not at all talking about opinion pieces. That's grossly leftist and not intended to be true. It's opinion. There is an undeniable left lean to the mainstream media. I would say 80%. Bit that doesn't mean 80% of the reporting is untrue. And yet that is how it is processed by people these days. Both sides are equally to blame. This isn't a political stance. Lefties don't believe most of what comes out of right wing blogs the smart way pinko fags don't believe right wing blogs.

The 2012 NDAA legalized the use of propaganda domestically by the state department and the USIC. Political bias doesn't bother me in reporting all that much because it usually doesn't tip the scale towards outright fabrication of news stories as you said, and it's easy to spot. Most people these days get around the bias by choosing their own news sources that don't threaten their political views. I do believe that is dangerous, but it's not what concerns me most.


What does concern me, what is tougher to spot because it plays both sides, is the deliberate disinformation campaigns being waged against us by our own government and intelligence community. The Russian story is example number one of this. This story has never been about democrats or republicans - not really - it's always been about the USIC trying to dictate foreign policy agendas to the legislative and executive branches of govnment in violation of the constitution. They are using political divisive language to do so, but it's on both sides of the news spectrum.


That's what alarms me. And no one is talking about it because they have us all too busy fighting with each other ove political talking points that don't matter one way or the other in the grand scheme of things.

Edited by Deranged Rhino
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Yeah, and I'd bet they will be process charges, because after interviewing somebody 10 times, one thing they said changed, and that's "perjury".


CNN had better watch itself. They haven't done so well with getting stories right, for years now.


And finally, what interesting timing. The day after Mueller's reason for existence as Special Counsel gets destroyed, after nearly a year of nothing, charges get filed. What a coincidence! :rolleyes: They are going to file whatever they can, as fast as they can, before Trump fires the lot of them. We'll see if any of it even makes it to trial, and isn't summarily dismissed.


EDIT: Discovery will be hilarious. I'd love to be the D lawyer of whoever is charged(if there even is somebody CNN), and simply object to each and every piece of evidence on the basis of Mueller's relationship with Comey, and on the fact that the lawyers working for Comey were all partisans, with some having worked for the Clinton campaign, who paid for the bogus dossier. Literally everything they...might, CNN...have is now "prejudicial".


That is probably going to be the best paid trolling job in history.


Could be process charges or it could be something more serious if it's Manafort or Flynn.

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Yeah, and I'd bet they will be process charges, because after interviewing somebody 10 times, one thing they said changed, and that's "perjury".


CNN had better watch itself. They haven't done so well with getting stories right, for years now.


And finally, what interesting timing. The day after Mueller's reason for existence as Special Counsel gets destroyed, after nearly a year of nothing, charges get filed. What a coincidence! :rolleyes: They are going to file whatever they can, as fast as they can, before Trump fires the lot of them. We'll see if any of it even makes it to trial, and isn't summarily dismissed.


EDIT: Discovery will be hilarious. I'd love to be the D lawyer of whoever is charged(if there even is somebody CNN), and simply object to each and every piece of evidence on the basis of Mueller's relationship with Comey, and on the fact that the lawyers working for Comey were all partisans, with some having worked for the Clinton campaign, who paid for the bogus dossier. Literally everything they...might, CNN...have is now "prejudicial".


That is probably going to be the best paid trolling job in history.

It could be that or the Trump administration and his sycophants at Fox New knew Mueller was about to file charges so they tried to a character assassination on him by trying to discredit the Trump dossier. When Fox went after the old uranium story with force this week against Hillary I had a feeling Mueller was about to act. That's just a guess though as everything is speculation at this point because we have no clue what's going on behind the scenes.

Edited by Doc Brown
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Could be process charges or it could be something more serious if it's Manafort or Flynn.


If it's Flynn, which would surprise me, then it's real bad news for Trump.


If it's Manafort - which would not surprise me - then it's still 50/50 which way this thing is really going to swing.


imo of course.


It could be that or the Trump administration and his sycophants at Fox New knew Mueller was about to file charges so they tried to a character assassination on him by trying to discredit the Trump dossier. When Fox went after the old uranium story with force this week against Hillary I had a feeling Mueller was about to act. That's just a guess though as everything is speculation at this point because we have no clue what's going on behind the scenes.



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First, special counsel Robert Mueller will never be able to untangle the tangled webs with any credibility and needs to step aside.

Mueller, whose office is apparently leaking the “secret” news that a grand jury has approved charges against an unidentified defendant, assumed his role with one big conflict, his relationship with his successor at the FBI, James Comey. That conflict has morphed into several more that are fixable only by resignation.

That became obvious last week when events showed that any honest probe must examine the Obama White House and Justice Department. Mueller served as head of the FBI for more than four years under President Obama and cannot be expected to investigate his former colleagues and bosses.

But without that necessary step, his work would be incomplete at best. So it’s time for him to say ­bye-bye.

The second thing we know for certain is that Hillary Clinton had a worse week than Mueller. Much worse.


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1-2-3, who's it gonna be?


Manafort is the obvious one. The FBI already raided his place. He is so corrupted and compromised by Russian money that if it isn't him now it will be him later


Mike Flynn? Could be. Says he has a story to tell and he seems to have left a money trail around Putin and Turkey. He also lied on security forms.


Jared Kushner? This would be interesting. He was trying to establish a back channel to the Kremlin, was in need of money and in contact with a Kremlin run "bank"


The President? Interesting. He obviously committed a crime in obstructing justice, but cannot be indicted. This sealed indictment could remain sealed until he is no longer president.


Someone else? Could be they are working their way up the food chain and the indictment could just be some low level schmuck they want to squeeze to get at the people mentioned above.


The Tiberius Free Press attempted to reach each of the above for comment. No replies were received B-)

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That didn't take long!



Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his former business partner Rick Gates will turn themselves in on charges stemming from Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation into possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 election, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The precise charges the men face were not immediately clear. Gates did not respond to a request for comment, nor did Jason Maloni, a spokesman for Manafort.



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I'm guessing that people are going to be giddy that a months long probe into Russian collusion has delivered a tax fraud conviction?



Manafort spent $934,350 at an antique rug store in Alexandria, per indictment.




In his defense..........it really did tie the room together........... :lol:




Ah, libs.............you have to love the desperation.

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Roger Stone's Twitter account has been suspended.

The suspension appeared to come after the former adviser to President Trump's election campaign went on a tirade on the social media site Friday, taking aim at CNN, particularly "CNN Tonight" anchor Don Lemon and "The Lead" anchor Jake Tapper.

In the profanity-laced tirade, Stone called certain employees of the network "human excrement" and accused them of spreading lies, according to copies of the tweets posted online by Mediaite.



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There is more:


One of President Trump's former advisers from his presidential campaign has pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents investigating allegations of collusion between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russian government, the Department of Justice (DOJ) said Monday .

George Papadopolous, the 30-year-old foreign policy adviser, pleaded guilty earlier this month, according to court filings unsealed on Monday. The DOJ unsealed the documents shortly after it announced chargesagainst two other higher-ranking, Trump campaign officials — Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.

Prosecutors charged Papadopolous with lying to investigators about his conversations with a foreign professor who told him that Russians had thousands of emails containing "dirt" on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

The Trump aide allegedly told the FBI that those conversations happened before he joined the campaign, statements rebutted by the Justice Department's timeline.

--This breaking news report will be updated.



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